Man I just finished a huuuuge Raymond E. Feist kick. I've now read, pretty much back to back, The Riftwar Saga (which is Magician, Silverthorn and A Darkness At Sethanon), Prince of the Blood, King's Buccaneer, The Serpentwar Saga (Shadow of a Dark Queen, Rise of a Merchant Prince, Rage of a Demon King and Shards of a Broken Crown) and The Conclave of Shadows Saga (Talon of the Silver Hawk, King of Foxes and Exile's Return). When The Demonwar Saga comes out in paper back I might get that and read those but I think I'm over high, Dungeons and Dragons-esque fantasy and the awesome, swords and shields based dreams I have after I read it.
Maybe I'll re-read all my comics in chronological order. Then my dreams will be filled with hanging out with Superheroes being awesome and shit. I love my subconcious.