Ah, well that IS unfortunate, as I don't have those albums on this computer... I'm fairly sure a google search should turn them up for you though, they're definitely worth a listen, especially "Umber/Star Booty."
As promised, "a whole mess of stuff;" a few choice picks of the hardcore-related stuff I've been spinning lately:
End of a Year - "You are Beneath Me"
Very DC-influenced post-hardcore with duelling guitars and a loose, punky feel. The vocalist, Patrick Kindlon, has a weird scratchy voice, but after you get used to it, it really suits the songs, and his lyrics are outstanding throughout. Also worth checking out his Formspring account for some very interesting reading.
letlive. - "Fake History"
So yeah, while Glassjaw have been busy riling up their fans with piecemeal releases of odd songs over the last few months in what must be the worst kind of musical cock-tease imaginable, a bunch of upstarts from LA decided to beat them at their own game. Yes, this sounds very like GJ, but with a speedier melodic hardcore influence. Properly solid from start to finish.
Hostage Calm - "Hostage Calm"
This is my favourite album of 2010, which is why, despite it residing on the very edges of hardcore as a genre, I'm still posting it here. Hostage Calm used to be a straight up melodic hardcore band, reminiscent on their debut "Lens" of older Crime in Stereo. And now, much like that band, they've embraced experimentation and made what their label describes as a "deranged pop record." There are still hardcore/punk parts, but they're tempered with a keen sense of melody, latin percussion, piano, and huge vocal harmonies. Of note is the drumming, which holds everything together nicely through the numerous turn-on-a-dime time changes in each song. Totally gripping from start to finish, and another album where you'll really want to follow the lyrics too.
Make Do and Mend - "End Measured Mile"
A heavier take on the whole gruff melodic punk-rock sound, heavily reminiscent of "Caution"-era Hot Water Music. This album came out of nowhere for me, and I've barely stopped listening to it since.
Worn In Red - "In the Offing"
Gloomy and heavy post-hardcore for fans of Glass and Ashes, Young Livers, Planes Mistaken for Stars etc. Bit of a grower, this kinda passed me by when it was first released back in 2009, but recent listens have revealed its charms.