IRON WEEK means getting up early and unpacking my things rather than procrastinating
IRON WEEK means organising my room so it is tidy.
IRON WEEK means staying at home rather than at Mum's place because I am worried about hurting her feelings.
IRON WEEK means making appointments for various things that need appointments made.
IRON WEEK means spending time with my family and not getting annoyed at them all (failed a little with this one already)
IRON WEEK means driving through Sydney and not complaining about it the whole time. (probably will fail this one)
IRON WEEK means maybe working out why I have had a headache for two days rather than just hoping it's dehydration.
Well, I did most of these things! I got annoyed at my family a few times (but i think I was justified in doing so), and my room isn't as tidy as it was supposed to be. However I got my eyes checked, my car fixed, my headache went away by itself (after 3 days, goddamnit), and I didn't whinge about having to go to Sydney (and didn't get lost or in an accident in the process). I did stay at mum's place all week, but that is because I would have had tog get up earlier to go pick her up and I am lazy, so it was simpler to stay there. I also decided halfway through getting ym stuff unpacked that I would rearrange my room, giving myself more work to do! It does look nice now, though.
And it seems that Iron Week is continuing into this week so far. I have been doing housework this morning, and am looking online for jobs. Later today I'll probably go for a walk to see if places around here are looking for people, so I am being productive!