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Author Topic: I Like Hardcore Music. Do You Like Hardcore Music? - SAM, YOU MUST POST!  (Read 279142 times)


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Today is my day off so I decided to upload some records for you guys.

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To be had here:

Condition by Daniel Striped Tiger. Some cool dudes from Boston that are pretty much constantly fine tuning their sound with every new release. They tour with bands as disparate as fellow Massachusetts stalwarts Ampere and pop-punk bands like Teenage Cool Kids.

Fathers and Sons by Sinaloa. Another bunch of cool dudes from Massachusetts carrying the 90's DIY torch. I am very fond of this band. They've released a bunch of splits with awesome bands including the aforementioned Daniel Striped Tiger and Ampere, but also Wolves and Life At These Speeds.

The Moon is a Dead World  by Gospel. I have actually only recently come around to this album, but I am pretty jazzed about it now. Here is a description from the Level Plane site that I think sums them up really well: "Adam Dooling, Sean Miller, Vincent Roseboom and Jon Pastir forgo convention to create a drunken cantor that is as primitive as it is progressive". These dudes were tragically short-lived and this is their only album. They might have some compilation songs or 7"s that I am unaware of, though.

Self Made Maps by Stop It!! with a bonus 7 song demo. Another band started by a former member of City of Caterpillar. All I have to say about these guys is, "YEEEEEAH!". Also, they have a pretty happenin' rhythm section. 


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The Moon is a Dead World  by Gospel. I have actually only recently come around to this album, but I am pretty jazzed about it now. Here is a description from the Level Plane site that I think sums them up really well: "Adam Dooling, Sean Miller, Vincent Roseboom and Jon Pastir forgo convention to create a drunken cantor that is as primitive as it is progressive". These dudes were tragically short-lived and this is their only album. They might have some compilation songs or 7"s that I am unaware of, though.

This is a most excellent release. Actually, damn near everything that Level Plane Records has had a hand in has been fantastic. If you told me before I heard this one that "progressive/post-hardcore with a synth!" would be good, I might not have believed you, but there's not a bad song on this record. Also, Kurt Ballou from Converge recorded this, so you know it has a gritty, raw sound to it...I honestly think that this is one of his best sounding records - including Converge's own releases. I don't know of any unreleased material by these guys; I know there's nothing on the Level Plane comp. That seems to be par for the course though, when it comes to LP roster bands - put out one blisteringly awesome but under-recieved record, then disappear.

Self Made Maps by Stop It!! with a bonus 7 song demo. Another band started by a former member of City of Caterpillar. All I have to say about these guys is, "YEEEEEAH!". Also, they have a pretty happenin' rhythm section. 

AWESOME! I haven't heard anything about this particular CoC off-shoot, so I'm definitely curious. Thanks for the upload!
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Talking of unreleased material, Robotic Empire have set up a blog where they post live material, demos and releases by bands they like and bands from their roster. There's some really great stuff up on there. There's stuff by The Now, Neil Perry, Pig Destroyer and a bunch of others.

Edit: and I completely forgot to include the link.
« Last Edit: 18 May 2009, 13:01 by a pack of wolves »
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In Pieces - "Lions Write History" (2005)

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Imagine a rawer take on Thrice's "Vheissu," with the weird moods and atmospheres of Circle Takes the Square's "As the Roots Undo."  Good shit.

Botch - "We are the Romans" (1999)

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Like the middle ground between Converge and Dillinger Escape Plan, but rawer and more pissed off than either.  This is the remastered version, but I've not uploaded the second disc, as it's mostly just demos of the same songs.  If you want it, go buy it or something!


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Condition by Daniel Striped Tiger. Some cool dudes from Boston that are pretty much constantly fine tuning their sound with every new release. They tour with bands as disparate as fellow Massachusetts stalwarts Ampere and pop-punk bands like Teenage Cool Kids.

