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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1400 on: 18 Aug 2020, 09:22 »

Started reading Harrow the Ninth, sequel to Gideon the Ninth. More lesbian necromancers in space. It is difficult to describe without spoilers from the first book. The tone is quite different from the first book as Harrow and Gideon are vastly different characters. If you've read the first book and liked it, I still suggest you pick this one up.  If you haven't read the first one, then I definitely recommend you remedy that.

I repeat: Lesbian Necromancers In Space.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1401 on: 18 Aug 2020, 11:22 »

You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed that's what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant... oh, fuck it. - M. Gustave


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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1402 on: 18 Aug 2020, 13:25 »

SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome by Mary Beard. A very fascinating quick race through the first thousand years of Rome that sets out to answer the question: "Just who were these people anyway?"

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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1403 on: 18 Aug 2020, 13:27 »


With swords.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1404 on: 18 Aug 2020, 15:09 »


Necrolesmonauts (I've always preferred cosmonauts over astronauts)


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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1405 on: 19 Aug 2020, 01:30 »

My wife and I have a tradition of sorts that I read her books out loud in bed, before we go to sleep. We haven't done that in a few years, but I decided to resurrect this little ritual, and started with "The Wizard of Earthsea". Partly because I'm coming back to Ursula LeGuin (I've read embarrassingly few books by her and I want to remedy that), partly because I've never read the book in the original English, and partly because my wife never read the book at all (which is a BOOK CRIME).

The book is as delightful as I remember it, and much more interesting on the language layer than the Polish translation (even though it was done by a brilliant translator). My wife seems to like the book, too. When we finished reading for the evening after the first chapter, she was all "noooooooo keep reading, I'm invested now and want to know what happens next". It's not typically her reaction to books I read, even ones she enjoys listening to.

So yeah. Definitely a good pick for us.


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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1406 on: 19 Aug 2020, 03:42 »

Work has been so quiet the last couple of weeks that I've taken to listening to audiobooks. Just finished listening to Sepulturum by Nick Kyme.

And I'm glad its done.

Its a horror novella in the 40k universe and is about the opening stages of a Plague of Unbelief (zombie outbreak). And it was just soooooooo boring. None of the characters were likeable or engaging and for so short a story jumped between nearly a dozen characters, had the barest amount of characterisation. It also has my biggest peeve about zombie fiction -
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Its hard to get annoyed when it was a free audiobook, but in case anyone was thinking of getting it, avoid.


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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1407 on: 19 Aug 2020, 20:59 »

I just finished another Robert E Howard Conan story: Shadows in the Moonlight

It was pretty good and had some mystery elements to it. Not in my top 5 Conan stories, but it was interesting to say the least. Conan, escaping to a remote island with a girl (Olivia) he unintentionally rescued, encounters pirates, strange iron statues, and something is stalking them in the trees. I liked that Olivia actually did something and had a bit of an arc compared to some of his previous traveling companions (male and female).

The next one on my list I have been lead to believe is one of, if not the, most popular stories along with a favorite character among fans and artists. "Queen of the Black Coast"
You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed that's what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant... oh, fuck it. - M. Gustave


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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1408 on: 21 Aug 2020, 13:29 »

Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1409 on: 04 Sep 2020, 13:54 »

Finally finished Robert E Howard Conan story Queen of the Black Coast.

I have the collection as an audiobook so I had to listen to it in installments over the course of a week or so since I drive less now. Honestly I think it was to the stories detriment that I broke it up. I thought it was great but I think I would have received it well if I read it instead of listened to it. It also had a few things going against it.

1) The narrator gave Bêlit a soft pleading sounding voice which seemed counter to her dialogue and personality. It should have been more of a commanding fierce voice, but when it comes to feminine voices his (the narrator's) range isn't all that diverse. It probably would have been better if I read it instead of audiobook this story.

2) There is a lot of hand waving in the beginning of the story to get Conan aboard the Bêlit's ship and as part of her crew. Before and after that moment the story was pretty good.

