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Author Topic: Max Payne: The Movie  (Read 22061 times)


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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #50 on: 17 Oct 2008, 17:21 »

But cool visuals do not make a film (as anyone who saw 300 can attest to),

Tell that to early German Expressionism or French avante-garde!!! *sniff* I beg to differ, cool visuals may not make a great movie, and certainly movies like Le Chien de Andalou may be a movie that everyone gets or understands, but at least 300 had a plot. Sorry, I feel like arguing over little things today, I'm researching boring stuff at internship.

Well I can certainly appreciate the importance of impressive visuals, and I'm happy for a film to be bereft of plot or character development if said visuals have some significance beyond just "looking cool." I just didn't enjoy 300 at all, despite some very impressive visual moments (the tree of bodies, the ships crashing against the shore, and I'm sure some other moments were breathtaking on the big screen). I will accept it tried to have a plot etc, it just wasn't one that worked for me  :-)
« Last Edit: 17 Oct 2008, 19:36 by AanAllein »


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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #51 on: 17 Oct 2008, 18:18 »

Takashi Miike's Big Bang Love Juvenile A was pretty wild, that's for sure. 
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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #52 on: 18 Oct 2008, 06:30 »

So can we say that this is one of the best video-game adaptations, or is this still beaten by the likes of Mortal Kombat, DOA, Doom and Hitman?  XDDD


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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #53 on: 18 Oct 2008, 06:43 »

XD extreme.

... Someone answer my question?

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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #54 on: 18 Oct 2008, 09:21 »

Well, I liked Mortal Kombat and I thought Hitman was actually pretty decent, however (and Storm Rider and Johnny C can attest to this) I am an awful person and my opinions might not count for much. I'll let you know if it's on par with those films though.
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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #55 on: 18 Oct 2008, 15:31 »

Just saw it.  I wanted to walk out in the first 20 minutes because I had already figured out the entire movie, there were no twists that I didn't see coming and there was nothing storywise that kept me interested.  I never played the games myself but a bad story in a game can be forgiven if the gameplay is amazing.  In a movie, especially an action movie, a bad story can be ignored if the action sequences make up for them.  I spent most of the movie itching for a good gunfight, by the time the credits rolled I was still waiting for something....anything.  There is absolutely nothing in this movie that makes it worth seeing, except for the style.  Unfortunately, I have seen Sin City and I'm kind of looking forward to The Spirit, both of which have much more than just style going for them.  Max Payne was just pretty to look at....and even then it was only pretty sometimes.

Mark Wahlberg was not good.  He's playing the same character he's been in every movie and with Max Payne his grimace just doesn't cut it anymore.  Oh...he also never smiles, ever...but that's hardly worth commending.  The way he acted I still have absolutely no idea who Max is.  You are never really given a chance to enter his head and his backstory is brought up time and time again as if we've forgotten. Ludacris....I have to say he was slightly enjoyable to watch even though he never really does much.

Alright, so it's worse than Hitman, worse than Mortal Kombat.  The real question I've been asking myself is: Is it worse than Dungeon Siege?  Or Alone in the Dark?  I would have to say that it's just as bad as either of them.


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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #56 on: 18 Oct 2008, 17:21 »

Mark Wahlberg was not good.  He's playing the same character he's been in every movie

Really? I would pay good money to see him play Max Payne in the manner of his character from I Heart Huckabees.


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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #57 on: 18 Oct 2008, 17:42 »

Yeah he really doesn't pull off the character that well, but suggesting Mark Wahlberg doesn't have depth in his acting resumé is a little ill-informed; his characters from Boogie Nights, The Departed and even trash like The Italian Job "remake" are hardly identical. But I agree that the role feels kind of phoned-in, which is a shame. He still has the charisma to make him vaguely interesting to watch but does feel a little out of place. Whoever in the thread suggested Joe Hamm as a better Max Payne read my mind...first thing I thought when I started watching Mad Men.


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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #58 on: 18 Oct 2008, 20:11 »

lol I'd probably forgive the lack of fresh plot twists because most of us who've played the game pretty much know the plot back to front...

I wonder whether this film is going to fail financially.


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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #59 on: 18 Oct 2008, 21:24 »

i am thinking it will not fail financially


Max Payne (Fox) has successfully made the, often-times treacherous jump, from video game to the big screen grabbing an estimated $6.75M on its opening day. That will mean a likely $18.5M opening weekend, which is decent news for Mark Wahlberg and Fox.

I received advance word from a couple of reputable critics that Max Payne is not very good (one called it Max Payne-ful), and, as it turns out, Fox was smart to embargo reviews until today. The 16% Fresh score on Rotten Tomatoes does not bode well for word-of-mouth, but the movie will manage the 6th-best opening for a video game movie franchise and the all-time #9 opening for any video game adaptation.


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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #60 on: 19 Oct 2008, 05:21 »

Har har teh Pokemans!

That makes Max Payne pretty much the 4th/5th successful franchise for openings, although they were right: it will probably hold up well considering it's not really a franchise with only 2 games out.

In contrast to the other ones on that list. Don't get me started on the number and variety of games that Pokemon (OMG NEWZOARS POKEMON RGB NOW WITH SPRITES 9999999.0) and Resident Evil have. In hindsight, the Max Payne label actually is quite small compared to the big fat names out there. I'm not surprised by the Resident Evil and Tomb Raider profits. Silent Hill I thought was always kinda crappy (the movie, not the games. The games are friggin awesome), and I'd always loved Mortal Kombat for it's kitschness.

In comparison, I suppose Max Payne would be one of the more faithful adaptations? I'm not sure.


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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #61 on: 19 Oct 2008, 05:36 »

Har har teh Pokemans!

