Since I too made an account just to say "Awesome comic"....
I will say this, sounding off on everything I've just been skimming over.
I like Sven much more than Angus (I find Angus stalker-creepy, and he deserves Marigold in my opinion. And I don't care if that's harsh.)
I think Faye and Sven *should* get back together. They were quite good for each other in many ways. The way I saw it, the crash-and-burn over Gina-Loose-Pants had to do with Faye's refusal to admit to herself and to Sven that she was growing more emotionally involved with him than "just sex;" also neither of them got really truly specific about NOT sleeping with other people. Sven appears to have somewhat assumed that there was no exclusivity clause in there, and Faye (obviously) seemed to feel just the opposite. Sven knew, at the time of the Gina..."encounter" shall we call it, that he 'was screwed' in more ways than one. He was thinking about Faye *during* his sex with Gina, he knew that Faye was likely to feel hurt over it, and honestly he showed a lot of spine by being completely up front and honest with Faye about the matter. Sven's pattern in the past (as I understood it) was to lie to his girls a lot because he wanted to keep the sex good and/or not hurt their various feelings. This time he's making the effort to be honest, and trying to own up. Faye reacted predictably.
Now, he did indeed act like a prick at the beer sledding thing. That I'll totally agree with. But as others have observed it seems to indicate that he feels jealousy when regarding the idea of Faye-with-another-man. In other cases he was *relieved* when some girl he had hurt found someone else. And as we see here he clearly has more feelings for Faye than just "hey let's screw" which is to his good credit. We already know, somewhat, that Faye has stronger feelings for Sven. I don't think those have gone away just because of Angus or because of time passing.
I think Faye's expression at the end of the strip indicates that she is thinking over how she feels now, and that she knows she's still got a sizeable soft spot for Sven.
I also think that she would not have been quite so pissed off in panel 3 if she weren't secretly afraid that Sven is just saying whatever needs to be said, to get back in her pants...but his next words do help allay that fear, I think.
If I were Faye I'd be straight with the man, no manipulation but also taking no bull. If they want to be friends even, it has to be with boundaries clearly marked and letting Sven know what is and is not OK with Faye : and making sure Sven tells Faye what he feels he can live with and maybe even letting her know how much commitment he is willing to make.
Oh, my stars...compromise in a relationship? Even a "just friends" relationship?! Dare I say such a thing??

I can't wait to see how this plays out, and I very very much look forward to it!