Barring those issues, it was pretty good. I can see why its generally in the top 5 original Conan stories for some. (I think when I get through all these, I'll rate them all myself). Certain parts of the story is definitely dated, and if I was to bring this to a visual medium, I would probably give the Tigress crew a bit more "screen time" (see spoilers)* but other than that, it would translate pretty well as an episode on Netflix or some other streaming service. Maybe an hour long episode like Star Trek tends to do, but I am not sure it would work as a movie, unless you expand or pad it a bit more.

I also noticed that Valeria from the Arnold movie draws a lot of inspiration from the character Bêlit. Some of Valeria's lines/actions are ported or paraphrased straight from Bêlit's in this story. Compared to some of the other Conan stories, this one was pretty grim, but its a nice change of pace instead of the freeze-frame endings of the last few stories.

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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1410 on: 20 Nov 2020, 14:08 »

Started reading Harrow the Ninth, sequel to Gideon the Ninth. More lesbian necromancers in space. It is difficult to describe without spoilers from the first book. The tone is quite different from the first book as Harrow and Gideon are vastly different characters. If you've read the first book and liked it, I still suggest you pick this one up.  If you haven't read the first one, then I definitely recommend you remedy that.

I repeat: Lesbian Necromancers In Space.

My brother bought this for my (now, not when bought) ex for their birthday this past Summer. Well, actually the first one, but they immediately bought the sequel on their ebook reader.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1411 on: 21 Nov 2020, 08:46 »

I just finished reading "Plain Bad Heroines" by Emily M. Danforth (probably most famous for "The Miseducation of Cameron Post"). It is a combination horror story, historical drama, romantic comedy, and Hollywood critique. It surprisingly managed to pull off all these very well with both the individual aspects being particularly good as well as the combined whole. The book splits its narrative between the time leading up to and the process of filming a horror film and the historical events the film is based on. I particularly enjoyed the narrative style, which evokes the feeling of the author speaking directly to the reader and, in meta sort of way, acts similarly to mockumentary style as the film in the book. The characters are immanently relatable, if not always likable, which makes them feel that much more real. The illustrations that litter the book periodically add dramatically to the style and mood of the piece.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1412 on: 05 Jan 2021, 09:16 »

How many Ladies of the Lake are there? How are they different from the damsels of the lake?  I think either the translation is not adding up or Malory just expected the reader to understand or not care but dammit I want to know! Like who the fuck was in the water giving out Excalibur if The lady of the lake was the one on the shore explaining everything to Arthur and gave him her boat to get the sword? Then she dies a few chapters later. But how if she is suppose to be magical? Then Nimue shows up and is also a lady/damsel of the lake as well as others. Are they of different lakes? Is the one inside the lake the queen of the lake? Is there a hierarchy of some sort? Who is in charge? Is anyone in charge? How do they work?

If I remember correctly, Malory distinguishes between two ladies of the Lake, with Nimue as the most important.

Okay I have an answer. In "Le Morte d'Arthur" there are 4. 3 of which do not have proper names and are just referred to via their title.

LotL 1: Bargains with Arthur for Excalibur.
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LotL 2: Physically gives Excalibur to Arthur and also reclaims it from Sir Bedivere at the end of the story.
LotL 3 (Nimue): Becomes LotL after she learns magic from Merlin and
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LotL 4: Is unrelated to the previous 3 and adopted and then raised Sir Lancelot, Sir Bors and Sir Lionel.

Some of the LotL have agents that go out and do their bidding or help whatever protagonists the story is about. Damosel is not really a title but just another way of describing a well-to-do lady and crops up to describe ladies both magical and mundane.

Many authors after Malory combine these 4 or combine them with other characters (like Morgan le Fay, or Morgause). I can see why in the Warhammer Fantasy world Damsels in the Arthorian Myth inspired faction The Bretonnians, are wizards. This makes sense considering damsels in Le Morte d'Arthur are often adventuring just as much as the knights and some use magic (like Lynette who would cock block her sister, Lyonesse, by summoning a magical knight to stab Sir Gareth at night when Lyonesse would try to sneak over to him for a booty call. This happens several times until they marry. Poor Sir Gareth).
You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed that's what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant... oh, fuck it. - M. Gustave


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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1413 on: 05 Jan 2021, 09:21 »

Gotta respect Gareth's commitment there.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1414 on: 08 Jan 2021, 16:01 »

