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Author Topic: I Like Hardcore Music. Do You Like Hardcore Music? - SAM, YOU MUST POST!  (Read 289860 times)


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    • William James (author page)

(Mods, feel free to merge this with the Mediaf!re thread if you feel a new topic is inappropriate)

At the request of DynamiteKid and spoon_of_grimbo, I have started a thread for hardcore music. I understand that this kind of angry yelling music is not everybody's cup of tea, but for those of you that are interested, I will start with a couple of my own "highly-recommended's"

This is my favorite album period. It represents everything I love about music in general. DK, this is definitely one you should check out.
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Far too few people know about this band. Another one of my favorites. "Goddamn it baby, this is soul! What's wrong with you?"
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Quote from: JohhnyC
In grade six one of my classmates during sex ed asked if the penis could be broken. The teacher's response was "Not in the same way you'd break a bone. I still wouldn't take a hammer to it or anything."


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Botch's "We Are The Romans" should be required in this thread. I'd upload it now but I just got back from a bike ride.

Ten Grand are also pretty good too.

Disjointed post-hardcore is delicious! Thank you for this thread.


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mediafire won't seem to load for me right now, but tomorrow, if i remember, i'll up "heavier than heaven, lonelier than god" by blacklisted, drive like jehu's "yank crime," "this is where the fight begins" by the ghost of a thousand, "bearing and distance" by ghostlimb, and glass and ashes' self-titled record.  all totally awesome.


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That Blacklisted record is incredible. So much better than anything else they'd done before.
Quote from: JohhnyC
In grade six one of my classmates during sex ed asked if the penis could be broken. The teacher's response was "Not in the same way you'd break a bone. I still wouldn't take a hammer to it or anything."


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hmmmmmm i should probably just myspace bomb this thread with the best bands in dc right now.
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Jane Doe is utterly textbook metalcore. That Ghostlimb album is great as well, surprisingly catchy and tuneful. And nothing bad can ever come from someone uploading Jehu.

I already really like this thread.

Voorhees - 13 (Six Weeks, 1998)

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Voorhees were a seminal band for me, this was one of the first DIY records I ever heard. Back in the late '90s/early '00s when I first got into DIY music they always seemed to be around, playing with bands like Kill Your Idols and Melt-Banana. They were one of those bands that are the backbone of a scene, and with good reason. They were downright nasty. Hardcore that wasn't self-consciously old school (despite the band forming in '91) or going with the then-rising tide of metalcore (but it is massively heavy, I seem to remember Jacob Bannon was a fan and name-checked them on the Jane Doe tour which ties this in with Converge). It's fast but doesn't head into grind territory, instead preferring to batter the listener around the head at a speedy but reasonable tempo with occasional brutal chug passages just to grind salt into the wound. Their misanthropic hate is equalled only by the likes of Poison Idea and Urko (who I'd love to post here since they're tragically overlooked but sadly can't), but like those bands there's a sense of humour here too, what with the ridiculous Night Of The Crabs and a song title taken from a Brass Eye quote (which ties it in with Glass And Ashes, who were variously appalled and enthralled by that TV show. And no, I'm not sure why I felt the need to find tenuous links between this and other bands mentioned so far either).
« Last Edit: 02 May 2009, 15:43 by a pack of wolves »
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When we're talking hardcore we're talking American Hardcore hardcore right?
Expect lots of screaming, perversely fast computer drums and guitars tuned to FUCK

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Depends what you mean. American Hardcore pretty much regards hardcore as dead by the mid-'80s if I remember rightly and none of the bands mentioned so far were active back then. So no in that sense, although all the bands from that book do play the kind of music we're talking about.

I never really understood that whole idea that hardcore was done and dusted by around '84 just because a lot of the initial bands had split. Black Flag were still active, Youth Crew hadn't happened yet... it always seemed it was just an attitude held by people who'd dropped out and somehow felt the need to justify that by saying it was all over anyway.
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I really don't want to turn this thread into a big prick-waving dickfight over what defines "hardcore" - I'd rather possibly discover some new stuff I hadn't heard before. Basically, if you think it qualifies as hardcore, throw it up. 80's, 90's, now...whatever. Basically, I want a place on this board to gush over the GRR BLAH FUCK angry music the same way everyone else gushes over their favorite beep-beep-tweedle-dee band, or their lo-fi happy pop, or whatever else my good friends in the main mediaf!re thread are gushing over*

*Don't be offended by this, I like a lot of your beep-beep-tweedle-dee pop music guys!

