March 17, 2004, 08:19:44 PM
I don't really remember much about what was happening when I registered. I didn't post for a long time, and wasn't really a poster till 2006-ish. I started spending bunches of time here when I had a day job where they often didn't give me enough work to do, and said job had me living in Richmond Hill, which is an awful place to live which is far away from everything except sprawling suburbs and an absence of living people.
I remember Gryff was super cool and I started using the forums on work time because I wanted to be quick on the draw with clever remarks. I accidentally usurped his shtick and summarized threads for a while.
Also I think Gabbly started not too long after I started spending more time here?
(particularly considering the fact that if I stopped posting tomorrow probably no one would notice).
Yeah maybe you've spent time here and I wouldn't notice if you were gone tomorrow but if some months went by without you then hey, I'd be like, where's that girl who is neat and smart and doesn't post often but looks adorable when she posts pictures.