I'm currently reading two different books on Irish history, Emma by Jane Austen and Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl by Carrie Brownstein.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1415 on: 09 Jan 2021, 08:45 »

I'm currently reading two different books on Irish history, Emma by Jane Austen and Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl by Carrie Brownstein.
I'm not at all familiar with the second book, but I didn't know Emma was about Irish history.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1416 on: 09 Jan 2021, 09:00 »

Just finished reading "Seven Devils". Sci-fi action aventure. Five diverse badass female leads, each with their own strengths and skills. Well rounded, fully realised characters, a fast paced well crafted plot. Content warning for childhood emotional and physical abuse in the flashback scenes.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1417 on: 22 Feb 2021, 22:02 »

I finally finished "Treasure Island." It was a good pirate adventure and I can see why there have been so many adaptations of it. I guess now I have to watch "Black Sails."
You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed that's what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant... oh, fuck it. - M. Gustave


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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1418 on: 23 Feb 2021, 00:26 »

Finished reading "Children of Time". Set in the far future, post collapse of a galaxy spanning human empire. Just before the fall, humans managed to start terraforming projects. The plan was to seed the planet with apes and an engineered retrovirus that would jumpstart and speed up evolution along a prescribed path. The civil war starts just before the final stage of the project and the pod containing the simians is destroyed but the retrovirus makes it to the planet and takes hold with the lifeforms already present on the surface. Thousands of years later an arkship with the last remnants of humanity show up looking for a new home since Earth has been rendered unlivable by the civil war. Conflict ensues. The book follows both the human side and the evolution (both physical and cultural) of the native life on the planet.

Now I am reading "Scavenge the Stars". A sort of gender-swapped Count of Monte Cristo.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1419 on: 03 Mar 2021, 23:17 »

I started reading the Wings of Fire series...eight years ago, by this point, I think. For those who haven't heard of it, it's a middle-reader series about communities of dragons. Despite the fairly clichéd plot, it got better and better as more and more books came out, and I kept following the series until I was well older than its intended age range, but by this point I'm way too attached to the 20+ major characters and the universe the books are set in to stop. The fourteenth book came out yesterday, so I bought it and binged it in under two hours. It did not disappoint.

Well, time to wait another year and a half for the next one...
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1420 on: 04 Mar 2021, 02:29 »

I recently read "Axiom's End" by Lindsay Ellis.

I bought the book because Ellis is one of my favourite Youtubers, and I wanted to support her financially and such. The book, turns out, was well worth the purchase. It's engaging, smart sci-fi that doesn't get bogged down in nerdy stuff, but does actually explore scientific concepts through the story. As a linguist and translator, I *really* enjoyed how the book handles language and communication. It avoids clichés of stories about communicating with aliens, and it actually doesn't get anything egregiously wrong factually*, while also being imaginative and though-provoking.

I recommend the book super-strongly. It's a great read if you're into sci-fi.

* - you know how it is with fiction, especially sci-fi, if you know more than the average person about something. For instance, I've heard of paleontologists who can't watch "Jurassic Park" because it just makes them want to scream. I'm a bit like that with language and linguistics. Avoiding that is a big task, and "Axiom's End" actually is one of the few stories that didn't give me a comical-anime angry pulsating vein on the forehead.


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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1421 on: 13 Apr 2021, 20:43 »

Just finished reading "Last Night at The Telegraph Club" by Malinda Lo. It's a coming of age story about a girl growing up in 1950's Chinatown. It's a fabulous read that is at once heartbreaking and incredibly hopeful. It provides a fascinating look into the broader culture of the place and time as well as a deeply personal perspective. I highly recommend it.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1422 on: 21 Apr 2021, 11:09 »

Currently reading "Scapegracers" by Hannah Abagail Clarke. Think "The Craft" only with a lot more gay and a lot less misogyny.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1423 on: 21 Apr 2021, 17:37 »

Life and times of Scrooge McDuck by keno don Rosa:)

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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1424 on: 13 Jun 2021, 15:48 »

"The Girl in the Picture", by Denise Chong, about the life of Kim Phuc who was the subject of the unforgettable Vietnam war photo from the napalm attack. She's quite an interesting person.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1425 on: 17 Jun 2021, 03:17 »

I'm reading Murakami's Pinball. The interest was kindled by Wild Sheep Chase, my first Murakami work. I was so captivated by Rat and the protagonist that I wanted to read Hear the Wind Sing and Pinball before Dance, Dance, Dance.
Next, I'm reading Tommy Orange's There There. An excellent piece of literature that introduced me to the huge literary movement - The New Native Renaissance.
Finally, I started reading Stephen King's Different Seasons. I'm very much excited as this would is my very first King book.


