I think I understand what you mean. I don't hate QC by any stretch of the imagination, but I can be very frustrated at it, like I used to get at soaps when I watched them, and I do find myself hating the main characters more often than not. Like, I pretty much want to slap the stupid out of Dora 99% of the time, and I went for the LONGEST disliking both Raven and Hannelore (now I'm at the point where I am resigned to them, and they have their good moments sometimes). Marten is fine, too plain for me to get riled up about one way or the other, and though I love both Faye and Sven they both irk me quite frequently too.
With me, the individual strips/punchlines can be hit or miss, but I stick around for the fun and always-improving art, the overall story, the occasional "lol" strip, and seeing wtf happens to these stupid people that I've become interested in.
(woah, so totally did not mean to write a novel titled "O HAI, HERE'S WHAT I THINK TL;DR")