finally upgrading to illustrator cs4 so i can fix that goddamn typo
9:10 PM Jul 30th from Twitterrific
He already knows, so why do people need to keep bringing up goddamn typos? I swear I'm gonna work out a way to punch people through the internet, because
this didn't need to be brought up at all. No one should care, because it's easy enough to work out what he meant; I missed it when I read the comic because my brain substituted the right word. To reinforce my point, I will remind people that
he already knows about it for fuck's sake. He probably got hundreds of emails about it anyway.
Why do people feel the need to bring up these things over and over again? We just had a old thread about typos brought back up and locked because it was stupid, and now another one has been started? Do you guys have such a boring life that you have to let everyone know that you noticed a mistake?