Before the job I have now, I was a cleaner in a primary school. That was the worlds cushiest job.
It was paid for by the council, so whenever it was a hoilday, I wouldn't have to go in. Just paid a set amount every month. I was paid to do two hours of cleaning too, and I could get it done in an hour, so I ended playing with the kids things, or drawing on the chalkboard in the cleaners cupboard.
Now I work in a nightclub. On the face of it, it's pretty shitty. Having to deal with drunk people when you're on the bar or the floor is a pain in the ass, as well as picking up broken bottles, cleaning up vomit and occasionally unblocking a shitty toilet. I generally don't get home until 4 in the morning.
On the flip side, I work with the nicest people on the face of the earth. It's very much an 'all for one' atmosphere and we have a stupid amount of fun during and after work. Many a time when it's not busy, i've been involved in a dance off, or a hearty game of "balls" (a game in which you pretty much molest a co-worker, while shouting the name of what we've groped, i.e "balls!" "Boob!" "minge!"). I've also made friends with of lot of customers, which is a bonus, though i've not played 'balls' with any of them.
And there's an Alternative night on a monday, so it's not horrific music all week through.
I would definitely reccomend working in an pub/club. If anything, it makes you a whole lot more confident, and a hell of a lot more resilient to gross things.