I think the most offensive thing about this is that it's stunningly mediocre. It's not good, and it's not so completely bad as to be amusing. It's just bland.
Cliches. They suck. I find them all the time in revising my own work, and it pisses me off to no end. Every single bit of imagery and every single metaphor in this poem has been used, abused, beaten to death, and resurrected only to be beaten again. The subject matter is a touchy subject because it's so personal, and I'm a firm believer that writing can be cathartic, but it you're writing something
for public viewing that deals with a topic as overdone as a father abandoning a child, then you damned well better do it in such a way that sets it apart from all the thousands upon thousands of other poems that have been written about the exact same thing.
If this was something someone wrote in a journal for personal reasons, then I fully support it. Diary writing should never worry about holding up to criticism. This, however, was written for an audience, and the audience deserves better than teen angst.
I personally don't care for rhyme in poetry at all, but that's a matter of taste. However, these rhymes reek of laziness. It seems as though no effort whatsoever was put into creating this, and it was just word vomit. Also:
Will I be waiting forever just for him to call?
Will I always be questioning if he loves me anymore?
This line, being the single part of the poem that has no rhyme at all, sticks out and not in a good way. Breaking meter is a fantastic way to draw attention and give profound impact to a specific line in a poem; this just leaves me as a reader going..."Meh."
I have a hard time really critiquing work that is meant to be written and read, since what I do is much more performance based, but this is quite cringeworthy.