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Author Topic: Sven and Faye's "relationship"  (Read 66420 times)


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #50 on: 09 Dec 2008, 14:38 »

i would really like faye and sven to be together. they seem like such a good couple/ but with faye's personality and attitude, i guess she wouldn't want to be in a relationship with him. so they're only friends with benefits? doesn't work out if theres personal feelings. but i guess there ok for now. but remember before when faye was acting jealous? but yea, sven actually stepped up and seemed to show he likes her:

i really liked that part. so sweet. but i wonder how it would be if they were a couple though? would faye lose her flair? i don't know. i guess it all depends on what jeph does. but i really do hope they end up together in the end :wink:

I have to agree here, I remember getting annoyed when Dora kissed Martin, because I think that Faye really needs someone to love... And now there's Sven!


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #51 on: 09 Dec 2008, 15:25 »

Unfortunately, as much as I think Faye and Sven have the right chemistry to be together in a more serious sense - e.g. that he's sassy enough to not put up with her crap and she's just expectant enough to require him to grow up - I do believe that this current itteration is going to go drama-tits-up.

Scenarios in order of my idea of likelihood:
1. Sven will fall in bed with the intern and Faye will walk in on them/find out immediately in some terribly akward way.  Faye will be terribly hurt and super angry and probably isolate herself somewhere to cry after storming off.  Sven may or may not feel really bad for hurting her - he will get a holocaust-bad chewing out by his sister.  He may realize that he a) likes her and made a stupid mistake, or b) is only her friend and has hurt her and made a terrible mistake, or c) is really an asshole the way she thinks he is, doesn't like or dislike her, and drop into self-pity and change, or d) shrug it off like a complete asshole.

2. Faye will crack and have the "talk" with him in an attempt to generate some safe distance.  She will angst about it, talk to her shrink and Dora about it, Dora may or may not be sympathetic but not the right way and Faye will turn to anger to deal with her discomfort.  This talk may even be precipitated by the intern - Faye has a habit of obsessing about small details and she may leave today and begin building up scenarios that piss her off - this might generate her need to put distance up.  I don't think Sven will react well to the distance thing, I think it will poke him in the ego and he'll retaliate by acting like a jerk - like he doesn't care or her distance is unimportant to him.  They'll both be bitter and somewhat angsty about it and will not want to talk about it to anyone - while the secretly fume and or think about it in off moments.

3. Least likely: Faye will get uncomfortable and crack and Sven really wont care about it.  Faye will be confused and hurt, especially if Sven picks up with someone quickly afterwards - like the intern - and will do some introspective work, probably will be sassy and awful to Sven in general, but it wont cause undue drama.

Either way, I don't think this friends with bennies situation is good for either of them - and I'm not a person with a grudge against friends with bennies - I just think that Sven's ego is too fragile, he cares too much about Faye as a person (she's not an object in his life, though he's trying hard to make her into one and may be succeeding), and Faye is too emotionally damaged to handle the perceived rejection/betrayal that the inevitable state change of friends with bennies brings up - that is, when Sven starts seeing someone else.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #52 on: 09 Dec 2008, 15:40 »

I reckon option number two seems like the most likely in my opinion.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #53 on: 09 Dec 2008, 17:33 »

I don't think Sven will react well to the distance thing, I think it will poke him in the ego and he'll retaliate by acting like a jerk - like he doesn't care or her distance is unimportant to him.  They'll both be bitter and somewhat angsty about it and will not want to talk about it to anyone - while the secretly fume and or think about it in off moments.

All I could think about as I read this was "S-stupid Faye... it's not like I like you or anything... ~tsundere~"

Clearly I've been on 4chan too long.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #54 on: 09 Dec 2008, 20:26 »

Sven will fall in bed with the intern and Faye will walk in on them/find out immediately in some terribly akward way.  Faye will be terribly hurt and super angry and probably isolate herself somewhere to cry after storming off.

Ah, the old "not what it looks like" plot twist? Sadly, the only thing I could think of when you mentioned that was the many shonen I've read over my life. Sooo many of the convoluted twists could easily be serviced with a small helping of Fridge Logic(, a slap, and a hearty yawp of "BITCH PLEASE!"(both genders too).

