If you want to go really old school you could always pick up the M&M six pack from GOG.com. Fair warning though; the most recent game in that pack is Might and Magic VI, which came out in '98. Then again though, M&M6 is one of the most modern versions of what you're looking for, really, which is kind of sad. It's pretty damned minimalist in terms of actual role playing, but it was one of the few CRPGs/Crawlers that I can think of that were remarkably bug free even in its initial release, which is always nice. I had fun with it, at any rate.
One thing that kinda bugs me about M&M games in general is the simple fact that well, might kind of sucks, particularly compared to magic, and in M&M6 the divide is rather exaggerated. You're generally a helluva lot better off depending on magical buffs to strengthen your sword arm than ever sinking too many points into your weapon skills, which is kind of a bummer. Honestly, the only reason I ever created a Knight in M&M6 as opposed to a Paladin is due the ridiculous health pool they get and the fact that somebody needs to get stuck learning miscellaneous skills and it might as well be the dude who can't rain fire from the skies. As far as I'm concerned, knights are for detecting traps and carrying the rest of your mangled party back to the temple to get rezzed (to be fair, getting mangled can come up surprisingly often, so having someone specialized in it isn't necessarily a bad thing). Depending on them to actually kill stuff is a fool's errand. That's what fireballs are for. Well, that and arrows. Lots and lots of arrows.