EDIT-My next offering.

Very rarely does a hardcore band pull off a concept album, let alone do it this well. Defeater's 2008 release "Travels" spends a concise 35 minutes telling the story of an unnamed protagonist, from his birth to his formative adolescent years, telling tales of confrontations with his alchoholic & abusive father, his junkie mother ("well, the money's all gone and we can't pay the rent with that needle in her arm") and everything in between. By the end of the record, he has returned to the home he abandoned, to finally deals face to face with what he left behind. Musically, there's a strong influence from American Nightmare and the Kerouac-ian literary/lyrical trappings of Modern Life Is War. Throw in a dash of unabashed love and respect for the archetypes of small-town middle America a la Springsteen, and you've got a fan-fucking-tastic slice of music to prove that intelligent and worthwhile hardcore didn't die in '85.
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« Last Edit: 02 May 2009, 17:57 by Will »
Quote from: JohhnyC
In grade six one of my classmates during sex ed asked if the penis could be broken. The teacher's response was "Not in the same way you'd break a bone. I still wouldn't take a hammer to it or anything."

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I wasn't meaning to do that, sorry if I came across as prick-waving. I've never been overly fussed about what gets called hardcore, unlike emo it's never been much of a bankable term so it doesn't get all that misused really. I just always thought that particular book's definition would be really confusing to someone just wanting to know what hardcore was since it pretty much denies anything after a certain point being hardcore, and I'm just not ready to admit the irrelevance of Chain of Strength.
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I wasn't meaning to do that, sorry if I came across as prick-waving. I've never been overly fussed about what gets called hardcore, unlike emo it's never been much of a bankable term so it doesn't get all that misused really. I just always thought that particular book's definition would be really confusing to someone just wanting to know what hardcore was since it pretty much denies anything after a certain point being hardcore, and I'm just not ready to admit the irrelevance of Chain of Strength.

No worries, wolves, I wasn't meaning to accuse you of anything. It's a valid question asking what exactly we're going to call "hardcore," I just don't want this to turn into...well, a thread bitching about proper terminology like the ones about emo always seem to.

Tommy, I am not at all surprised that you liked Ten Grand. They seem like the sort of thing you would enjoy (granted, I haven't been here for two years, so your tastes may have very well changed). There's some tragedy involved there too, with their singer dying shortly after they recorded their second album.
Quote from: JohhnyC
In grade six one of my classmates during sex ed asked if the penis could be broken. The teacher's response was "Not in the same way you'd break a bone. I still wouldn't take a hammer to it or anything."


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"This Isn't Heaven...This Sucks!"

I think every single one of their song titles were brilliant, and they were doing it LONG before that turned into the trend in hardcore. Next time I upload to mediafire, I'll put up their first record "The Comprehensive List Of Everyone Who Has Ever Done Anything Bad To Us."
Quote from: JohhnyC
In grade six one of my classmates during sex ed asked if the penis could be broken. The teacher's response was "Not in the same way you'd break a bone. I still wouldn't take a hammer to it or anything."

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I'd never heard Ten Grand before now. They really are very good, it reminds me a bit of a less frantic Wolves! (of Greece) with more of those '90s-style slow parts. Thanks for that.

His Hero Is Gone - Monuments To Thieves (Prank, 1997)

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Crushing, heavy hardcore with lots of crust and metal in the mix. Several of the members went on to form the more melodic Tragedy. It basically sounds like the downfall of civilisation, which is exactly what I want from this kind of band.

Idol Punch - Nude Scrap (Thrash On Life, 2004)

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This collects the Idol Music, Violence Pop and Sick Paradise releases. Gleefully demented pop and punk rammed together with bursts of hardcore and the whole things makes absolutely no sense. Naturally, they're from Japan.

Children of Fall - Ignition For Poor Hearts (Scene Police, early '00s/late '90s)

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Swedish metallic hardcore that's on more than a nodding acquaintance with emo. Fierce, solid stuff.
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Are we including post-hardcore in this? I'd love to flog some of the Britain's 21st-Century post-hardcore bands like Reuben.

Also, United Nations are a kind of post-hardcore supergroup that made one hell of an album.
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I wasn't meaning to do that, sorry if I came across as prick-waving. I've never been overly fussed about what gets called hardcore, unlike emo it's never been much of a bankable term so it doesn't get all that misused really. I just always thought that particular book's definition would be really confusing to someone just wanting to know what hardcore was since it pretty much denies anything after a certain point being hardcore, and I'm just not ready to admit the irrelevance of Chain of Strength.