All I could think about as I read this was "S-stupid Faye... it's not like I like you or anything... ~tsundere~"



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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #55 on: 09 Dec 2008, 21:00 »

I don't know about y'all (did I really just type that?), but I'm waiting for what I call the breakdown.  The big moment when Faye gets fed up and tells Martin that she isn't in love with Sven at all, that they just fuck sometimes.  And then Martian tells her that he still and always loves her.  The smootching comming afterwards will result in Dora noticing and stuff.  I think that would make for some serious QC drama, as well as hold potential for some seriously funny punchlines with Pintsize.

But that just happens to be what I want to happen.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #56 on: 10 Dec 2008, 19:22 »

Sven is not going to fuck the intern, she's not remotely attractive to him (Steven should meet her, though- but I think she's probably lesbian and should hook up with Tai).
Faye doesn't need to have "the talk" with Sven; Marten shared "the talk" with Dora and Dora already told Sven about it, so everybody in that circle of friends has implicitly heard "the talk". Besides, why would she have "the talk" with him? she already fucked him (and continues to do so)! "The talk" was Faye's proverbial "it's not you, it's me" blow off to Marten, nothing else. She told Dora she had feelings for Marten, but what were those feelings? In my opinion, she said that just to fuck Dora's mind. She knew Dora would feel guilty and insecure, so she did it because, let's face it, Faye has a bit of a mean side...


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #57 on: 30 Dec 2008, 23:27 »

All I'm going to say is that with today's strip, it looks like we're about to see the hidden conflicts/issues come to a boiling point.

Let's see how thumbcat's ideas hold up.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #58 on: 31 Dec 2008, 02:01 »

I don't think Sven is being an asshole in today's comic, I just think he's being honest.

I think they didn't have a serious enough talk about how the "relationship" was going to work before they started fucking regularly.  You need to have clear boundaries in this kind of a thing...Sven is clearly okay with it not being monogamous and Faye isn't, so they probably shouldn't have taken it past the initial hookup (and maybe a couple more for good measure).

If I were Faye I would cut it off here and try to move that she's tasted teh sex for the first time in a while and it didn't destroy her emotionally, maybe she can start dating again.  Is she over Marten?  Meh, who knows.

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #59 on: 31 Dec 2008, 10:33 »

Yes, it's typically called "friends with benefits", and it's not a good idea.

We all want sexual freedom and sexual power, but sharing that kind of intimacy just to scratch an itch? It leaves you vulnerable and doesn't lead to a mutually rewarding relationship (short term satisfaction does NOT lead to long term mutual respect and commitment).

I have an inkling that Faye is going to learn that the hard way.

We keep coming back to this post.

First off, "Friends with Benefits" is a good idea to the one who likes it.  The other, who may be in it for more emotional reasons...this is a bad idea.  When both are shallow and only want sex from one another until they find steady "real" mates, it works, except that one will inevitably find a mate before the other leaving the other without the "benefits" anymore.  That's the only downside I see.

As far as Faye learning that the hard way, I hope she does!  Having followed the strip via the archives, I despise the bitch.  Every time Sven does something assholish to her, I do a little dance.  I get my jollies on watching Faye reap the rewards she so richly deserves by how she treated Marten.

It's no small wonder that I relate to this situation, having had this happen to me recently, only after MY "Faye" got done with "Sven" she came crawling back to me after he moved on to greener pastures.  I did not, of course, accept her back, but there were a lot of things I WANTED to say that I didn't.

So yeah, I guess we all read this comic for different reasons.  Marten's a wuss but Dora's good for him.  Hannelore is DARLING - love her dearly...wouldn't sleep with her, but love her nonetheless.  Sven -- I have a buddy, a musician, who looks almost EXACTLY like him, but without his success with the ladies...I'm trying to get him to read this comic so he can see that he, like Sven, can get all the ladies if he'll just be more of a jerk...and then there's Faye, who is my own personal whipping girl in this world.

