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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3800 on: 03 Aug 2010, 22:55 »

found out one of my best friends has done crystal meth?  not entirely surprised, just a little weirded out
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3801 on: 04 Aug 2010, 04:14 »

Today I read six things:
1) The West Australian newspaper. It was, well, The West. Still better than the Hobart Times! C+
2) My university's student magazine. What a fucking rag. The same jokes in here as when I was in first year, four years ago. D
3) The other major Perth uni's student magazine. Surprisingly interesting. Some articles had some thinking put into them, which floored me because after reading Grok on occasion for four years I didn't think that student newspapers could do that. B+
4) Excerpts from the girl next to me on the train's copy of a book by Chuck Palahniuk. I do not like his writing style, nor any of these awful characters. C
5) Headlines from the lady next to me on the train's copy of the "International Express". I have never actually seen these awful tabloids in person. "Muslims shut down anti terrorism operation". "20b slashed from promised projects" or something. The list in the handy infographic added up to roughly 4 billion. C
6) A copy of some student socialist movement newsletter that was lying around for some reason. To summarise it: "These things all suck: (an exhaustive list of things that exist)". Oddly lacking: any sense of proportion, willingness to compromise on anything. F
One day ends and another begins and we're never none the wiser.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3802 on: 04 Aug 2010, 05:43 »

McTaggart, I'm surprised that you gave a tabloid such a high grade.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3803 on: 04 Aug 2010, 07:04 »

3 A's y'all

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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3804 on: 04 Aug 2010, 08:02 »

Today I watched a man high kick and then punch a woman in the face, giving her a bloody nose, in the middle of the street today. Then I had to deal with cops. Now I have to return home to Halifax and deal with stuff and leave behind a boy that I have some mighty woosh crushes on. Woe.
King of Kings baby.

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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3805 on: 04 Aug 2010, 10:10 »

Andy, that is super crazy!

So, internet, lately I have been spending my time looking very seriously into both drying food in various ways(come this fall/winter, I may try some outdoor food drying!) and into animal husbandry. Regarding St. Louis's laws on such, and how to go about raising a flock of chickens in the city. For awhile I was worried than I would not be legally allowed to slaughter my own chickens, and that made me sad because I would not want the animal to go to waste after it stopped producing, and whatnot, but it seems I will be able to. So yay! More delicious coq au vin!

Like I said, I've been super looking into animal husbandry, and farming, and basically, I think my dream would be to have a sheep/chicken/grape farm. My boyfriend is pretty opposed to farming animals because he does not want to be involved in the massive amount of work that it would take to take care of them, nor does he want to be involved in the slaughtering, so he is in charge of the crops(he picked grapes, but I love fresh off the vine homegrown grapes so much). I cannot say that I particularly want to be involved in the slaughtering either, but I would like for us to learn how to be a bit more self sufficient, which would involve slaughtering my own dinners, so I guess I am fine with it. And as much as I would love to go buy acres of land right now, and start our farm today, I am also worried I will give up on it once I actually experience how difficult it is. Which is why I just wanna get some chickens for now. I'm pretty excited about building a coop for them, and having fresh eggs everyday(did you know the average egg takes 2 months to get to your plate! Isn't that crazy?), and also having snuggle-able chicken pets. who will later be my snuggle-able tasty dinners. I've already picked out a few breeds and they are pretty and good layers, and have a decent amount of meat on them as well! So I'm pretty much ready!

I have also been spending a lot of time playing ukulele! My boyfriend and I got into an argument that quickly turned into a discussion of where we went wrong and why we've been so shitty to ourselves and each other lately, and it was decided that we were depressed. Things have just been shitty lately, and we were taking it out on each other. During our discussion it was brought up that I never play my uke anymore, which is a very sad thing. So I've been making myself do things like wake up with or before my boyfriend(he usually gets up around 9am, I usually sleep in until 12pm. Which is terrible, I know, but when you have nothing to do and never sleep during the night, you may as well sleep in), and fixing him a breakfast(because he rides his bike to work, and rarely eats breakfast and I know that makes him feel like butts), and also fixing his lunch(and including a snack and vitamins for him so if he wants he can snack before riding his bike home, so he isn't starving when he gets home. I think thats been really working out for him, and also helping him feel better.) and also forcing myself to play ukulele at least once a day for a decent amount of time, and also realizing my dreams moreso and being vocal about them and not brushing them off as dumb idea.