No worries, wolves, I wasn't meaning to accuse you of anything. It's a valid question asking what exactly we're going to call "hardcore," I just don't want this to turn into...well, a thread bitching about proper terminology like the ones about emo always seem to.

Yeah, I wasn't meaning to raise discussions. Without researching the bands you had posted, I just wanted to verify this wasn't the electronic variety of hardcore. I'm not very much into hardcore, so I used american hardcore as a reference. I loved the music from that movie, but I haven't really gotten that much into it. I'll definitely be checking some of these bands out.
Expect lots of screaming, perversely fast computer drums and guitars tuned to FUCK

Quote from: Michael McDonald
Dear God, I hope it's smooth.

a pack of wolves

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Are we including post-hardcore in this? I'd love to flog some of the Britain's 21st-Century post-hardcore bands like Reuben.

Also, United Nations are a kind of post-hardcore supergroup that made one hell of an album.

I say go for it, the line there is so blurry between one man's post-hardcore and another man's hardcore you might as well just ignore it.
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I've been meaning to check out His Hero Is Gone for a while now. I picked up a copy of Tragedy's "Nerve Damage" a few months back, and really dig it.

I'll be gone for a couple of days, but when I come back here's what's coming up next:

Trap Them - "Siezures In Barren Praise"
American Nightmare - "Background Music"
Modern Life Is War - "Witness"

unless someone else wants to up these first!
Quote from: JohhnyC
In grade six one of my classmates during sex ed asked if the penis could be broken. The teacher's response was "Not in the same way you'd break a bone. I still wouldn't take a hammer to it or anything."


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Are we including post-hardcore in this? I'd love to flog some of the Britain's 21st-Century post-hardcore bands like Reuben.

if you're referring to the british band reuben (who did an album called "racecar is racecar backwards"), then not only am i TOTALLY up for you uploading some of that, but also, if you've got any of their b-sides, it'd be MASSIVELY appreciated.

i'm uploading a few things now, when they're done i'll edit them in here.


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Did I mention they had the best name of all time?

By best name do you also mean "best story behind a band name ever," too?  Cause that may be more so the case!


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Are we including post-hardcore in this? I'd love to flog some of the Britain's 21st-Century post-hardcore bands like Reuben.

if you're referring to the british band reuben (who did an album called "racecar is racecar backwards"), then not only am i TOTALLY up for you uploading some of that, but also, if you've got any of their b-sides, it'd be MASSIVELY appreciated.

i'm uploading a few things now, when they're done i'll edit them in here.

That's exactly who I mean. I was thinking of sticking up the second record. I've not got any B-sides yet, but I will most certainly get around to it. I have a very rare early song as well and them on the radio covering 'Feel Good Inc.'.

I also plan on sticking up some Hell Is For Heroes, Lucky Nine and the United Nations record.
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that sounds awesome to me mate!  actually, you mention HIFH, that reminds me of a band from a similar sorta era/scene who i should upload at some point, Frank Turner's old band Million Dead.

here's the stuff i promised earlier:

The Ghost of a Thousand - "This Is Where the Fight Begins"  (2007)

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British punk'n'roll injected hardcore, from the same scene as Gallows, but without the posturing and hype.  Fans of the Bronx's earlier, heavier stuff will love this.  They've got a new album coming out soon on Epitaph, and judging by the new song on their myspace, it's gonna be good!

Hüsker Dü - "Zen Arcade"

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Hüsker Dü's last album as a hardcore punk band, before they moved towards a more alternative-rock sound, but still not your typical hardcore fare.  Full of weird experimental twitches (not to mention 14minute-long feedback-drenched instrumental closer "Reoccuring Dreams"), this is an epic piece of work.

Blacklisted - "Heavier than Heaven, Lonelier than God"  (2008)

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I bought this purely on the basis that the artwork looks awesome (and it really does; both the cover and the inner liner notes have some of the most brilliant, moody artwork, and it fits well with the music), but it turned out to be a short, but explosive blast of contemporary hardcore, completely devoid of cliches, and full of passion.

Drive Like Jehu - "Yank Crime"  (1994)

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An intricate, heavy, pissed-off, varied bulldozer of feral post-hardcore/math-rock.  Proper classic, and it's got John Reis (of Rocket from the Crypt/Hot Snakes/Night Marchers) and Rick Froberg (Hot Snakes/Obits) on guitars and vocals, so you KNOW it's gonna be good!