Fathers and Sons by Sinaloa. Another bunch of cool dudes from Massachusetts carrying the 90's DIY torch. I am very fond of this band. They've released a bunch of splits with awesome bands including the aforementioned Daniel Striped Tiger and Ampere, but also Wolves and Life At These Speeds.

Hey I saw these two guys play in a coffee shop about a month and a half ago! Absolutely great show! Osceola played too, they always play a great set.
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Jesus fuck you guys "Jane Doe" is so good!


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Wait of all people here you have never heard Jane Doe?

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Wait of all people here you have never heard Jane Doe?


Not until a few days ago. I've only recently gotten into Converge. Do I salvage any cool points, if I say it was Brent Hinds from Mastodon that persuaded me?


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1999-2002 was a simply outstanding period for hardcore. Without putting any thought into it whatsoever, I can think of:

Botch - We Are The Romans
Converge - Jane Doe
Dillinger Escape Plan - Calculating Infinity
Poison The Well - Tear From The Red
.hopesfall. - The Satellite Years
Zao - Liberate Te Ex Inferis

all of which were hugely influential on their respective scenes. If I scroll through my collection by release year, I can probably add 10 more records that, if there were such a thing as a hardcore "hall of fame," would deserve to be there. I'm a big fan of some of what's coming out now too, but from '99-'02 I consider the Golden Years, and it makes me all happy and nostalgiac.

Wait of all people here you have never heard Jane Doe?


Not until a few days ago. I've only recently gotten into Converge. Do I salvage any cool points, if I say it was Brent Hinds from Mastodon that persuaded me?

better late than never, my friend...Jane Doe is my favorite record of all time; I'm glad to see you like it!
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Poison The Well - Tear From The Red

i don't get why this one's always quoted as their best.  i've always preferred "the opposite of september."  mainly for the batshit-insane drumming.


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Great band from Denmark
The Psyke Project - Daikini