Thanks, Jeph, for giving me something that gives me so much entertainment.  I also want to mention that I absolutely appreciate the final strip for 2008 to be a verbal bitch-slap for Faye.

Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!!

The big moment when Faye gets fed up and tells Martin that she isn't in love with Sven at all, that they just fuck sometimes.  And then Martian tells her that he still and always loves her.  The smootching comming afterwards will result in Dora noticing and stuff.  I think that would make for some serious QC drama, as well as hold potential for some seriously funny punchlines with Pintsize.

Oh great sweet merciful crap I hope not.  Faye doesn't DESERVE Marten.  Faye deserves heartbreak and misery.  The sad thing is, if Dora wasn't around to keep Faye from screwing with Marten's hormones, I could see that happening exactly.  If Dora ever goes on an unexpected business trip or family emergency, I can see this story arc happening if Faye pulls her head out of her rectum and dumps Sven for Marten.

The question then becomes:  Will Marten be dumb enough to get intimate with Faye after she's rejected him, led him on, and then obviously slept with a guy Marten (and the rest of us as well) sees as a shallow SOB?  Will Marten's "love" for Faye, that Faye will use to jerk him around by the testicles the way Dora does (though Dora does it lovingly) override his good sense?  Faye's not above irrationally hurting people without regard, and I just see that as being bad for Marten.

Besides, I hate the bitch.  She doesn't deserve to be happy;  She deserves Sven.

« Last Edit: 31 Dec 2008, 10:46 by Mr. Skawronska »
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #60 on: 31 Dec 2008, 12:01 »

I would post the quote from Mr. Skawronska, but it is too long to even think about filtering out.  So onto my post.

I agree with him that Faye deserves the crushing defeat that is Sven being an asshole and sleeping with some other chick.  And it only will help her to realize that she lost Martin.  I doubt that the smootching will happen from it, but I think it should.  Maybe after a night of drunken revelie.  But I do agree for that to happen, Dora needs to be out of town for something.  But that won't happen, as her family is in town, and her business is VERY local.  Perhaps she got sick or something like that.  Even better, a fight would happen.  After, Martin and Faye find Steve and his talking booze collection and they get so wasted, the Bourbon Monster is worried.  After going home, we wake up and the two of them are in bed naked together.  Nobody remembers anything.  But I think Faye deserves Martin at some point.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #61 on: 31 Dec 2008, 13:02 »

I don't think Sven is being an asshole in today's comic, I just think he's being honest.

I think they didn't have a serious enough talk about how the "relationship" was going to work before they started fucking regularly.  You need to have clear boundaries in this kind of a thing...Sven is clearly okay with it not being monogamous and Faye isn't, so they probably shouldn't have taken it past the initial hookup (and maybe a couple more for good measure).

If I were Faye I would cut it off here and try to move that she's tasted teh sex for the first time in a while and it didn't destroy her emotionally, maybe she can start dating again.  Is she over Marten?  Meh, who knows.

I couldn't agree more.  Faye's too jealous for a "friends with benefits" relationship and Sven can't handle monogamy.  The question is whether Faye will realize that if she doesn't end it now, it'll just hurt more later.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #62 on: 31 Dec 2008, 14:07 »

I get my jollies on watching Faye reap the rewards she so richly deserves by how she treated Marten.

I don't get my jollies but I do think it is somewhat deserved.

It's no small wonder that I relate to this situation, having had this happen to me recently, only after MY "Faye" got done with "Sven" she came crawling back to me after he moved on to greener pastures.  I did not, of course, accept her back, but there were a lot of things I WANTED to say that I didn't.

Good on you for not accepting her back!!!

Hannelore is DARLING - love her dearly...wouldn't sleep with her, but love her nonetheless.

^.^ Agreed. She's a precious one.

Sven -- I have a buddy, a musician, who looks almost EXACTLY like him, but without his success with the ladies...I'm trying to get him to read this comic so he can see that he, like Sven, can get all the ladies if he'll just be more of a jerk.

XD I love the bitter humor of that last part.
I also want to mention that I absolutely appreciate the final strip for 2008 to be a verbal bitch-slap for Faye.

I don't agree or disagree, but... LOL!