Glass and Ashes - "Glass and Ashes"  (2008)

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The heavier bits are like Drive Like Jehu being burned alive whilst being sandblasted to fuck in a desert storm, whereas the more restrained parts harness the eeriness and atmosphere of post-metal, without the excessively drawn-out song structures.  Brutal (NOT br00tal) throughout, and easily my favourite album of 2008.

Ghostlimb - "Bearing and Distance"

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The band describe themselves as "massively pissed-off hardcore," and this is about right, although despite the throat-scraping vocals, there's a lot of melody to be found here in the guitar parts, and the very clean production actually adds to the impact.


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Man, you have no idea how hard I've tried to find the Million Dead albums in shops. I only have 'Breaking The Back' on my PC because it's such an amazing song. Frank Turner was a clever dude. Not many bands out there referencing Turin in the middle of their lyrics.
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I am not super into hardcore.  I usually just am not angry enough for it?
 I can tell you what I am into though.  Conor Oberst's soulful eyes.  Yeah I know, I know.  Bright Eyes sucks etc etc.  But this is the hardcore thread so that is not what I am here to talk about.

Is Desaparecidos an acceptable contribution?  I hope so because they were pretty good.

Desaparecidos - Read Music / Speak Spanish

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Man, you have no idea how hard I've tried to find the Million Dead albums in shops. I only have 'Breaking The Back' on my PC because it's such an amazing song. Frank Turner was a clever dude. Not many bands out there referencing Turin in the middle of their lyrics.

i think "harmony no harmony" is still pretty widely available on stuff like (that's where i got it, if i remember rightly), but "a song to ruin" is drastically out of print.  i actually emailed the record label and they've got no intention of re-releasing it yet.  i ripped mp3s off a mate's CD- he was savvy enough to get into the band earlier than me and bought it when it came out.  but yeah, frank's a pretty great lyricist.  i remember hearing "this air conditioned life has had me gasping for some reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaal conversation" blaring out of the TV when the "breaking the back" video first started getting airtime and thinking "well, THAT's different!"  even his simpler style in his solo stuff is still full of cool wordplay.

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I am more into the later hardcore stuff that came out in the 90's.  Not interested in a purist "this is hardcore and that isn't' deabte.  Just sayin' these are good records-

Refused "Songs to Fan the Flames of Discontent" - Stylistic swedish hardcore record.  Very influential, although not nearly as acclaimed as "Shape of Punk to Come" (which I think is probably not a hardcore record, despite some of the influence still left over in the songs).

Snapcase "Progression Through Unlearning" - This is just an amazing album, with some great twin guitar work and killer drums.
(Very odd snare drum sound on this album.  It sounds like a piccolo snare tuned low, and he hits it on almost every 2 and 4 so that it's like having a metronome through the whole record).

One.King. Down. "Gravity Wins Again" - One of the earlier "metalcore" bands.  Occasionally too metal, but good nonetheless.

Drowningman "How They Light Cigarettes In Prison," and "Rock N Roll Killing Machine" - Chaotic but much more focused than a Dillinger Escape Plan/Botch, etc.  Really dark sense of humor and some of the most hilarious song titles ever. (e.g. "If God Loves A Winner He's Going to Want to Fuck Me In A Minute" and "Last Week's Minutes From teh Secret Society of Your Friends Who Actually Hate You.")

Dillinger Escape Plan-  Arguably, this is stretching the label; although I always saw them touring with hardcore bands.  Definitely the early stuff had the same vocal delivery, but the jazz interludes and total odd-meter stuff was sooo different.  Hate the new record.

Hopesfall- "The Frailty of Words".  I believe almost all of the band on this album has since quit making them almost unrecognizable, but this was a great album, Christian lyrical content aside.  This was the first time I heard traditional hardcore blended with the 90's indie-rock emo style of bands like sunny day.  I have a shirt form this tour that the singer gave me after a show.  They were unbelievable intense live.  At one point, a guest vocalist put a mic IN HIS MOUTH and ran out into the pit while screaming.  

Coalesce - Great live band.

Obviously there are more...



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i think metalcore is acceptable in this thread, as long as it's more botch than it is KsE. 

i might up a coupla johnny truant albums.  they're a uk metalcore band influenced by botch, dillinger etc.  but with the emphasis on heaviness and atmosphere over technicality.

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Did Johnny Truant do that track I Am The Primatologist Mr Sarpolsky (I probably spelled that wrong) or am I getting them mixed up with Three Stages Of Pain again?