What the hell!? Why am I only now hearing about this band? These fuckers hail from Denmark, and here on their second full-length they unload track after track of relentlessly doomy pummelings the likes of which should please early fans of Isis who became increasingly dismayed when the band mellowed out. Because if there's one thing this Danish five-piece does not do, it's mellow out! I'm talking 14 tracks of absolutely crushing material chock full of massively intense rhythmic surges, loads of caustic textures and high contrast tempo changes, punishing atmospheric dissonance, and some of the most over the top and venomous vocal screaming you'll ever encounter. The first handful of tracks actually blows by surprisingly quickly, as the much longer "Dark Halls Red Floors" (8:42) changes things up with some jangly, lightly distorted chords that eventually dive headfirst into one of the most chugging midpaced runs of the disc three minutes in - an approach which returns to a sparser degree towards the end of the song to keep the dynamics shifting fluidly. Meanwhile, "Som Soldater" injects a little more melody and energy into its constantly dissonant twists and turns, while another longer cut in "Desert Flower" makes a return to clean guitars during the intro - which is the most laidback moment of the disc at the time it arrives. Of course, again, nearly three minutes into it you're in for a completely sick wave of churning distortion and bitter vocal diatribes, so they never restrain themselves for long. That is, until the almost entirely instrumental 14-minute "Qualia" opens with its sparse ambient guitar textures and subtle electronic noises that hint at a frantic build before unexpectedly dropping black to mangled clean riffs and simple drum patterns - where the gradual rise to full blown distortion isn't complete until nearly eight minutes in! I could argue that the noisiness and sheer length of this track make it a nonessential inclusion as compared to how masterful some of the other material is, but I suppose it does change things up a bit prior to the three-part closer, "Note"; which kicks off with the energetic and memorable blasts of "Note 1 - Darling", which actually boast some of the finest moments of the disc. The entire affair was recorded live over the course of six days, but you'd never guess it from as good as it sounds. I don't know who recorded it, but this is the best sounding record to have ever come from Antfarm Studio, I can tell you that right now. Seriously, it sounds damn near perfect for what the band is doing. The mix is clear and lets each instrument hold its own space and textures but of course it's massively dense and cohesive as well. The drums are totally natural and bash away with uncompromising force, the bass pulses away right in the center of the mix, and then guitars and vocals do most of the dirtywork. The guitars are so fucking oppressive that I love it: Be it searing abrasive picking patterns and noisy riffing or monumentally crushing palm-muting rhythms or overbearing power chords, the guitar tone is one of the best I've ever heard for this niche of music. And the same goes for the vocals, as the texture and clarity perfectly accentuate the over the top intensity of the performance and highlight the more unique attributes of the guy's voice. Great, great work across the board there. The layout also looks awesome, printed entirely with a matte finish and using nothing but interesting sketches and handwritten text throughout. Admittedly this makes for a tricky read (I actually had to get the tracklist online as I had a hell of a time trying to get the correct titles off of the back cover), but the aesthetic value is totally worth it. Lyrics aren't really included, just little snippets here and there amidst the drawings, but you've gotta assume it ain't pretty, I mean... this shit's just too bleak and oppressive for anything less. The only "downfall" here, and I do mean only, is that the record is just entirely too long, so admittedly some of the more chaotic and frantic elements of the songwriting certainly wear you out as a result. I mean, 14 tracks is heavy-handed as it is, but when most of those tracks average four minutes and a handful top seven or more? Yeah, you're in for one marathon of a listening session. Just to put that in perspective, these guys could dump five songs and still have an hour-long full-length on their hands, so... that's definitely something for them to consider in the future in terms of maximizing the overwhelming power of their approach without brutalizing the listener to death, because I have to confess that there are a couple of songs herein that don't quite make the cut when held against massive powerhouses such as "Dark Halls Red Floors" (among others). But I can very sincerely and respectfully state that there is simply no fucking way that a band of this level of quality and ferocity could ever come from anywhere but Europe. Plain and simple. If you want fucking heavy, both literally and figuratively, this is it. This is fucking it. Seriously, this is one of those rare instances where all of the typical "skull-crushing", "paint-peeling", "face-ripping", "ear-shredding" analogies do indeed apply. That this band hasn't been scooped up or even so much as namedropped by anyone of prominence in the US yet (sans the awesome It's a Trap website, who turned me onto the band) is a damn fucking shame, so if you're into this kind of thing, don't sleep on these cats any longer. A striking album, for sure.
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They have 2 more albums i can upload if any one is interested
« Last Edit: 18 May 2009, 16:01 by alli »


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hey sam ill probably see monument again soon.
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Poison The Well - Tear From The Red

i don't get why this one's always quoted as their best.  i've always preferred "the opposite of september."  mainly for the batshit-insane drumming.

I don't necessarily think it's their best one either...actually, to be honest I am quite the fan of Versions, which puts me in with roughly .000000000004% of PtW fans, most of whom hated that album. Opposite Of December is generally considered Poison The Well's best album, but Tear From The Red I think had more significant influence on the scene as a whole. It could easily be argued that that record paved the way for all other melodic hardcore to follow, and look at how many bands are doing that "scream-sing-scream" routine now.

Lots of people putting up some fresh new stuff here, so I'm gonna throw up a few classics over my next few posts. If you do not already have these in your collection, you must:

Here's the first.

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« Last Edit: 18 May 2009, 20:42 by Will »
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In grade six one of my classmates during sex ed asked if the penis could be broken. The teacher's response was "Not in the same way you'd break a bone. I still wouldn't take a hammer to it or anything."

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Holy shit this band are so good. How the fuck have I slept on this one, I need to start paying more attention. If anyone else is in the same position as me, go and grab some tunes from their blog. They seem to have their entire discography up there since it's apparently mostly OOP:
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The first DEP album is amazing. But then all three of them are. 'Weekend Sex Change' is one of the greatest song titles ever.
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The Psyke Project

Hey, those guys are really cool indeed! I've seen them live bundles of times, and I have yet to see a Hardcore band that can even hope to compare in terms of energy, ferocity and sheer intensity. Plus, my friend Christian is their new guitarist, and they're all really cool dudes.
« Last Edit: 20 May 2009, 09:29 by Lummer »


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DEP is the Black Flag of our generation. Also, anyone gonna up some Coalese? Maybe the new one? Hmmmmmmmmmmm?
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DEP is the Black Flag of our generation. Also, anyone gonna up some Coalese? Maybe the new one? Hmmmmmmmmmmm?