Faye doesn't DESERVE Marten.  Faye deserves heartbreak and misery.

I wouldn't go that far, I mean, you do have to keep in mind that the poor girl's father committed suicide RIGHT IN FRONT of her. It's not like she woke up and her mother was crying, saying "your father passed away this morning", and went to see him with his eyes closed in the hospital. The guy had his brains explode out one side of his head - you're seeing a gross, crude, scary sight, happen to the one you love. And like Jeph said, there was no absolutely DEFINITIVE way to say that somehow, you weren't involved in the reasons leading up to their decision.

I do think that her decision to get into the friends-with-benefits thing with Sven, and then expect him to "devotedly only casually screw one person", was unrealistic.

Besides, I hate the bitch.  She doesn't deserve to be happy;  She deserves Sven.

I personally think she deserves to be happy, and I WOULD say I'd hope Sven could change and become a more loyal person, but, that's the mentality that gets women into these sticky situations in the first place.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #63 on: 31 Dec 2008, 18:53 »

Mr. Skawronska, you're so right. Faye (and I kinda get the feeling she's the most loved character for a lot of people, dont ask me why. Go HANNERZ) has been working her way into this herself, from the very moment she started jerking Martin around. And having your dad commit suicide in front of your eyes, although it is traumatising, doesnt give you the right to start jerking people who care for you around.

Faye is a cynical woman, that cant really stand to see people happy, because she cant seem to get happy. This is (according to me) her main reason for always being bitchy. She's jealous of the one thing she cant have: happiness. She tolerates it for Marten and Dora, but we all know she hates to see it. Maybe that's why she went running to Sven, to mess with Dora and Marten.

As for her expecting Sven to be monogamous because of her, I'm sorry girl but your too bitchy to expect that from a guy like Sven, not even if you're as hot as most QC readers envision you.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #64 on: 31 Dec 2008, 19:57 »

I also want to mention that I absolutely appreciate the final strip for 2008 to be a verbal bitch-slap for Faye.

This is going back a little ways, but didn't Sven once announce that he would change his ways after Faye tore into him?  If I'm right about that, then Sven might be giving Faye some payback in this last strip.  I suspect that there may be a hard lesson coming for Faye.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #65 on: 31 Dec 2008, 20:28 »

I think Sven and Faye deserve each other... it would be kinda cool to see Faye actually have something semi-solid going, since she has kinda gotten the short end of the stick all the way through the comic.

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #66 on: 05 Jan 2009, 20:28 »

Sven has changed: he turned down Eva-sex, for example.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #67 on: 05 Jan 2009, 22:39 »

If anything, I've known more MEN who became emotionally attached, and more women who said "Um, you were just a fuck, okay?"  Of course, there is a whole can of worms to open regarding the fact that a woman who says this is liberated, while a guy who says this is an asshole.
I've been through this. I suppose it's sort of pathetic to admit that a woman has broken your heart just to get laid, but it's happened to me twice now--I thought we were more than we were, she thought we were less. I'm not a shrinking violet by any means, and I suppose it is possible that some sort of false reputation preceded me, but I'm pretty sure I was clear about what I thought I was getting, and pretty sure they were aware that they were using or abusing) me. I wouldn't call a woman like this liberated. I would call her (or him) batshit crazy or just plain mean--. Guy or girl, it's a shitty thing to do to someone, regardless of your reasoning. It's not the cheap sex that hurts. It's the deceit to get what you want.

In Faye and Sven's case, I don't think this is about deceit. They both know what they are getting into. Unfortunately, neither of them has any idea what they want out of it, so it looks to me like this thing is going to be a train wreck.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #68 on: 06 Jan 2009, 04:52 »

I wonder what's happened between them now that there's been a large time-leap in the QCverse
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #69 on: 06 Jan 2009, 05:06 »

I wonder what's happened between them now that there's been a large time-leap in the QCverse

I just had this horrifying vision of Faye going to work with a 9-month belly and Sven totally drunk at home talking to the tequilla monster!


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #70 on: 06 Jan 2009, 06:12 »

I just had this horrifying vision of Faye going to work with a 9-month belly and Sven totally drunk at home talking to the tequilla monster!

