Given the ever dwindling number of art students at my uni (theres maybe 10 of us with a huge building all to ourselves) the print room person has offered to teach those of us who dont know how to, how to silkscreen. theres only a poster up about it, and I haven't been able to find her to ask about it though.
So i ask you. What do i need to silkscreen, and by what to i need, i mean, im asked to supply a picture that will work with easily because im new to it. having no real idea how this works, i ask of you mighty art forumeers, what kind of picture should i have prepared? something already brought down to 2 colours? should i make it the way i would if i were say, making a stencil to spray with?
Also, show me the fruits of your silkscreening love.
(I could've searched, yes, but this board moves rather slow, and when i went to mention it in that shirts thread, it warned me of the age of the thread.)