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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1426 on: 20 Jun 2021, 04:25 »

I've been reading The Deathworlders recently, and just started reading Monster's Garden.

The Deathworlders is a series of 'Humans are space orcs'/HFY stories that follow a main throughline of humanity being introduced to and eventually joining the greater galactic community and the reactions of various factions within. It's also written by the originator of what's called 'The Jenkinsverse' after the titular character of the first story, 'The Kevin Jenkins Experience'.

Monster's Garden is a sci-fantasy story about a prowrestling lizardman who gets himself mixed up in some arcane nonsense. "Kilo lives isolated, hiding a gentle soul in his enormous, monstrous body - but finds out one day that his strength has a use." [I've only gotten through the first chapter and instead of a brief synopsis, TV Tropes immediately spoils Kilo's romantic entanglement with the other male lead].
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1427 on: 14 Jul 2021, 16:08 »

I am looking for an immersive and atmospheric cyberpunk story. Any recommendations? I have an idea for a cyberpunk story but other than visualizing it in my head, seeing a couple of art pieces, and playing a couple of games, I am not terribly familiar with the genre and need to do some research.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1428 on: 21 Sep 2021, 18:38 »

Started reading The Sum Of Us by Heather McGhee, which is about systemic racism and how it's harmful to the country's whole population. I'm only fifty or so pages in, but it's a really interesting read so far. Kinda proved to me that I don't actually know anything at all about systemic racism.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1429 on: 11 Oct 2021, 06:39 »

My local library has Magic for Liars again.

It's a modern fantasy noir by Sarah Gailey (River of Teeth).
Quote from: Synopsis
When a faculty member dies under suspicious circumstances at Osthorne Academy for Young Mages, authorities rule that it was an accident. The headmaster wants a second opinion, and hires a private investigator — Ivy Gamble, the nonmagical estranged sister of Osthorne teacher Tabitha Gamble — to find out what really happened.

Yes, shots are subtly taken at Harry Potter, but it's by and large its own thing while having a few of the standard noir trappings with a few twists. Not to mention that the bisexual protagonist is stated to be such. Ivy is dealing with her sense of self-worth and alcoholism. As well as what I'm reading to be an interesting take on mild dissociation and imposter syndrome.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1430 on: 09 Jun 2022, 05:06 »

Just started reading Rachel Kahn's By Crom!
It's a joke-a-panel autobiographical comic featuring life advice and spiritual guidance from Conan the Barbarian.

All volumes are available to read here.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1431 on: 09 Jun 2022, 13:48 »

Currently reading "Stamped From The Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America". It's both fascinating and horrifying.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1432 on: 17 Jun 2022, 10:44 »

Rockets and People, V4 The Moon Race by Boris Chertok.  An examination of the Soviet rocket establishment and products in the US Apollo era.  Tough reading with all the unfamiliar names and political/organizational differences.  Yet, still fascinating, and proof that good people were in both programs.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1433 on: 26 Aug 2022, 15:32 »

I was wondering if I should go to our local Con, due to the pandemic and all, but I just found out my favourite Canadian author is coming over.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1434 on: 07 Sep 2022, 03:15 »

So I just finished "Demons."  Honestly, it's a solid book, albeit corrupted by a certain Canadian shrink (you ALL know which.)
« Last Edit: 07 Sep 2022, 03:26 by Near Lurker »
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1435 on: 07 Sep 2022, 03:56 »


No, don't tell me.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1436 on: 07 Sep 2022, 06:41 »

...okay, I won't; to each their own.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1437 on: 07 Sep 2022, 07:07 »

Just finished reading The Oleander Sword, sequel to The Jasmine Throne. It's a fantasy series based on the culture of India and South East Asia. It tackles the themes of colonialism, patriarchy, faith, and destiny vs self-determination. I highly recommend. There's a third and final book currently in the works.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1438 on: 07 Sep 2022, 07:18 »

