So I caved in and went and saw it, against my better judgment.
Now, I'm someone who's more than happy to adjust my preconceptions if something turns out to deserve my respect - but this film was everything I expected it to be: superbly acted, directed, and designed - and with an awful, shitty, abomination of a script. Seriously, fuck Eric Roth. Fuck that Forrest Gump-writing prat and his shitty pseudo-profound aphorisms and his laid-on-with-a-trowel sentimentality that pretends to be deep and meaningful when it's really just paper-thin and fuck his stupid "messages" and his shitty unnecessary cloying cod-philosophical ponderings. That whole cab sequence in Paris? Bullshit! All that tedious and obvious build-up just to say "Shit's random, yo". The whole Hurricane Katrina angle? Completely unnecessary and border-line offensive in the way it desperately tries to anchor his shitty script onto a genuine tragedy like a leech to try and suck some kind of pathos out of it. If I ever see Eric Roth walking down the streets I'm going to kick him in the word-nads so he can never father another shitty, shitty screenplay ever again.
So, first impressions: if you liked Forrest Gump you'll probably like Benjamin Button.