Black Flag is the Black Flag of my generation.  Incidentally, the first show I went to as well.

I'm thinking of upping some Gorilla Biscuits in honor of the twentieth anniversary of the outstanding show they did at the Safari Club, Memorial Day Weekend, 1989.  Any interest?


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Sure, load 'em up! I could use the history lesson...I've never gotten around to listening to Gorilla Biscuits, and I don't really know why.
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I'm gonna post this here since I don't think anyone actually reads the video thread

This is a band called Pansori. They play mostly post-rock, but they have some pretty fuckin' punx moments and even verge on the intensity of emo violence. They're a lot like Envy, but with more quiet parts and the punx parts are obviously quite more intense. They share members with Army of Kashyyk, another Baltimore band that plays emo shit (who sadly just broke up WAHHHHHH) and they were actually supposed to be the ones who played this set. But my god, Pansori is so fucking good. They had a demo put out that just hit the internets yesterday that i'll post as soon as I hear it, but this should be the song on it. I was also at this show! Those with a good eye should be able to figure out where I am.

yeah anyway tl;dr Pansori is boss.
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somebody fucking rad, obviously.
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yeah anyway tl;dr Pansori is boss.

You weren't kidding, this is great! I really like the violin and the drumming, he doesn't so much build things up as threaten some scathing screamo throughout the quieter parts. In fact, I think I like this band more than Envy. They're good and all but they always felt like they lacked a little something, and this band have a ferocity that's really appealing. Also, that looks like an awesome place to see a gig. Reminds me of the cellar I saw Towers in.

Scholastic Deth - Final Examiner

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Thrashing hardcore for bookworms. SD were noisy, fun and smart as hell. Well, they spend a lot of time talking about reading and politics and that's good enough for me anyway. Totally worth it just for Revenge Of The Nerds (you can probably guess what that samples), Bookstore Core and The Revolution Will Not Be Posted On Ebay alone. This is their complete discography, 39 songs in under 35 minutes just the way it should be.

Edit: Finally! It's up now.
« Last Edit: 21 May 2009, 07:43 by a pack of wolves »
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EDIT 2:  Mediafire finally decided to work!  So here is the compilation that defined the NYHC sound in the late 80s.  Really, this album is fucking awesome.

Code: [Select] York Hardcore.rar
And in honor of the 20th anniversary of Start Today... it's, uh, Start Today!

Code: [Select] Today.rar
If y'all like the second generation stuff, I have TONS of it.

« Last Edit: 21 May 2009, 06:39 by A Wet Helmet »


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How do y'all dudes feel about Disfear? I saw them yesterday. They were good!

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Alright, here's a few more.

Agnostic Front  To Be Continued

Much like Bad Brains or 7 Seconds, Agnostic Front tends to release and re-release a lot of the same songs in slightly different versions.   This 'Best Of' Album is a very good sampling of their stuff from 86ish - 92ish.  A lot of "hardcore purists" really hated One Voice when it came out in 92 as being too metal, however, in perspective, listening to the songs mixed in with their earlier work, it all fits really well.   A good introduction to AF, who really are, in many ways, the Godfathers of New York Hardcore.

Code: [Select] Be Continued.rar
Hand in hand with Agnostic Front, the Cro-Mags helped redefine the sound of Hardcore and put New York on the map as a stronghold of hardcore music.  There is not an ounce of bullshit or poseur about these fucking cats.  I love these guys.   Well before their groundbreaking Age of Quarrel album was released, I used to have this Cro-Mags cassette tape that was probably the 50th generation copy of their demo.  Although it wasn't exactly what I'm posting here, (who the fuck knows what people omitted or re-arranged as they were copying tapes) it had some of the same versions of the songs as we have here.   For no other reasons than it takes me back to the early days, I'm giving you their Before the Quarrel demo.