Oooh.  An unwanted pregnancy with a fuck-buddy who's out philandering while she is in the unenviable position of working for his sister so she has to make nice about him instead of trying to sue him for child support.

You know, there's angst potential there.

And of course, it would probably not make Marten happy, nor Dora.

Misery for all.

And the real life irony is that pregnancy seems to work that way:  The least qualified, least nurturing bitches get pregnant at the drop of a hat, while women with "Born to be mom" tattooed on their foreheads have to go to fertility clinics.

I've seen a bit too much of that in my life.

We could always have Faye get hit by a truck and put her into a coma.  Only loyal readers and Sven would miss her.

Oh...okay...I admit it, I'd miss her too, even if it's only because I love to hate her.

So, no truck.

But pregnancy??


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #71 on: 06 Jan 2009, 13:32 »

If anything, I've known more MEN who became emotionally attached, and more women who said "Um, you were just a fuck, okay?"  Of course, there is a whole can of worms to open regarding the fact that a woman who says this is liberated, while a guy who says this is an asshole.

I've been through this. I suppose it's sort of pathetic to admit that a woman has broken your heart just to get laid, but it's happened to me twice now--I thought we were more than we were, she thought we were less. I'm not a shrinking violet by any means, and I suppose it is possible that some sort of false reputation preceded me, but I'm pretty sure I was clear about what I thought I was getting, and pretty sure they were aware that they were using or abusing) me. I wouldn't call a woman like this liberated. I would call her (or him) batshit crazy or just plain mean--. Guy or girl, it's a shitty thing to do to someone, regardless of your reasoning. It's not the cheap sex that hurts. It's the deceit to get what you want.

Sad truth. I agree, and it does seem to happen more often to men than women. <_<

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #72 on: 06 Jan 2009, 17:08 »

And women wonder why men won't commit.

How about "Because too many women in my past, the moment I committed and told them I loved them, they blew me off!"

Nice.  But somehow, it's men's fault.

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #73 on: 15 Jan 2009, 09:34 »

I am so glad I have found this topic. This is the only part of the comic that has been irritating me lately. Faye is my favorite character in QC and while all characters have real feelings and need  affection, I can't help to think that Faye should punch Sven in the gonads and leave. I know he was honest with her and she knew what she was getting into, but Faye is a strong female (with issues I know) and would not take this I think. But this is just my opinion and I was happy to get it off my shoulders.

*hugs Faye and glares at Sven*


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #74 on: 15 Jan 2009, 09:56 »

personally I loved sven in todays comic, he's showing faye that they really just are friends with benefits and that if she cant live with it, she should just take action and break up. But seeing as they're just friends with benefits there isn't anything to break up, so he's just waking faye up (and it's about time)


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #75 on: 15 Jan 2009, 10:26 »

I am so glad I have found this topic. This is the only part of the comic that has been irritating me lately. Faye is my favorite character in QC and while all characters have real feelings and need  affection, I can't help to think that Faye should punch Sven in the gonads and leave. I know he was honest with her and she knew what she was getting into, but Faye is a strong female (with issues I know) and would not take this I think. But this is just my opinion and I was happy to get it off my shoulders.

I felt the same way for a while...  But I've come around to thinkin' that maybe Sven and Faye are okay for the time being.  Like some of the others here, I do think it will eventually end in a train wreck...  But a lot relationships do even when the begin without the baggage.  I'd have to say that Dora is my favorite character right now... I felt bad for Marten for a long time and he's an interesting character, but something about Dora intrigues me, I guess...

I have to agree here, I remember getting annoyed when Dora kissed Martin, because I think that Faye really needs someone to love... And now there's Sven!

I wanted to be upset with that, but I guess I could see where she was coming from...  I wouldn't begrudge anyone that...  Especially based on the bomb Faye dropped.  Besides... Marten was grown.  If didn't want to kiss her or be with her... He could have said no... But he was interested in her before that ever happened... 

