Currently been reading the 'Odd Thomas' books by Dean Koontz. I didn't realize he'd gotten up to 5 of them now, and some comics thrown in to boot - but I find the character (Odd Thomas) to be a wonderfully likeable person. He feels real, and that definitely makes me like him, so yeah...
Also, looking to find a copy of 'Freakonomics'. Been wanting to read that for a while.
Hmmm - reread all of the Dresden books, because 'Ghost Story' left me wanting more, and who knows when the next one will be out.
Also, reading 1Q84, which might be the strangest book that I have enjoyed. I can't really tell you why I like it, but I absolutely do.
Oh, and somewhere in there, I finished 'Under the Dome' by Stephen King. It was fun, if not too deep.