Metalcore done right is a beautiful thing. I should probably put some Chokehold up here at some point. Content With Dying is almost at the opposite end of the spectrum to something like Jane Doe or We Are The Romans, eschewing the tight musicianship and production values, but it's very nearly as awesome.

Were One King Down that band that had a split EP with Spirit Of Youth? I think it would have been on Genet, Goodlife or Sober Mind, one of those Belgian edge labels anyway. I was never all that into the whole H8000 thing but Spirit Of Youth always felt a bit different. Colors That Bleed and to a lesser extent Source were good records, I always rather liked their very ecological brand of mosh. If I'm right, were One King Down part of that whole scene or were they an unconnected band they just happened to do a record with?

JFA - We Know You Suck (Alternative Tentacles, 2003)

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JFA (Jodie Foster's Army) on the other hand were not edge. Definitely, thoroughly not edge. Weed, skating and thrashing were the order of the day. This is the album Alternative Tentacles put out which has a couple of their early releases from '81 and '83 as well as a bunch of compilation tracks and the like. It's sloppy, fun and actually surprisingly inventive at times. One of their bassists ended up in Sun City Girls.
« Last Edit: 03 May 2009, 20:30 by a pack of wolves »
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Anyone in the D.C. area, I have just about everything Revelation Records put out from start through about 92 or so on vinyl.  Let me know if you want to come by and we can have a listening/taping party.   Likewise for a hell of a lot of the old Discord stuff (how about a first pressing of the eponymous Fugazi?  or some old Scream stuff with Dave Grohl playing drums?).  Same for a pretty good chunk of the SST library.

Only condition is you have to listen politely as I relive my youth telling you about going to shows in the 80s.     :roll:


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i would gladly listen to anyone talking about going to punk shows at any time.

no really i would!
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I couldn't think of many better ways to spend an afternoon than that.


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ok get ready for lots of name drops w/ myspace links. Most of these bands 1) are from or either similar in style to bands from Eastern Us, mostly Boston, MA -  unofficial hardcore capital of the universe 2) contain generous amounts of gang shouts,  introspective/sometimes angry/always catchy(see:awesome) lyrics, more gang shouts, the occasional breakdown or twenty 3) will most likely cause you to spontaneously (and uncontrollably) start a one-person circle pit.

 if you like anything you hear, I have all of their albums I can up (pending medif!re's behavior).  I will definitely add links to the albums I really love and think y'all should too. I personally think these are all some of the best hardcore/metalcore/whatever-core bands out right now, and are all worth a listen if you are at all a fan of this type of music.

7 Angels 7 Plagues - their album Jhazmyne's Lullaby is one of the most solid hardcore/metalcore albums ever. The piano outro will make you cry.

7 Angels 7 Plagues - Jhazmyne's Lullaby

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Misery Signals - speak of the devil, consists of members from ^ 7A7P. Metal, with a fair amount of 'core, Misery Signals are definitely one of my favorite bands. Ever. I remember posting about how their most recent album was perfect (because it is) - the lyrics, the production, songwriting, the guitars/drums/bass/xylophones, the way the album 'flows' - everything. I also stated that the last two songs will give you chills (because they will). A most-definite must-listen.

Misery Signals - Controller

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Betrayed - melodic hardcore with gangshouts aplenty

Black My Heart - raw, crushing, super-aggressive.

Shipwreck A.D. - sound like their band name (how appropriate)

Carpathian *- from Australia, although strangely my favorite hardcore album last year - I actually upped it, but it tragically died in the mf!re fire of o8'. Very powerful, both lyrically and musically.

Carpathian - Isolation

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Celeste. Scariest, kvltest, most French-iest hardcore ever. Think Converge, except even dirtier and spookier, and a vocalist who screams in unintelligible French.

Comeback Kid - one of the funnest bands ever. watch their video for wake the dead and agree

Cursed self-proclaimed loudest band in Canada

First Blood. Represent San Franciscan hardcore. Angry. Makes you want to run in circles, angrily.

For the Fallen Dreams - bordering on the more 'core side of metal, than hardcore. Another one of the most solid bands to release an album last year. Incorporates a fair amount of melodic, ringing chords interspersed with dissonant riffs/breakdowns - very catchy. A definite must listen.

For the Fallen Dreams - Changes

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Have Heart - hands down my favorite hardcore band, ever. The most perfect blend of Masshole hardcore. Really inspiring lyrics/songwriting, too. You definitely aren't a real hardcore fan if you don't like these guys. You will probably like this band even if you don't like hardcore. I like to think of the vocalist as a person who doesn't scream, but rather recites poetry very loudly.

