i'm 14.
yeah, i know young.
I've never had a girlfriend until now.
i feel all special and stuff inside.
me being the shy bastard i am, asked her out over IM.
we've been friends for like.. a year now?
I've always liked her and she knew it.
so, yesterday, this happens...
yoohoopants: will you be my girlfrann?
yoohoopants: ugh
yoohoopants: blush blush blush
loIdinosaurs: Wil there be sex? :O
yoohoopants: sure if you want
yoohoopants: has to be protected though
loIdinosaurs: lololol
yoohoopants: dun want no babies
loIdinosaurs: xD
loIdinosaurs: I like babies!
yoohoopants: but not when you dun got a job
loIdinosaurs: Get a job you lazy bastard! D:
yoohoopants: I CAN'T
yoohoopants: i am lame and dumb
loIdinosaurs: LIES
yoohoopants: fine
yoohoopants: but for real
yoohoopants: posed to say: of course jacob
loIdinosaurs: Devin is gonna kill both of us
yoohoopants: idk
yoohoopants: *c
loIdinosaurs: But sure we can give it a shot
yoohoopants: yay
btw, devin is her ex who hates my guts.
but now. i am so confused.
what do I do? I mean, i just hang out with her at school and we're supposed to be seeing Dark Knight later today, I think. Might not though. idk. Depends on what she says.
I mean, i know the regular rules.
like, be nice.
don't crowd her.
stuff like that.
problem is.
she's nice on IM and stuff.
but today after school she like.. ignored me. I was standing there talking to someone else and then i just shut up and stood there for a while. She left without saying bye or anything.
maybe i have a messed view of how it's supposed to be.
give me advice.
what do you do with a girlfriend in 9th grade?
and no, i can't drive.