It's great that this has caused this much discourse...
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #76 on: 15 Jan 2009, 17:56 »

Or perhaps Angus needs to come back to start some nice jealousy goodness for Sven as well. Since it makes Faye look like the only one that actually is developing some real feelings for Sven, this whole thing is just making me feel that Faye deserves a lot more than him (even though I liked that they got together since it made her get out of her shell about guys) but now she shouldn't be feeling weird about other girls with Sven and needs a more stable relationship. Though we probably won't be seeing that in the next few strips but instead will be hashed out with major drama  :-P


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #77 on: 15 Jan 2009, 19:02 »

personally I loved sven in todays comic, he's showing faye that they really just are friends with benefits and that if she cant live with it, she should just take action and break up. But seeing as they're just friends with benefits there isn't anything to break up, so he's just waking faye up (and it's about time)

I think it's t'other way round.  I think he's trying to upset her enough to show that she really can't do it the FwB thing and actually commit.

That or leave him alone instead of leaving him hanging.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #78 on: 15 Jan 2009, 19:33 »

Oooh.  An unwanted pregnancy with a fuck-buddy who's out philandering while she is in the unenviable position of working for his sister so she has to make nice about him instead of trying to sue him for child support.

You know, there's angst potential there.

And of course, it would probably not make Marten happy, nor Dora.

Misery for all.

o_O; because, obviously, a comic isn't good without everyone flailing about in misery?

I dunno, I definitely don't think that Sven/Faye thing will break up until she gets over the typecast she sorta made for herself, which everyone else eggs on. She's a bitch, and therefore deserves an asshole like Sven. Even though I really wouldn't call her much of a bitch just direct, and has some emotional issues that she needs to deal with?


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #79 on: 15 Jan 2009, 23:19 »

a comic isn't good without everyone flailing about in misery?

Yeah, I like Something Positive too, thanks for mentioning.

I didn't say misery for all would be good, I just said I'd enjoy it.

Big difference.  Jeph authors and draws a GOOD comic.  I enjoy it.

But I enjoy things that AREN'T good all the time, too.

I'm just glad Jeph pulls off "good" and "enjoyable to me" simultaneously.

"Social niceties are for those who can tell the difference between fightin' and fightin' words, son."


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #80 on: 16 Jan 2009, 20:03 »

Sven is not going to fuck the intern, she's not remotely attractive to him (Steven should meet her, though- but I think she's probably lesbian and should hook up with Tai).
Faye doesn't need to have "the talk" with Sven; Marten shared "the talk" with Dora and Dora already told Sven about it, so everybody in that circle of friends has implicitly heard "the talk". Besides, why would she have "the talk" with him? she already fucked him (and continues to do so)! "The talk" was Faye's proverbial "it's not you, it's me" blow off to Marten, nothing else. She told Dora she had feelings for Marten, but what were those feelings? In my opinion, she said that just to fuck Dora's mind. She knew Dora would feel guilty and insecure, so she did it because, let's face it, Faye has a bit of a mean side...

Thank you! There is simply no reason for Faye to have "the talk" with Sven - it was backstory to give Faye's neuroses grounding. She met with her shrink after she first slept with Sven, and came to the conclusion that it was alright to sleep with him - somewhat healthy even.

Jeph did a good job of drawing Sven looking a little disappointed when Faye said she wasn't ready for a real relationship, and has done a good job of showing Faye getting jealous/irritated when Sven hits on other women right in front of her. I don't recall them ever making any kind of commitment beyond "friends who occasionally hook up". The timing just doesn't seem to be right. Sven is getting over Faye not wanting a commitment and Faye might be realizing (or another character will point out to her in a snarky way) that she gets jealous because while she doesn't want Sven, she doesn't want anyone else having him either.

The way I foresee it, they will eventually mutually decide to make a commitment. They balance each other out well, and would be able to be a couple without the sugar-shock syrupy sweetness of Marten/Dora. (Seriously, there should be a warning on some of the strips focused on Marten and Dora announcing "Diabetics beware! Insane amounts of sticky sweet relationship cuteness. Adjust your medications accordingly.")


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #81 on: 16 Jan 2009, 20:09 »

Hey, I like sicky-sweet relationships...Those are the kind I have.

