ok get ready for lots of name drops w/ myspace links. Most of these bands 1) are from or either similar in style to bands from Eastern Us, mostly Boston, MA - unofficial hardcore capital of the universe 2) contain generous amounts of gang shouts, introspective/sometimes angry/always catchy(see:awesome) lyrics, more gang shouts, the occasional breakdown or twenty 3) will most likely cause you to spontaneously (and uncontrollably) start a one-person circle pit.
if you like anything you hear, I have all of their albums I can up (pending medif!re's behavior). I will definitely add links to the albums I really love and think y'all should too. I personally think these are all some of the best hardcore/metalcore/whatever-core bands out right now, and are all worth a listen if you are at all a fan of this type of music.
7 Angels 7 Plagues - their album
Jhazmyne's Lullaby is one of the most solid hardcore/metalcore albums ever. The piano outro will make you cry.
7 Angels 7 Plagues - Jhazmyne's Lullaby
Misery Signals - speak of the devil, consists of members from ^ 7A7P. Metal, with a fair amount of 'core, Misery Signals are definitely one of my favorite bands. Ever. I remember posting about how their most recent album was perfect (because it is) - the lyrics, the production, songwriting, the guitars/drums/bass/xylophones, the way the album 'flows' - everything. I also stated that the last two songs will give you chills (because they will). A most-definite must-listen.
Misery Signals - Controller
Betrayed - melodic hardcore with gangshouts aplenty
Black My Heart - raw, crushing, super-aggressive.
Shipwreck A.D. - sound like their band name (how appropriate)
Carpathian *- from Australia, although strangely my favorite hardcore album last year - I actually upped it, but it tragically died in the mf!re fire of o8'. Very powerful, both lyrically and musically.
Carpathian - Isolation
Celeste. Scariest, kvltest, most French-iest hardcore ever. Think Converge, except even dirtier and spookier, and a vocalist who screams in unintelligible French.
Comeback Kid - one of the funnest bands ever. watch their
video for wake the dead and agree
Cursed self-proclaimed loudest band in Canada
First Blood. Represent San Franciscan hardcore. Angry. Makes you want to run in circles, angrily.
For the Fallen Dreams - bordering on the more 'core side of metal, than hardcore. Another one of the most solid bands to release an album last year. Incorporates a fair amount of melodic, ringing chords interspersed with dissonant riffs/breakdowns - very catchy. A definite must listen.
For the Fallen Dreams - Changes
Have Heart - hands down my favorite hardcore band, ever. The most perfect blend of Masshole hardcore. Really inspiring lyrics/songwriting, too. You definitely aren't a real hardcore fan if you don't like these guys. You will probably like this band even if you don't like hardcore. I like to think of the vocalist as a person who doesn't scream, but rather recites poetry very loudly.
Have Heart - Songs to Scream at the Sun
Mind Eraser - another super-solid Boston HC band. Their most recent album is the biggest mindfcuk ever. Two songs, each at or longer than ten minutes. Dirty as hell production/vocals. Almost drone/doom-like passages. Guitar leads/solos (what?!). A snare drum that punches you in the face, five times, every times it hits.
Palehorse. one word: PALEHORSE. *moshes*
Pulling Teeth. Just how I like my women (fast and angry).
Scarlet. One of the more 'unique' hardcore/metalcore bands I've discovered. Solid hardcore mixed with melodic(singing!) vocals and even some electronic elements.
Shai Hulud - another 'if you don't listen to these guys you aren't a real hardcore fan'-band.
Shai Hulud - Misanthropy Pure
Sick of It All - NYHC pioneers. you are a loseur (that's a poseur loser) if you don't know who these guys are.
Trap Them - 2008 was a pretty great year for hardcore. These guys put out one of the most solid hardcore albums in recent. A must-have for Converge fans.
Trap Them - Seizures in Barren Praise
Trash Talk. Northern California is like the Boston of the west coast. These guys are one of the best from there.
The Warriors. Solid. On the verge of post-hardcore/crossover.
The Acacia Strain- my kind-of-but-not-really guilty pleasure in hardcore. Very fun listen. Just to give you an idea of them, here are some song titles from their most recent album: "Skynet," "Dr. Doom," "Cthulhu," "JFC," and "Kräken." They also like artificial harmonics
a lot, and dabble in a fair amount of polymetric drumming/guitars for those music dorks.
They also have a music video thematically based around the glorious sport of tetherball