Have  Heart - Songs to Scream at the Sun

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Mind Eraser - another super-solid Boston HC band. Their most recent album is the biggest mindfcuk ever. Two songs, each at or longer than ten minutes. Dirty as hell production/vocals. Almost drone/doom-like passages. Guitar leads/solos (what?!). A snare drum that punches you in the face, five times, every times it hits.

Palehorse. one word: PALEHORSE. *moshes*

Pulling Teeth. Just how I like my women (fast and angry).

Scarlet. One of the more 'unique' hardcore/metalcore bands I've discovered. Solid hardcore mixed with melodic(singing!) vocals and even some electronic elements.

Shai Hulud - another 'if you don't listen to these guys you aren't a real hardcore fan'-band.

Shai Hulud - Misanthropy Pure

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Sick of It All - NYHC pioneers. you are a loseur (that's a poseur loser) if you don't know who these guys are.

Trap Them - 2008 was a pretty great year for hardcore. These guys put out one of the most solid hardcore albums in recent. A must-have for Converge fans.

Trap Them - Seizures in Barren Praise

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Trash Talk. Northern California is like the Boston of the west coast. These guys are one of the best from there.

The Warriors. Solid. On the verge of post-hardcore/crossover.

The Acacia Strain-  my kind-of-but-not-really guilty pleasure in hardcore. Very fun listen. Just to give you an idea of them, here are some song titles from their most recent album: "Skynet," "Dr. Doom," "Cthulhu," "JFC," and "Kräken." They also like artificial harmonics a lot, and dabble in a fair amount of polymetric drumming/guitars  for those music dorks. They also have a music video thematically based around the glorious sport of tetherball
« Last Edit: 05 May 2009, 00:17 by Harun »


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His Hero Is Gone - Monuments To Thieves (Prank, 1997)

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Crushing, heavy hardcore with lots of crust and metal in the mix. Several of the members went on to form the more melodic Tragedy. It basically sounds like the downfall of civilisation, which is exactly what I want from this kind of band.

^ This is awesome!  Sounds like a lo-fi Trap Them, me likey!

Did Johnny Truant do that track I Am The Primatologist Mr Sarpolsky (I probably spelled that wrong) or am I getting them mixed up with Three Stages Of Pain again?

yep that's the truant.  they went and broke up last year though  :cry:

i'm probably gonna upload their second album "in the library of horrific events."  although having said that, the next 4 or 5 days are gonna be HECTIC AS FUCK for me with university final project work, so it could be nearly a week before i find the time to get any reasonable amount of stuff uploaded.


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At the risk of making myself terribly unpopular on this forum...

...Wait, I can only think of two people that like me anyway.

Never mind.

The new Gallows record, people. It's astonishing. I don't care about any lack of credibility, it's like a hardcore version of Modern Life Is Rubbish, and I most definitely mean that as a compliment. 'Vultures (Acts I and II)' alone is one of the finest pieces of music I've ever heard, it's simply magnificent. The record is complete conceptually, but still packed with great songs. Honestly I didn't think they could come up with a better record than the first album, but they have. Even the lyrics - always their weakest point - are better this time around. The impression I get is that they only have one record left in them, but I can't wait to see what it's like.

Re: Refused - I think that Shape did end up becoming more post-hardcore than it was hardcore, but it's still one of the most perfect albums ever made. I didn't like Discontent as much, seemed a bit more metal to me.

Re: Dillinger - Love these guys, but I seem to be the only person whose favourite record is the new one. No love for the jazzy brilliance of 'Mouth Of Ghosts'?

Re: Million Dead - Yeah, I'm thinking I might have to just download Song To Ruin after all. And honestly, anyone who's ever worked in office will identify perfectly with air conditioning line, I know I did.
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i'm intrigued to check out that gallows record - i thought the first was pretty good, but just overhyped to a ridiculous level.  apparently they covered "if credit's what matters i'll take credit" by hot snakes too, which i need to hear!

and yeah, i love the newest dillinger record, but then again, i LOVE faith no more and quite like nine inch nails - and those two bands seem to have been a big influence on their last two records.  the only dillinger i haven't heard yet is the self-titled, and i've liked all of the rest.


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i have to say, misery signal's first album was their best

When Of Malice... did come out, I slobbered all over it. Definitely an amazing debut record. But in terms of how much they've grown, Controller is pretty amazing too. They've totally transcended just being labeled a hardcore band, which I love. And I think Karl is a way better vocalist.
« Last Edit: 04 May 2009, 07:17 by Harun »


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i'll up some Hot Cross for this thread later today, since they're one of my favorite hardcore bands next to off minor, converge etc

Contention: Off Minor is a better band than Saetia ever was. Agree/disagree?