That makes Max Payne pretty much the 4th/5th successful franchise for openings, although they were right: it will probably hold up well considering it's not really a franchise with only 2 games out.

In contrast to the other ones on that list. Don't get me started on the number and variety of games that Pokemon (OMG NEWZOARS POKEMON RGB NOW WITH SPRITES 9999999.0) and Resident Evil have. In hindsight, the Max Payne label actually is quite small compared to the big fat names out there. I'm not surprised by the Resident Evil and Tomb Raider profits. Silent Hill I thought was always kinda crappy (the movie, not the games. The games are friggin awesome), and I'd always loved Mortal Kombat for it's kitschness.

In comparison, I suppose Max Payne would be one of the more faithful adaptations? I'm not sure.

Well the screenwriter was clearly pretty familiar with the games. There's a lot of characters fairly faithfully taken from the game, and even little fan-service moments like "Gognitti's Self-Storage." But as I said in my earlier post, I think that's one of the problems - too much density in terms of plot/characters that would be much better served by a minimalist approach. Or at least, treat it more like a noir film where you don't really expect to understand what's going on with all the characters, but appreciate that the red herrings keep you interested.

Certainly I can't think of a more faithful game-to-movie adaptation of the top of my head, although the game is cinematic enough to make for a much easier adaptation than, say, Super Mario Brothers...


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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #62 on: 19 Oct 2008, 13:09 »

Saw it today, didn't really think much of it. It wasn't a bad movie I guess, but it didn't stand out for me in any way whatsoever. Very little to distinguish itself from other movies vaguely similar.
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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #63 on: 20 Oct 2008, 17:17 »

I probably won't see this in theaters so can someone, with sufficient spoiler alerts, explain what the damn flying demons are?!
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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #64 on: 20 Oct 2008, 17:38 »

Seeing it tonight. I was never expecting it to be very good, but the way people are talking about it makes it seem like it's going to be hard to enjoy it for it's badness as well. This could be a mistake.
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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #65 on: 20 Oct 2008, 20:15 »

I probably won't see this in theaters so can someone, with sufficient spoiler alerts, explain what the damn flying demons are?!




Basically V in the film works one of two ways: way one, you think you have angels protecting you, you are invincible, you can tear shit up etcetera. Way two is far more common, where you see scary demonic things that you think will tear you apart. You see them at a few stages in the film; a couple early moments with junkies dying has them scared of the demonic things right before they die (but for normal reasons, like being hit by a train or hacked up by a homicidal soldier). The guy seen pulled backward in the trailer by one is, in the film, throwing himself out of the window because the drug made him crazy. Towards the end of the film Max hits some V and sees a whole lot of demons flocking about with flames, brimstone and so forth.

no more spoooooilers


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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #66 on: 20 Oct 2008, 23:19 »

The V representation in the game wasn't so strong, but Max Payne referred to his stamina as being "Superman on kryptonite".

Basically, for those who can follow me, V is pretty much a definite dissociative hallucinogen with PCP-like effects. Max Payne broke out into a cryptic nightmare when he was forcibly OD'd in the game. Scary level. Go play it.


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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #67 on: 21 Oct 2008, 00:32 »

The V representation in the game wasn't so strong, but Max Payne referred to his stamina as being "Superman on kryptonite".

Basically, for those who can follow me, V is pretty much a definite dissociative hallucinogen with PCP-like effects. Max Payne broke out into a cryptic nightmare when he was forcibly OD'd in the game. Scary level. Go play it.

Yeah, I kinda missed they didn't capture any of that kinda of freaky imagery (or that in the dream sequence, though I could do without the thin red line maze certainly..) in the film. Another missed opportunity!

I should stop posting in this thread, it is making me aware of how good this movie could have been, and that makes me sad.


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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #68 on: 21 Oct 2008, 01:38 »

Wait, so did they have a dream sequence in the movie?

Every Max Payne installment has to have one of those =P

Jimmy the Squid

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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #69 on: 21 Oct 2008, 06:06 »

I would like to preface this with a few comments. I legitimitely enjoy the work of Paul W.S. Anderson (director of Mortal Kombat, Event Horizon, writer/director of Resident Evil and Alien vs Predator 1). I laughed and clapped my hands through every minute of Alien vs Predator: Requiem. I own the first and second seasons of Roswell on DVD. I loved Daredevil and I thought that both Fantastic Four movies were at the very least Pretty Good. Basically what I am saying is that I love terrible things.

I saw Max Payne earlier tonight and, having never played the games, I didn't really know what to expect aside from an angry cop/ex-cop who shoots people while diving past doorways in slow motion. This movie was, for lack of a better word, totally and utterly cunting awful. It is as if the people who made this film looked at all the great films of history and made a concious decision to go the other way. The special effects were good and I kind of liked what they were doing with the whole Valkyrie thing but everything was way too obvious and poorly though out. I'm glad I saw this film on Tight Arse Tuesday because I would not spend $13 on this awful awful film. Fuck you hollywood. I could have spent those 100 minutes playing xbox and eating noodles.
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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #70 on: 21 Oct 2008, 10:08 »

Yeah I kinda wished I had just stayed home and leveled my druid some more.
Yeah, I mean, "I won't kill and eat you if you won't kill and eat me" is typically a ground rule for social groups.

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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #71 on: 21 Oct 2008, 12:13 »

This movie fucking sucked. I walked out completely disappointed and was only consoled by a really tall guy outside who said "That was Max Retarded." and then the night wasnt a total failure.
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Re: Max Payne: The Movie
« Reply #72 on: 24 Oct 2008, 02:09 »



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[22:06] Shane: and she was wicked just...lay there
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