The kind Faye has that is painful yet satisfying...well...

...those are the kind I like to watch.

*checks his watch* It's not yet time for Faye to get another bitch-slap.  But the last one with Sven flirting with Penelope again was good for a couple of shots of...*checks bottle* Skyy Vodka.

Mmmm...alcohol.  *Hic*

One day, I'll get industrious and post the "Faye's Misery Drinking Game"

Today is not that day.

Tomorrow's not lookin' good either.

Thanks again, Jeph!

"Social niceties are for those who can tell the difference between fightin' and fightin' words, son."


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #82 on: 16 Jan 2009, 20:27 »

Hey, I like sicky-sweet relationships...Those are the kind I have.

The kind Faye has that is painful yet satisfying...well...

...those are the kind I like to watch.

*checks his watch* It's not yet time for Faye to get another bitch-slap.  But the last one with Sven flirting with Penelope again was good for a couple of shots of...*checks bottle* Skyy Vodka.

Mmmm...alcohol.  *Hic*

One day, I'll get industrious and post the "Faye's Misery Drinking Game"

Today is not that day.

Tomorrow's not lookin' good either.

Thanks again, Jeph!


I didn't actually say I minded the sickly sweet, just that it's good to have a broad spectrum of relationship types.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #83 on: 18 Jan 2009, 09:43 »

Things are going well between them, in my opinion. They seem to be spending a lot of time together and they don't try to be something they're not which is a really good thing in a relationship. These kids have a future... but it will probably be another 500 strips before there's any change in their status  :laugh:

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #84 on: 18 Jan 2009, 22:10 »

Things are going well between them, in my opinion. They seem to be spending a lot of time together and they don't try to be something they're not which is a really good thing in a relationship. :

Dammit.  No drinky for me.

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #85 on: 19 Jan 2009, 05:40 »

Mr. Skawronska: I'd buy you a beer buddy.

Everyone has that someone in life that fucks with their minds at some point. Its like the common thread that connects the universe.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #86 on: 19 Jan 2009, 10:17 »

Mr. Skawronska: I'd buy you a beer buddy.

Everyone has that someone in life that fucks with their minds at some point. Its like the common thread that connects the universe.

...I thought this was the thread that connected the universe...



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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #87 on: 19 Jan 2009, 20:24 »

Nah, the common thread that connects the universe is constipation and apnea.

Supernova?  A star snorting in its sleep.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #88 on: 20 Jan 2009, 19:53 »

Nah, the common thread that connects the universe is constipation and apnea.

Supernova?  A star snorting in its sleep.

Heck yes. Who wants to talk about bowel problems with me?
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*bloop bloop bloop*


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #89 on: 20 Jan 2009, 22:23 »

Every time I eat a Wendy's cheeseburger I get terrible diarrhea.

Last time I did so I made the mistake of walking the half-mile to the Wendy's.

That's also the last time I shat my pants.

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #90 on: 20 Jan 2009, 22:24 »

Surgoshan, it is imperative that you repost this story in the "Something you probably don't know about me" thread. Go now, for great justice.
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #91 on: 20 Jan 2009, 22:38 »

But I didn't take off every zig!

I just struggled with my belt while staggering toward my bathroom.

I almost made it.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #92 on: 21 Jan 2009, 10:28 »

I can't help to think that Faye should punch Sven in the gonads and leave. I know he was honest with her and she knew what she was getting into, but Faye is a strong female

So your recommended response to a completely honest sexual partner would be to severely hurt them instead of telling them how you feel (and leaving?)?

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #93 on: 21 Jan 2009, 23:10 »

Man, being a strong female has nothing to do with punching guys in the gonads. A strong female would go about her business and refuse to become involved in relationships that did not meet her terms. Unlike Mr. Shawronska I'm not misguided enough to hold someone like Faye in contempt, but that doesn't change the fact that the character is too conflicted over what amounts to normal issues to really be considered a particularly "strong" person at this point in her life. She's a fundamentally decent and responsible person since she readilly recognizes that how she feels and how she should act are sometimes two different things, but until she's in a place where she can consistently act upon that knowledge, she's a hard person to call "strong."
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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #94 on: 22 Jan 2009, 13:58 »

So your recommended response to a completely honest sexual partner would be to severely hurt them instead of telling them how you feel (and leaving?)?