I’m going to have to bookmark that.  I’m currently reading Jane Eyre and Gödel Escher Bach, and have a couple more books queued up after that.  But I’ve been meaning to read non-Eurocentric sci-fi and fantasy for a while, so that sounds like a good place to start.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1439 on: 07 Sep 2022, 08:20 »

I'd been wondering - with two credits as of the first - what to order on Audible for daylight, and you just reminded me I'd been planning for fourteen years to read GEB.  Thanks.
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1440 on: 29 Sep 2022, 07:16 »

While on my trip to NYC in late July I read Neuromancer by William Gibson which has collectively been called the "Cyberpunk Bible." After reading it, I can understand why. Everything cyberpunk that came after that novel directly pulls from this novel. Whether its the Matrix, Ghost in the Shell, Johnny Mnemonic or the Dues Ex and Cyberpunk 2077 games. They all seem to borrow from it. Its pretty good, its essentially a heist story. A former hacker that was chemically forced into retirement is hired by a mysterious man to infiltrate a space casino and steal the corporation's shackled AI. The mysterious man isn't all what he seems and his crew consists of a mercenary girl with surgically implanted sunglasses, a sociopathic holographam illusionist, and a Rastafarian pilot. They do some globe trotting before going into space and visiting a few floating colonies. Some stuff are dated, like payphones going off while the protagonists walks by, but its part of the charm.

I am currently halfway through the novel Drachenfels by Kim Newman (writing as Jack Yeovil). Its a Warhammer Fantasy book (which is rare to find these days, especially in audiobook form) about the vampire Genevieve who teamed up with the son of an Elector Count and an adventuring party that goes to kill the infamous enchanter and daemonologist, Drachenfels. The prologue unfolds like a D&D campaign or a mission from Darkest Dungeons and right at the climax it skips to 25 years later and we meet the famous playwright and actor Detlef Sierck (our other protagonist aside from Genevieve) whom is released from debtor's prison by the elector count's son to put together a play of the events that made him famous and it will be performed on location at castle Drachenfels for the emperor and many other big wigs in the empire. Those that survived the adventure come out of the woodwork to give their accounts of what happened, including Genevieve herself. Strange things start to happen and one of the actors starts to behave in a rather shady way as we try to uncover what really happened 25 years prior when the battle against the evil enchanter occurred. Its up to Genevieve and Detlef to figure it out what happened and what is happening. Its defined as a horror story and with all the gore and crazy stuff that has happened so far, it does feel that way.
You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed that's what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant... oh, fuck it. - M. Gustave


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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1441 on: 29 Sep 2022, 12:02 »

Just finished reading "Nona The Ninth" which is the third book in the ongoing Lock Tomb series. It's difficult to describe as each book has been vastly different in style and tone, but the elevator pitch for the series is Lesbian Necromancers In Space.

Right now I am reading Godslayers, the sequel to Gearbreakers. It's set in a future despotic state that blends overwhelming military power via it's giant mecha and state religion that deifies said mecha. The protagonists are the eponymous Gearbreakers, rebels who specialize in neutralizing these so-called gods, primarily Eris, the rebel leader of a rag tag team of what are basically child soldiers and Sona, a defector mecha pilot who wants to destroy the regime from the inside.
I'm a simple girl, all I want from life is to drink the blood of my enemies from their bleached hollowed skulls.


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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1442 on: 03 Nov 2022, 17:27 »

Rereading some short fix that I haven't read in a long while. The following linked post has a list toward the bottom. I will personally recommend 'The God of Arrepo'.
a real-ass gaddam sword
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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1443 on: 18 Nov 2022, 22:04 »

One R.
After seventeen years, once again, sort of a lurker.  (he/him)


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Re: What are you currently reading?
« Reply #1444 on: 19 Nov 2022, 21:59 »

Just finished reading "The Scratch Daughters" the sequel to "Scapegracers". Think 'The Craft' but a thousand times more gay and with none of the misogyny with a splash of 'Mean Girls'.
I'm a simple girl, all I want from life is to drink the blood of my enemies from their bleached hollowed skulls.
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