Well, in one case it was just a song of a band I didn't really know, but the other was a full fledge love of a band.
1.) Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones on Twisted Metal: Black
~awesome game, awesome theme song
~oh, and I loved the soundtracks of all the other twisted metal games as well (especially the tracks that the characters speak, SO funny)... so I suppose I fell in love with Rob Zombie's work because of that game as well... I remember watching the Matrix when I was 11 saying during the club scene... "Oh, oh! That song is on twisted metal!!" Good times.
2.) Freezepop ala GH I and II
~Heard Get Ready 2 Rokk on the first game, thought it was pretty sweet. Then heard Less Talk More Rokk on the second and basically said, "Ok, that's it, time to find out more about them... which lead me to Stake-out, Science Genius Girl, and Parlez vous Freezepop. Oh yeah...