I posted Vol. 1 of that months and months ago, but I didn't have the other two, and I'm really happy more attention in being paid to this band ... they're fucking EXCELLENT.
Basically, FUCK YEAH! You rule!
PS: I have their self-titled if you want it. I think I upped it even longer ago than SS V.1 but I can re-up it pretty easy.
I was actually going to up that one and Free Ride next, so don't worry about it, bro.
P.S. You rule, too - Acid Mothers Temple forever.
Fuckin' SWEET, I don't have Free Ride yet either.
I need to figure out what to put up here in appreciation. I'm assuming you've got all 9 Colour Haze albums (anyone who got their hands on Causa Sui's discog probably would have by now, I figure), but if not I can put those up. Any interest in any of the following bands? Any of them that you're not familiar with will get uploaded as well, in good time.
Under Brooklyn Palms
The Assemble Head In Sunburst Sound
Hypnos 69
The Ganjas (upped it a while ago but the link's dead)
Earthless (ditto)
Leech (ditto)
El Paramo
Sula Bassana
500 Ft. Of Pipe
Ten East
Queen Elephantine
Also, I could literally sit at a computer all day every day for the next week and still not succeed in uploading all the AMT I have, so if people are looking, I'll throw it up.
Man I haven't been that active on this thread recently, this is the first thing it's given me in months that I'm REALLY excited to have. Causa Sui became one of my favorite bands a while ago and all I needed to hear was the first track from Summer Sessions Vol. 1. I'm really happy to get my hands on the rest of their stuff, and I think it's time for me to start uploading more often.