Good for her!
However, the way the show set it up was pretty terrible. Jim Emerson hit the nail on the head here.
I thought the judges' comments about her were kinda condescending, even after she absolutely nailed the song—"everyone was laughing at you," etc. Why emphasize that? I thought Simon Cowell, who was easily the most dismissive beforehand, had the best tone afterwards despite his facetiousness.
The thing is, they didn't need to add any additional set-up. Her story is straight out of a Lifetime film as it is. She was mocked for learning disabilities as a child, never married, was unemployed and took care of her mother until she died. Shit, her performance on the show was the first time she publicly sang after her mother died, and that's because her mom had told her to take chances in achieving her dream. So she goes on national TV, completely unknown, and delivers a spectacular performance. It's perfect as is.
I hope good things happen for her.