Why hello there, fellow QC forumites; your (one of many) friendly neighborhood lurker(s) here. If you'll permit me, I'd like to share a little story with all of you.
I was the last guild master of a formerly successful raiding guild in Ye Olde World of Warcraft. When I took over as GM, the responsibilities of maintaining the website and Ventrilo server were passed to me. Though I no longer actively work on the (now defunct) webpage, I continue to pay hosting fees for a fifty-person Vent server.
I keep the server active because I like having a place where I can game with my friends or just chat with people who I've come to know and respect; plus the cost of keeping the server going is ridiculously low (in fact, I'm confused as to how TypeFrag stays in business with how little they charge for their awesome service). That being said, the server is never full. In fact, it is usually occupied solely by me and three to four other people that I regularly play with.
Instead of canceling my subscription or downgrading the server to a lower capacity, I've decided to offer it to you – the members of one of the few message boards that I consider a haven of discussion – for your use and enjoyment. You can use it run an instance in WoW, survive a trip through a zombie infested city after being Left 4 Dead, play long distance DnD or just hang out and connect with people you have come to know and respect...despite the fact that they may live hundreds or even thousands of miles away.
So, if you're interested, send me a PM or post in this thread with the handle you plan on using and I'll happily hook you up with the server information. If you think that it is a stupid idea and that I am stupid for bringing it up, then feel free to share that as well.
Now, before I sign off, I'd like to share a few rules about the server that are non-negotiable.
1.)Racism, homophobia, genderism and the like are not tolerated, period. I'll usually warn once or twice, and then kick the offender from the server for a little while. If it becomes a consistent problem, then I will not hesitate to serve up a heaping portion of bancakes.
2.)Religious, political and philosophical discussions are A-OK, provided that everyone in the channel is willing to participate and keep it civil. If you want to have an argument, that's fine too but take it to a different channel. That being said, please do not proselytize or insult people with opinions that differ from yours.
3.)Its fine if you want to share audio with the people in your channel (as long as you have the group's consent). However, any instance of mic spamming will be met with a ban...no exceptions. I do run a music bot from time to time and have channel dedicated for that. You are welcome to run a bot in that channel if you wish, provided that there already isn't one currently broadcasting.
Other than the restrictions listed above, anything goes! If you want a specific channel, let me know and I'll happily add it in. Got friends you want to talk to who don't come this forum? That's fine! Give them the info and have fun! The server itself is located in the central U.S., so latency shouldn't be an issue for North Americans. If you live on the other side of the globe, you may experience a little lag but based on what I've been told, its generally no more than 200ms. What's more, if enough people are interested, I'd l even be willing to upgrade the server to increase the number of available slots.
I apologize for the TL;DR post, but I wanted to make sure all the details were in a single location and also gauge the general interest (or lack thereof) for something like this.