I think it also comes from the fact that Jeph successfully pulls away from Pure Drama when it happens and gets back to Teh Funny. When that cycle has run its course, then things can get serious again for a while.
That's far more realistic IMO, particularly when you're talking about a group of friends who won't let each other stay in mopesville. Life has moments of joy amidst times of sorrow and pain amidst times of happiness.
The whole thing with Hannelore I think is very well done as well. Looking at it objectively, OCD is a condition that makes people do silly and ridiculous things. To ignore that as somebody's friend is possibly more insulting than having some occasional fun with it (and like all things in life, that's going to depend on the person in question). At the same time, they all are making an effort to draw Hanners out bit by bit, and in the end the reason she can grow more comfortable around them is knowing that above all else, they've got her back. God help the poor soul who does ever try to mess with Hannelore because this crew will eat them alive.
And that's true all around. Faye knows she made a mistake, for example, she doesn't need lectures, she needs her friends to be supportive, but at the same time not to treat her like a porcelain doll who will shatter if they look at her wrong.
So yes, QC is "mundane", but it's not missing out because it doesn't resolve each issue before moving on. Everybody's llives are filled with crises and problems that are mostly in limbo as we muddle through the day-to-day existence, cracking jokes with friends and coworkers and having our Anthro-PCs accidentally blow up the coffee table.
tl;dr Or what plethora said.