Cro-Mags Before The Quarrel

Code: [Select] The Quarrel.rar
Finally, a band that never went as far as they should have... the amazing Breakdown.  Fuck these guys are good.  Sick People has got to be one of the best Hardcore songs ever written (though the version on the compilation album I posted earlier is better than the demo version).   Another demo because back then there wasn't really any commercial viability to these bands and it was almost all DIY.   So what may lack in sound quality of these earlier hardcore cuts, is more than made up for in passion.

Breakdown 87 Demo

Code: [Select] Demo.rar

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I dunno, I always thought the Cro-Mags had some serious bullshit going on with that well dodgy insert to The Age Of Quarrel. Nevertheless, they did do some great music.

Ghostlimb - s/t

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In honour of their upcoming UK gigs here is some more Ghostlimb. The album grimbo posted a page or so back is probably better but this is still great, more raging hardcore from these guys who share members with Graf Orlock. Their gig together is going to be ridiculously good.
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Cro-Mags got really weird and kind of shitty post Age of Quarrel, no doubt.   They fell apart, got back together, fell apart again (on tour!) and went back and forth between being hardcore and being metal, but damn...  Their early stuff was amazing.

I saw them once when John Bloodclot had quit in the middle of the tour, so Harley was singing and his brother (I think it was his brother) had been introduced as having just gotten out of jail, played flute.   No shit, flute, on stage with the Cro-Mags.   KrishnaCore got weird as fuck sometimes.   :laugh:

They did a cover of Hey Joe only it was Hey John and the lyrics were "Where you going with that bald spot on your head" as Harley had started referring to Bloodclot as Baldspot.  Fucking comedy gold I tell you!


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Guys guys guys, there is a shit-ton of hardcore in this thread. Can someone give me say a top ten bands I should listen to?

I know most of the bigger stuff like black flag/minor threat/bad brains and thought that was pretty much it for hardcore but then ya'll post this thread and make me go wtf :?



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How do y'all dudes feel about Disfear? I saw them yesterday. They were good!

I am quite the fan. I saw them last year in Pittsburgh and it was a hell of a show. They're nothing groundbreaking but sooooo good. Plus, I mean there's that whole At The Gates background, so, I guess Tomas kinda has his musical pedigree down, or something.

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A good introduction to AF, who really are, in many ways, the Godfathers of New York Hardcore.

Vinny Stigma opened for Dropkick Murphys when I saw them in March, and let us know that last statement at least SEVENTEEN THOUSAND TIMES. I wanted to dive off the balcony and tackle his annoying, old ass.

Speaking of Boston (where this all went down)..

The Proletariat - Soma Holiday

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« Last Edit: 21 May 2009, 11:16 by valley_parade »
Wait so you're letting something that happened 10 years ago ruin your quality of life? What are you, America? :psyduck:

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Zao - Legendary

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Zao was mentioned briefly earlier in the thread so i thought i'd put this up because it is sweet. it's sort of like a greatest hits of their earlier work and it's really great if you like a little bit of metal with your hardcore.
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Cro-Mags got really weird and kind of shitty post Age of Quarrel, no doubt.   They fell apart, got back together, fell apart again (on tour!) and went back and forth between being hardcore and being metal, but damn...  Their early stuff was amazing.

I saw them once when John Bloodclot had quit in the middle of the tour, so Harley was singing and his brother (I think it was his brother) had been introduced as having just gotten out of jail, played flute.   No shit, flute, on stage with the Cro-Mags.   KrishnaCore got weird as fuck sometimes.   :laugh:

They did a cover of Hey Joe only it was Hey John and the lyrics were "Where you going with that bald spot on your head" as Harley had started referring to Bloodclot as Baldspot.  Fucking comedy gold I tell you!