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The Acacia Strain-  my kind-of-but-not-really guilty pleasure in hardcore. Very fun listen. Just to give you an idea of them, here are some song titles from their most recent album: "Skynet," "Dr. Doom," "Cthulhu," "JFC," and "Kräken." They also like artificial harmonics a lot, and dabble in a fair amount of polymetric drumming/guitars  for those music dorks. They also have a music video thematically based around the glorious sport of tetherball

This is considered hardcore?  Not that I don’t like it; I do.  But it sounds like Meshuggah, which I'd think puts them more in the math-metal range than in hardcore.
« Last Edit: 04 May 2009, 07:46 by rynne »
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yeah, they're definitely not a typical hardcore band. Some (retarded) critics have (retardely) labeled them as deathcore, which is a label I hate, and is completely inaccurate. Their second most recent album, The Dead Walk, definitely started incorporating lots and lots of Meshuggah influence. But given their overall sound, I think they are definitely still a hardcore band. Their album before The Dead Walk, 3750, is pretty straight-laced hardcore.

^I see you changed them to not being hardcore to math-metal. They definitely still have lots of hardcore elements in their sound still (gang shouts, breakdowns, fast rolling double bass drum/guitar parts). But also given their mathy tendencies a la Meshuggah, I think they could be labeled as math-hardcore rather than math-metal. Dillinger is more math-metal.
« Last Edit: 04 May 2009, 07:54 by Harun »


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My girlfriend saw Gallows a few years ago, and they gave her a free shirt! It is even an okay shirt!

Also guys you should listen to this stuff:

Fear Before The March Of Flames -- The Always Open Mouth

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Loud, abrasive experimental post-hardcore that is almost too thought-out to be so noisy. It is pretty good stuff!
« Last Edit: 04 May 2009, 09:36 by Melodic »
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Well I'm getting nowhere with this coursework, so I figured, fuck it, I'll upload some stuff.  But this will be about the last from me for a good week or so anyway.  Enjoy!

Johnny Truant - "In the Library of Horrific Events"  (2005)

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Sadly now-defunct purveyors of quality atmospheric hardcore/metalcore, who claimed to be heavily influenced by Botch, and also by Mark Z. Danielewski's novel "House of Leaves," the main character of which the band are named after.  This is their second album, which strikes a good balance between the more tech-metal leanings of their debut "The Repercussions of a Badly Planned Suicide," and the more straight-ahead hardcore leanings of their swansong "No Tears for the Creatures."

Hot Water Music - "Fuel for the Hate Game"  (1997)

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Always more of a post-hardcore/rock band than a hardcore band, but still, Hot Water Music are one of those bands that manages to be hugely passionate without ever being preachy, whilst also making some incredibly original music.  This is probably their released that's closest to being straight up hardcore, but it still owes a lot to the likes of Fugazi.

And holy crap, what's this!?  All three Kid Dynamite albums, you say!?  In one handy upload too, I'd wager!  Why, it's like three christmases came all at once!

Kid Dynamite - "Kid Dynamite"  (1998)

Kid Dynamite - "Shorter, Faster, Louder"  (2000)

Kid Dynamite - "Cheap Shots, Youth Anthems"  (2003)

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7 Angels 7 Plagues - Jhazmyne's Lullaby

I would agree, best metalcore/hardcore album of all time.

I'll upload the Coma Eternal EP soon, which in my opinion is the best Metalcore/Hardcore EP of all time.

Acacia Strain seems way too sludgy for me to be considered math-metal or whatever.  Definitely a guilty pleasure up to a certain point.


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Here's 3 songs (Can't remember if it's an actual EP or just a collection of songs that I had) by a band called Nicholson. My best friend and I listened to this shit for an entire summer one year in high school. Not really sure why cuz this would normally not be my type of music but for some reason, I still really enjoy listening to it.

Nicholson - 3 Song Collection
(No album art)

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Go to their if you want to see what they sound like.

I think this band was just a bunch of kids playing music and never put out a CD or anything. Their music is i guess Hardcore. It's very raw sounding. I think some of you may enjoy it actually. I think the song "A Light Spun Suggestion" is why I started listening to this band. The song is very unique.
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Boston, MA -  unofficial hardcore capital of the universe

excuse me, DC would like a word with you.

