Man, the first time I watched The Notebook, I couldn't understand why everyone loved it, but I rewatched it tonight after, oddly enough, having read a lot about it in various places the last week or so, and God, I'm a wreck. There have most definitely been other, sadder movies that haven't made me cry, but for some reason, I was bawling by the last part of it.. It also made me think about how I've actually (if I'm lucky, that is) lived about a quarter of my life, although I'm not quite sure why, and most of it has been extraordinarily boring.
After giving it some thought, I think I tend to cry during very, well, a lot movies. It's sort of weird that I'm such a big movie/TV crier, because apparently, I don't show a lot of emotion otherwise, which again makes it more embarrassing when I actually start crying over nothing in movies/on TV, but sometimes it's just impossible not to.