I like John Keogh's guest strip (
http://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1454), a lot, but I'd like to understand it better.
Is it referencing movies which I haven't seen? It's a series of different scenes (like a dream, or a movie, unlike a typical episode of QC which is a single scene), and I like them all, but why? What inspired them?
Hanner's bandage costume reminds me of the _Fifth Element_ (which is odd, dream-like, in a Western setting). The face-off between the four of them is like _The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly_. Is that it? Or a different movie? Or several?
And what's happening at the end? That's a very bloody intrusion into her ear. And why is Hello Kitty upside-down?
All quite surreal. And what is "the Leisure Town reference" which Jeff refers to underneath?