I think "recommended response" and "what Faye would do" are being mixed up.

And yes, I hold Faye in Contempt.  It's part of the comic's charm to me, and I make no apologies about it.

One day I may tire of her being bitch-slapped, and I'll concentrate more on what I like about Hanners, Dora, Marten, Steve, and even Pintsize.

But today is not that day.

Tomorrow ain't lookin too promisin' either.

"Social niceties are for those who can tell the difference between fightin' and fightin' words, son."


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #95 on: 23 Jan 2009, 07:09 »

Man, being a strong female has nothing to do with punching guys in the gonads. A strong female would go about her business and refuse to become involved in relationships that did not meet her terms. Unlike Mr. Shawronska I'm not misguided enough to hold someone like Faye in contempt, but that doesn't change the fact that the character is too conflicted over what amounts to normal issues to really be considered a particularly "strong" person at this point in her life. She's a fundamentally decent and responsible person since she readilly recognizes that how she feels and how she should act are sometimes two different things, but until she's in a place where she can consistently act upon that knowledge, she's a hard person to call "strong."

Agreed, but the thing is that the relationship with Sven DOES meet her terms in a strange sort of a way.  She couldn't date Marten because she has issues that would make her hurt him, and blame herself.  Because of that pressure, and those expectations, a relationship with Marten would hurt her.  Sven, despite his rakish nature, is a safe choice.  She can trust him to never need her to be there for him emotionally, so it also allows her to ignore her PTSD for a while.  Sometimes avoidance is an effective coping mechanism.  Maybe that is what she needs from a relationship, rather than monogamy.  I guess I can't picture Faye just going out with Marten and being all perfect and lovey-dovey.  Everything wrong in the relationship would be her fault, and no one deserves that kind of relationship.  At least with Sven, she can let someone ELSE be the problem occasionally.

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #96 on: 23 Jan 2009, 13:18 »

I guess I can't picture Faye just going out with Marten and being all perfect and lovey-dovey.  Everything wrong in the relationship would be her fault, and no one deserves that kind of relationship.

Faye does.  Because it IS her fault.  She deserves to go worm-crawling back to Marten, begging forgiveness that he reluctantly gives, and her guilt consumes her for the rest of the time they're together to the point where she transfers her spine to him and together they are like two jellyfish.

I have no idea what alcohol I'd buy for that occasion.

"Social niceties are for those who can tell the difference between fightin' and fightin' words, son."


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #97 on: 23 Jan 2009, 13:49 »

Obviously Sven just has a fetish for chicks with dead fathers and crippling emotional problems that allow them to be indecisive hypocrites without being called on it.


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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #98 on: 23 Jan 2009, 15:33 »

Well sure... I've had a couple of relationships like that myself (although maybe not quite so complicated)... hasn't everybody?

I have sneaky feeling though that Faye and Sven are going to eventually land up in a 'proper' relationship, which I think would be a shame.

And go back to what someone at the start of the thread said about friends with benefits not being a good idea because short term satisfaction does not lead to long term commitment.... well that's kind of the whole point of that sort of relationship.  Not everyone wants a long term commitment. That's not necessarily a bad thing.

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Re: Sven and Faye's "relationship"
« Reply #99 on: 23 Jan 2009, 15:53 »

I guess I can't picture Faye just going out with Marten and being all perfect and lovey-dovey.  Everything wrong in the relationship would be her fault, and no one deserves that kind of relationship.

Faye does.  Because it IS her fault.  She deserves to go worm-crawling back to Marten, begging forgiveness that he reluctantly gives, and her guilt consumes her for the rest of the time they're together to the point where she transfers her spine to him and together they are like two jellyfish.

I have no idea what alcohol I'd buy for that occasion.


Out of curiousity, why do you like presenting yourself as such a creep? Confidence is one thing, but posts like this one are basically just perverse.
« Last Edit: 23 Jan 2009, 15:55 by Alex C »
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