Amazing! I'm not averse to flute in hardcore (yeah, I really liked Submission Hold) but in the Cro-Mags... oh dear. Really wish I'd seen that, just for the hilarity.

Vinny Stigma opened for Dropkick Murphys when I saw them in March, and let us know that last statement at least SEVENTEEN THOUSAND TIMES. I wanted to dive off the balcony and tackle his annoying, old ass.

Anyone know if that rumour that he was so shit in the early days of AF that they didn't allow him to plug his guitar in on stage is true? I kind of hope it is.

Guys guys guys, there is a shit-ton of hardcore in this thread. Can someone give me say a top ten bands I should listen to?

Out of this thread, in no order:
Gorilla Biscuits
Circle Takes The Square
New York City Hardcore compilation
Drive Like Jehu
Scholastic Deth
Ten Grand
Hüsker Dü

And then everything else, I can't actually think of any bad uploads in this thread and it was hard to think of just ten.
« Last Edit: 21 May 2009, 11:28 by a pack of wolves »
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God, I hope so. He was TERRIBLE. You know that obnxious, loud, short-of stature, egotistical New Yorker attitude?

I think they based it on Vinnie.
Wait so you're letting something that happened 10 years ago ruin your quality of life? What are you, America? :psyduck:

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I'd say he was the biggest joke in NYHC, but that would mean forgetting Rick Ta Life. And you should never forget Rick Ta Life. Dude rode a horse once.
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Yeah, nobody ever said any of the New York bands are humble.

So, to get away from New York for a minute and back to my hometown of D.C.  (We're going to conveniently ignore the fact that they moved to NY, okay?)  Here is the Bad Brain's Rock For Light

This is probably the most under appreciated/least listened to album of the classic Bad Brains era.  Personally, I think it's phenomenal, but it tends to get overshadowed by I Against I and the live album that followed it.  It was produced by Ric Ocasek of The Cars, believe it or not, and contains pretty much everything you've already heard on the ROIR tapes, though it is much more polished and professional.  The band was really coming into their own at this time and their confidence shows.  There's also a few real ass-kickers in here that aren't found anywhere else. 

Bad Brains -- Rock For Light

Code: [Select] For Light.rar
« Last Edit: 21 May 2009, 12:34 by A Wet Helmet »


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Out of this thread, in no order:
Gorilla Biscuits
Circle Takes The Square
New York City Hardcore compilation
Drive Like Jehu
Scholastic Deth
Ten Grand
Hüsker Dü

And then everything else, I can't actually think of any bad uploads in this thread and it was hard to think of just ten.

Thanks man I'll get on it right now  :-)


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wolves, good call on that list. I think you wrapped up a pretty good mix there, although I would maybe have included Pg.99...but then I would have had to leave something else off, and I don't know who out of your list to cut...DAMN!

falandrew, after you've gone through this set - if you liked Circle Takes The Square and/or Orchid, make sure you scope that Pg.99 set...they are outstanding.
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I saw these guys on Warped Tour in 2007, and kinda just passed by. Hearing the full album, I wish I'd stayed. At the time, I just passed them off as decent sounding yelling guys with beards. I guess it's a project of pro skateboarder/all around rad dude Mike V.

Revolution Mother - Glory Bound

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Wait so you're letting something that happened 10 years ago ruin your quality of life? What are you, America? :psyduck:


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sam you read chug life?

good man.
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The Drips - "The Drips"  (2006)

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Matt and Joby from the Bronx, Tony who played on the Distillers' last album, and Vince and Dave (Jr.) Hidalgo from Los Fuckin' Lobos (yeah, seriously, the La Bamba guys!), playing loose limbed, summery hardcore with a bit of a old-school punk vibe.  Really really good, like a slightly more melodic take on the first Bronx album.

