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Author Topic: Which scene/strip/arc makes you laugh every time you read it?  (Read 46990 times)


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For me it's especially Faye in Panel 3...drunkeness at its very best my friends...
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Most of them.  That's why I'm so fond of the "random" button.  I'm rarely disappointed! 
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Most of them, but this one and it's arc especially.
Popular imagery becomes the accepted standard, and why people aspire to become what isn't real.


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« Last Edit: 24 Nov 2009, 08:54 by syrupykeyboard »
"And I don't know where I'm going yet, but it's somewhere quite a ways from here I'll bet..."


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This one from the first Cosette arc.

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Panels three and four make me giggle every time.
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Impossible to pick out a favourite, but 1063 always makes me chuckle.
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Theres this webcomic - not sure if you would know it - called "Questionable content" that shit is ALL funny!


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Don't remember the number, but a "for fun" strip that has random stuff in it; Pintsize and Winslow drawn as if a 3 year old drew it, Dora, Penelope and Faye at the beach, and the last panel's darkened and Marty's like, "Dora, what are you-OH GOD!"
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The one where Faye tells Marten her dad shot himself makes me laugh so hard my stomach hurts.
Rizzla: Man... I'm only interested in girls who've had penises.
Rizzla: Fuck
Rizzla: I mean girls who have penises.


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The one where Faye tells off the snobby CD store clerk never gets old.

Marten breaking up Pintsize's unauthorized AnthroPC party.  There's just something hilarious about little robots saying "Fuck tha police!"  and "Total sausage fest."

Marten explaining why he couldn't see himself having sex with a guy.

The boner shark one, especially Penelope's "oh God what now" stare in the last panel.

And finally, the recent strip where Marten tells Maurice he's going to call him "Dad Two:  Dad Harder."


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The one with the Greek mythology gag always makes me laugh.
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I just got the image of a midwife and a woman giving birth swinging towards each other on a trapeze - when they meet, the midwife pulls the baby out. The knife juggler is standing on the floor and cuts the umbilical cord with a a knifethrow.

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These two.

Also, both of these.

And this one (especially if you read the newspost).
You know, they tell you, "Never hit a man with a closed fist," but it is, on occasion, hilarious.


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Nothing ever was able to beat this one:
Carpe Diem


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The arc where Ray gets high.
[16:27] Ozy:  has joined the room
[16:27] Quietus: porn necklace!
[16:27] Quietus: Shove it up yer vag!
[16:27] Ozy: has left the room


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The arc where Ray gets high.
Which one?
"And I don't know where I'm going yet, but it's somewhere quite a ways from here I'll bet..."


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Marten's line in panel 4 of #351 is always hilarious, but I think it might only really work if you've rad Dune beforehand.
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Number 778 makes me laugh. I always think "who the fuck is Martina Mavratilova-- Martina Mavratilová's diacritically-challenged friend?". Yes, diacritics are that important to me, particularly when it changes both the meaning and pronunciation of the word.
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Navratilova.  With or without diacritiques. 
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I was into Stumpy and the Cuntfarts before they sold out.


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Nothing will top

"...admire that fine, fine ass."


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Yes, diacritics are that important to me, particularly when it changes both the meaning and pronunciation of the word.

Pretty sure that it doesn't matter considering it's not even in the right alphabet, you could probably figure out the pronunciation given the context, and that the meaning is simply "Woman of the Mavratilovs."[sic]  Don't read any Russian books if they are that important to you in comprehending words or names, you'll be disappointed. Czech letters I am sure are key to pronunciation, but understanding? In this case, I'm not so sure.

Additionally, if the strip that makes you laugh the most only does so as a result of some weird pleasure over your own pedantry, you may need to reexamine your reasons for reading the comic.

ETA:  Also, Wikipedia tells me you missed one.  Apparently they're not that important.  

ETAA: I'm really not a bad guy.
« Last Edit: 05 Jan 2010, 08:33 by phooey »


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The latest strip is going to have me lol'ing every time I see it, for quite a while I'm sure.

Pintsize's line is AMAZING.

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I may not always laugh out loud, but
"Mm. Waffles" will never stop being funny.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Is it bad that I knew exactly which strip you were linking to before I clicked?
"I have been asked, 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question." - Charles Babbage


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Depends on your definition of bad. 

I can always seem to find one on a random hit.  This one is still one of my favorites, though.  Follows the unexpected twist rule to a T! 
« Last Edit: 09 Jan 2010, 08:20 by Carl-E »
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Considering the timeliness of some current events, this one fits.
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Followed it for a while and came across a bunch that made me laugh, but then there's this one

Quitessential QC.  Just something about clever riffing...
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Another one - the "wall of text" that Jeph finds annoying is one of the best character development bits I've ever seen, the fisheye perspective shots are excellent, and the answer in the last panel is so typical, it's priceless! 

But what makes me giggle every time is her last thought...
« Last Edit: 16 Jan 2010, 13:38 by Carl-E »
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« Last Edit: 15 Jan 2010, 12:51 by Kugai »
James The Kugai 

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Another one
But what makes me giggle every time is the last thought...

Jeph might want to go back and fix up that panel: on re-reading it I've found four spelling mistakes, "unvierses", "tens" (in context should be "tends"), "envirto..." is probably the start of "environmental", and "Tuskeegee" (which I Googled because I'd never heard of it) is spelled "Tuskegee".

Also panel 2 makes more sense if you remove the spurious "and" from between "change"and "makes" in the phrase "whether the distribution of US bills and change and makes certain types of number more or less likely to occur in a random tip sampling".

But yes, hilarious strip!
« Last Edit: 16 Jan 2010, 04:02 by Binary »
"We are the weirdos, Mister!" -Fairuza Balk, The Craft


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It's really good, but I found the next two (1288 and 1289) much funnier.  Wit is good, irony makes it better. 
« Last Edit: 16 Feb 2010, 18:04 by Carl-E »
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A. Smith

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"Dad 2: Dad Harder" is the single best line in the entire strip's run.


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If you want to see what God and Satan look like, look in the mirror.


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OK, I was looking for something else, and hit this one (979). 

My laugh sounds more and more like my dad's every year... and he has a rather insane cackle. 

"He's very enthusiastic"! 
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Signs you're addicted to a comic strip: I'm going through the archives and making notes on pretty much each strip. I'm up to Sven's visit to the ER.
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Random linking and I came back to this gem: 1414
If you want to see what God and Satan look like, look in the mirror.


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This one, of the ones that haven't been mentioned a couple times already. Dora's little wave and the look on Faye's face in panel four absolutely make this strip.


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« Last Edit: 17 Feb 2010, 01:40 by Akima »
"I would rather have questions that can't be answered, than answers that can't be questioned." Richard Feynman

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I laughed again just remembering that line without even following the link.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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I can't remember which number it was but my all-time favourite is the one about discovering the holy grail of indie rock physics.


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I can't remember which number it was but my all-time favourite is the one about discovering the holy grail of indie rock physics.

The Theory of Hipster Relativity!

According to hipster theory, the more obscure a band is the better its music will be.

It follows, then that a band which absolutely no one has heard of would make the best music ever!

If no one has heard of a band, it effectively does not exist.

Ergo, the best band in the world is nonexistant!
"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
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M = (BN2)-1

where BN is the band's notoriety and M is the quality of music. 

Don't blame me, it's on the clipboard! 

Also, M + S = XXX (Music + Science = Sexy!)
When people try to speak a gut reaction, they end up talking out their ass.
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