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Author Topic: Fanart for today's strip - BE GENTLE PLEASE!  (Read 10646 times)


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Fanart for today's strip - BE GENTLE PLEASE!
« on: 03 Feb 2009, 14:21 »

Post removed at PantsFTW's request.
« Last Edit: 04 Feb 2009, 11:00 by QCNerd »


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Re: Fanart for today's strip - BE GENTLE PLEASE!
« Reply #1 on: 03 Feb 2009, 14:38 »


Just curious, have you considered, before hitting the post button, weither or not other people would find your "contribution" to the fora something interesting?
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Re: Fanart for today's strip - BE GENTLE PLEASE!
« Reply #2 on: 03 Feb 2009, 14:41 »

Even though that was kind of sarcastic. Verergoca, it's not like you don't have a point.

Oh well. Back in the closet again.

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Re: Fanart for today's strip - BE GENTLE PLEASE!
« Reply #3 on: 03 Feb 2009, 21:25 »

Ahaha oh man I almost peed.
King of Kings baby.

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Re: Fanart for today's strip - BE GENTLE PLEASE!
« Reply #4 on: 03 Feb 2009, 21:28 »

You just came back to shit in my heart, didn't you Ryan?


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Re: Fanart for today's strip - BE GENTLE PLEASE!
« Reply #5 on: 04 Feb 2009, 09:23 »

What does the big green head mean? Is that criticism?


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Re: Fanart for today's strip - BE GENTLE PLEASE!
« Reply #6 on: 04 Feb 2009, 09:28 »

At any point during your creation of this "fanart" did you think "haha, this is funny/interesting" because really, it's not. Nobody would mind if you stopped posting.
Rizzla: Man... I'm only interested in girls who've had penises.
Rizzla: Fuck
Rizzla: I mean girls who have penises.


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Re: Fanart for today's strip - BE GENTLE PLEASE!
« Reply #7 on: 04 Feb 2009, 09:46 »

I'm not really proud of things that I create. I do it kind of like a compulsion because it's so sick out there that I get sick inside. I'm not a famous artist or someone who matters in the big world. But looking at your sig quote:

Quote from: jeph
Quote from: SilentJ
Jeph, what is the saddest thing?
The saddest thing is a child trying to push the intestines of his freshly-run-over pet rabbit back inside as it slowly wheezes its last breath.

Makes me think that the reason you don't like my style of humor is because I'm not a man. Different people think that different things are funny, and I was kind of hoping for more support and feedback from a forum that's not exactly supposed to be the safest place on the internet.


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Re: Fanart for today's strip - BE GENTLE PLEASE!
« Reply #8 on: 04 Feb 2009, 10:30 »

Alright, here's some unicorns to eat. (see what I did there about trolls?)

Your style of humor is not humorous.
Lets break these words down.

Humorous: Full of or characterized by humor.
Humor: something that is or is designed to be comical or amusing

Comical, amusing, these are words that we associate with something that is funny. Something that makes us laugh. What you have presented before us is not funny. Nor is it fanart, it is not really art at all. Though that is besides the point, you say that I don't like your humor because you aren't a man. This is incorrect, and playing the gender card is a weak attempt at rebuilding your failed humor. The reason I don't like your humor is because it is not funny. If you are not proud of the things you create, then maybe that should be a clue that other people will not like it? If you are looking for a forum that's not the safest place on the internet, you are in the wrong place. This is actually a very smart and sophisticated community. Perhaps you'll be better served at This is my analysis of your post. I also understand that you are a troll, and that be replying to this, I am just feeding you what you want. I imagine that you are currently masturbating furiously to the fact that someone would care enough to type this much to you. Well, lets just say that I like to make people content. So you go on and keep trolling, but understand that it is not accepted here. And, if this were a forum that moved a bit faster and had more visitors, I'm sure your post would already be removed.

Have a nice day, and please,
Back in the closet again.
Do this.
Rizzla: Man... I'm only interested in girls who've had penises.
Rizzla: Fuck
Rizzla: I mean girls who have penises.


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Re: Fanart for today's strip - BE GENTLE PLEASE!
« Reply #9 on: 04 Feb 2009, 11:05 »

I took it down, I'm really sorry. Not to be a bitch but I didn't think you would feel that way, but I guess it's not photoshopped war porn or dead rabbits so it doesn't have any place here.

Not all art comes from smart sophisticated well-fed people who have everything they need and they just sit around admiring it. My art doesn't and neither does a lot of people's stuff, but w.e. I guess we're all just trolling and not real artists. We're not real like you.

"Questionable" Content but nothing for people who might not be as whole as you are. Better netcop me from stinking up your forum but oh by the way it's TOTALLY not sexist.


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Re: Fanart for today's strip - BE GENTLE PLEASE!
« Reply #10 on: 04 Feb 2009, 12:20 »

I don't really know how much I can say about it being art, taking something somebody else drew and changing the words really isn't art. I feel the need to defend the fact that I was harsh to someone who was being stupid. I probably should have just not said anything, but I was feeling pretty surly. Now I feel as if there is something wrong that I have done. Then again, I also realize that you know nothing about me, so you are making nothing but assumptions about how I live and what I do.

We all know what happens when you assume.
Rizzla: Man... I'm only interested in girls who've had penises.
Rizzla: Fuck
Rizzla: I mean girls who have penises.


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Re: Fanart for today's strip - BE GENTLE PLEASE!
« Reply #11 on: 04 Feb 2009, 17:24 »

Jens it was one of Jeph's strips with the words in the bubbles replaced by the author's own. And his words were crude, unfunny sex jokes that were awkwardly written and not at all comical.

It is fine and dandy that you are doing a parody of Jeph's comic. Hell, sometimes they are funnier than the original. But your jokes were just crude "humor" that didn't really do anything for me. These forums are a bit tougher to get into than many other forums out there, and we do have our fair share of more risque content, but I think you might have taken it just a bit too far. Perhaps try another creation, but just tone it down a bit? We still do have some younger posters here, and a thread with content like this and no warning in the title is a bit much.

Sorry if I sound a little harsh, but that's the best I can do.
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Re: Fanart for today's strip - BE GENTLE PLEASE!
« Reply #12 on: 04 Feb 2009, 19:25 »

Doesnt really matter what it was, PantsFTW lost this thread with his exceptionally deconstructive criticism. 

And PantsFTW, if you are going to attack someone else, consider your own abortion of the word art.  And next time you want to get all uppity and act as a spokesperson for a community, stop, take a deep breath, and get he hell out of here.  If Jeph wants to come in here an flay the new guy he is more than welcome, but since for the most part this forum is Jeph's forgotten child, I'm sure that isn't likely to happen.

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Re: Fanart for today's strip - BE GENTLE PLEASE!
« Reply #13 on: 04 Feb 2009, 20:02 »

Yeah this is pretty harsh.  No matter how good/bad the fanart was, why the fuck did people have to jump on this person so hard?
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