it took me 2 weeks of reading, while going to work, and hanging out with friends (i'm surprised i actually have a life this summer ^_^)
i've gotten a couple of people hooked on it, i know, and i LOVE. QC will now go on my list of dailies to read. maybe i'll reread it eventually, but i think that all of my fb friends will be relieved that they will no longer see links to various QC episodes come up on their newsfeeds. XD teehee.
yes. i enjoyed these past couple of weeks. it has been marvelous. i told myself that i would not visit the forums until i was completely finished, simply to avoid spoilers. i am now satisfied that i can intelligently speak about the comic, and the lives of the characters.
well, i have now lost my QC forum virginity, so i'm off to make futile attempts at conversation with all you strangers, whom i hope i will eventualy get to know, at least a little bit!