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have i mentioned failures in here yet? dude from orchid on guitar, singer from los crudos+charles bronson on vox, forgot who drums
anyways their lp is out on the internet, it is pretty good! it's on a chuglife

It basically just sounds like Das Oath mk.2. That is alright though since Das Oath were amazing, I'm perfectly happy to have more of the same. Unavoidable nerd moment: Mark McCoy wasn't in Los Crudos, that was Martin Sorrondeguy now of Limp Wrist.
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Wait, Limp Wrist is still around? Haha...that band is so much fun.

I went to see Converge a couple of years ago, and my friend and I listened to Reign In Blood and the Limpwrist discography exclusively, for the entire trip. It was awesome.
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In grade six one of my classmates during sex ed asked if the penis could be broken. The teacher's response was "Not in the same way you'd break a bone. I still wouldn't take a hammer to it or anything."


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Oh boy I just downloaded and listened to converge circle takes the square and drive like jehu, converge were certainly, er yup, certainly something. Pretty cool but thats a hell of a vocal!

Drive like jehu is awesome though.

I also FUCKING loved as the roots undo. Seriously one of my new favourite albums.

Small aside since it just came up on my random play, do the guys from Circle Takes The Square do guest vocals on 65 Days of Static's song "the conspiracy of seeds"  :-o
« Last Edit: 22 May 2009, 14:09 by falandrew »


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I also FUCKING loved as the roots undo. Seriously one of my new favourite albums.

Small aside since it just came up on my random play, do the guys from Circle Takes The Square do guest vocals on 65 Days of Static's song "the conspiracy of seeds"  :-o

that seems to be everyone's first reaction to ATRU;  it really hits you for six the first time doesn't it? 

and yeah, that's kathy and drew from CTTS on "conspiracy of seeds."  if it weren't for the fact that both of those bands take fucking FOREVER to make albums, i'd love to see a full-length collaboration, or at least an EP.

a pack of wolves

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Wait, Limp Wrist is still around? Haha...that band is so much fun.

I went to see Converge a couple of years ago, and my friend and I listened to Reign In Blood and the Limpwrist discography exclusively, for the entire trip. It was awesome.

I think they split for a bit but they're back together now. They're doing a few UK gigs next month, I really hope they play I Love Hardcore Boys/I Love Boys Hardcore.
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This is one hardcore band you should not miss.

Really pissed off kids from IOWA pouring out their souls in what to me is the best musical response to the Bush Administration. Too bad these guys broke up. One of the few punk/hardcore shows I've been to that made me feel alive again. I know that sounds mellow dramatic, but have you ever stepped out of a show and felt changed? Yeah... well this was one of those live shows for me. The album was recorded and mastered by Kurt Ballou (Converge guitarist) at his God City Studios so the sound is fantastic. Whether you're a new school kung fu fighter circle pitter or an old school finger pointing stage diver, get ready to get pumped to tear things down and fuck shit up.

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Sorry, already upped this to megaupload so you'll have to enter a code and wait 45 seconds before you can click the DL link.

This the lead singer of The Adolescents other band. If you like SoCal hardcore form the 80's like FYP, Agent Orange or Black Flag you win.
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Hobo Sunrise
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Yes.No.Shut it.
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This may not belong here, but someone posted somethign from the Bronx so I feel this also has a place here. This band makes The Bronx sound like Sum 41. This band will kick the piss outta you. Squealing feedback, crashing drums and searing vocals... this band has it all. Think THE MURDER CITY DEVILS on PCP.
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Last one. :-D

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http://www.mediaf! Like Jehu meets Nirvana in an ocean of feedback. At one time, these guys put on the best live show in the world. This band is reckless, loud, noisy and dangerous. Everything good about rock n roll, punk and hardcore. Think Nirvana's "Tourettes" with a Stooges take. One of my top 10 albums of all time. Rocknfuckinroll.
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Drive like jehu is awesome though.

Am I the only person on the planet that thinks they are eight different kinds of fucking terrible?
Wait so you're letting something that happened 10 years ago ruin your quality of life? What are you, America? :psyduck:
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