I liked Full Spectrum Warrior, but it didn't run too well on my laptop. The concept was pretty rad but I prefer Jagged Alliance 2 (plus the fan-made 1.13 patch which is what I play religiously other than GTA: San Andreas), you know, being able to control individual dudes.
There's a lot of games mentioned on this thread and I'll try to look at as much as I can. I tried playing Shadow Watch, hated the interface. I think that the Smart Pause System in 7.62mm is more like you order your troops to go that-a-way, you encounter an enemy (pause), you order your troops to fire on the enemy, enemy goes down (pause), etc etc. I tried the demo of Brigade E5 and it paused way too much. I would love to see a tactical squad command game with usable cover systems (like how you can order troops to go under cover in Company of Heroes, or in Full Spectrum Warrior) and simultaneous group movement (so you can have a whole squad put suppressing fire on an enemy unit, like in Brothers in Arms or again, Full Spectrum Warrior).
I am waiting with bated breath so hard for Jagged Alliance 3, but after playing JA2 with
the 1.13 patch I might just be disappointed by not having those features in the new game.