To pick your own colors, you need to order a custom bag. They are quite a bit more expensive than the "off the rack" bags, mainly because the workers who make them are in America and have to get paid decently.
Timbuk2 bags, at least the San Francisco made ones, are insanely sturdy. I use the extra small messenger bag as a purse, and it got stolen once. It was found a few weeks later on a large bridge. It was, if anything, a little cleaner having been through a couple of downpours.
The company, sadly, did lose some of my trust when they moved manufacturing overseas. They were very outspoken about being "Made in San Francisco," and were not so very outspoken when they became more popular and could go in search of cheaper labor. They have a somewhat defensive page on their site about that decision, and frankly, it doesn't sit well with me. Being a domestic company with domestic workers was how they built loyalty in the first place.
tl:dr, they like, totally sold out.
Edit to add that <a href="'>The BBP expandable messenger[/url] looks completely awesome and I wish I had one. The backpack thing seems pretty weird to me.