Contention: Off Minor is a better band than Saetia ever was. Agree/disagree?

I agree completely! When I was first getting into emo, I used to think Saetia was the fucking shit. And while I'm grateful for all the doors they opened for me, I just don't like Saetia that much anymore. I think both Hot Cross and Off Minor are way better than Saetia, with Off Minor being the best. Plus, Billy Werner's lyrics are pretty shit.
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i'm intrigued to check out that gallows record - i thought the first was pretty good, but just overhyped to a ridiculous level.  apparently they covered "if credit's what matters i'll take credit" by hot snakes too, which i need to hear!

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Boston, MA -  unofficial hardcore capital of the universe

Everybody knows which is the best Boston, and it's not the one in the US. Patient Zero and Urko > DYS and Ten Yard Fight any day.

I agree completely! When I was first getting into emo, I used to think Saetia was the fucking shit. And while I'm grateful for all the doors they opened for me, I just don't like Saetia that much anymore. I think both Hot Cross and Off Minor are way better than Saetia, with Off Minor being the best. Plus, Billy Werner's lyrics are pretty shit.

Hot Cross did some good stuff but they also had some questionable moments, and live they were really sloppy (at least late on anyway, never saw them in their early days). Off Minor were uniformly great, but there's something just a little special about Saetia's music. There's a raw edge there Off Minor never had (not they were really trying to mind you), so they'll always stay top of the pile for me if only just. Billy Werner's lyrics do leave a little to be desired though, I'm with you there, and I'm not sure I would have enjoyed the Sartre readings. They should have got down with the Foucault like Orchid.

Chokehold - Content With Dying and Instilled EP (Bloodlink, 1995 and 1994)

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As the cover for Content With Dying would imply, Chokehold are not messing about. Rage-filled vegan straight edge Canadian metalcore that brings it's anger to bare upon capitalism, sexism, religion, pro-lifers, work and modern culture in general. This isn't the slick metalcore of Botch and Converge, this is more lo-fi and chugging. They were probably too busy being angry to bother about anything else and really, technicality or production values would just get in the way here. It's at its best raw. In time-honoured hardcore tradition they also include lots of samples from some scary US preacher. Nice.
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American Nightmare - Background Music

For anyone who considers themselves a fan of hardcore, this is pretty much a must-have. Wes Eisold is easily one of the best lyricists
to have come through the scene.
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Re: Hopesfall - I remember seeing these guys at their first ever show at Cornerstone. Completely mindblowingly good. I lost my copy of this debut album long ago, so thanks for posting it! I think "The Satellite Years" is actually a better album, but Frailty has nostalgiac value for me.

Re: Have Heart - There's a lot of Bridge9 hardcore that I don't like, but I've heard nothing but good things about these guys. Since I dug that Defeater record so much, maybe this is the time for me to check them out.
« Last Edit: 04 May 2009, 18:31 by Will »
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In grade six one of my classmates during sex ed asked if the penis could be broken. The teacher's response was "Not in the same way you'd break a bone. I still wouldn't take a hammer to it or anything."


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Boston, MA -  unofficial hardcore capital of the universe

Everybody knows which is the best Boston, and it's not the one in the US. Patient Zero and Urko > DYS and Ten Yard Fight any day.

HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT MAN, i'm from THAT BOSTON!!!  a guy i went to school with is in a band called Burning the Prospect with the old singer from Patient Zero, and they're signed to the afro-haired guy from napalm death's record label now!  i've actually seen patient zero live a few times, but i stopped going to those gigs, because the people who went got REALLY elitist, although i've heard that sorta mentality has died down of late (so i might check out a few gigs next time i'm home from uni).

you from Bost-hole too then?


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A hardcore thread?


::stage dives::

Code: [Select] hardcore album ever recorded.

The Adolescents - S/T
Code: [Select] TOONZ.

Battery - Whatever It Takes
Code: [Select] 90's return of DC Hardcore. Really pissed kids with songs about how life sucks and selling out to scream at the singer while you point at him while headwalking.

Cursed - Blackout At Sunrise EP
Code: [Select] Evil. Crusty. Hardcore. From Can-a-duh of all places.
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Cursed was fucking awesome.
Quote from: JohhnyC
In grade six one of my classmates during sex ed asked if the penis could be broken. The teacher's response was "Not in the same way you'd break a bone. I still wouldn't take a hammer to it or anything."


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i thought "earth A.D." was the first hardcore album!  or was "nervous breakdown" before that?
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