Forcing myself to play ukulele has actually been really rewarding. I love my uke. So much. I think about it constantly when I do not play it. I actually figured out this strum pattern that I could not get at all and now I'm pretty happy and this song actually sounds like a song! I'm kind of tempted to record myself and put it up on the youtubes, but that also scares me a lot.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3806 on: 04 Aug 2010, 10:22 »

slaughtering and skinning things is not nearly as horrible as it seems like it's going to be!

I had never been involved in any animal killing or dismembering until recently (my parents, and thus me, are pacifists and hippies). It was the 3rd of July and we shot a rabbit that was eating my buddy's mom's tomato plants and decided to try to skin and (maybe) butcher it, if we could. We ended up ruining it at the very end of the skinning process, but it wasn't all terrible or gross (okay, the guts are pretty gross). I'm an animal lover and rabbits are particularly cute, but it's not actually that bad if you just think of it like food present wrapped in fur gift wrap....with a bunny ear bow. heh

coincidentally, me and my roomates have also been thinking about getting chickens, but chickens are one of my most hated animals and I really don't want them living at or near my house. Chickens are bitches.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3807 on: 04 Aug 2010, 10:46 »

Yeah, I've super looking into various techniques for slaughtering them, and I think I can do it. I'm a little worried about taking the chicken's life, but I also realize that yeah, it is going to be my food, and it is not dying in vain, and I'd be using the method that to the best of my knowledge is the least painful. And also I think that raising and slaughtering my own food will help me to realize where all of my food is coming from and inspire me to think more about that on a regular basis.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3808 on: 04 Aug 2010, 11:18 »

hey motherfuckers
guess who saw mothefuckin' sloan last night
guess who was at the best festival where sloan wasn't even advertised
they didn't want to make a big deal out of it
and then there was sloan


Dear blog thread,

This morning I woke up still drunk from last night, and laying next to a cardboard box that I had apparently filled with my own vomit. When I picked up the box to throw it away, I was immediately slapped in the face by the overwhelming smell of tequila, which made me feel even more drunk.

Last night, I did it 100% right.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3809 on: 04 Aug 2010, 11:44 »

Another copypasta e-mail, these things take too damn long to write. Sorry if I'm repeating info I've already posted here, most of the important stuff is in the first three or so paragraphs:

I'm in a coffee shop in Toronto, hanging out waiting to check in to our hostel, smack in the middle of Toronto, in the shadow of the CN Tower. We've just gotten here after spending two days in St. Catharine's, Ontario (15 minutes from Niagara Falls). We've come up here earlier than we had originally planned because we need to register and insure our car, and it is a tedious and longwinded process that will take at least a week, if not longer.

Apparently it is impossible to register a car in New Jersey or NY State unless you have a permanent address so when we bought the car we also got temporary insurance and registration, which expire today (4/8/10). We were led to believe by the dealer, family friends of Sam's in Canada and the Ministry of Transport website that with Sam being a Canadian citizen, we would be able to register + insure the car with just her passport. Of course, life is never that easy. After finishing in New York we decided that we would just pop up over the border, stay the night at a motel, go to a MoT office the next day, register the car, insure it, get back in our car and go along our merry way (we had planned to go see Jace in Buffalo and see a Frank Turner gig and probably Kat and Stephen in Rochester over the weekend.). What actually happened was that after driving 10 hours from NY to the Canadian border and spending another two hours waiting in a gridlocked queue of cars to actually cross the border, we had to stop at immigration/customs where we spent three further hours importing the car and paying taxes + duty as well as sorting out my visa. We also found out here that despite having had the car recently inspected, Canada has additional standards, including a requirement of daytime running lights. You know how old Volvos have lights that come on as soon as the car starts, and stay on? Every car in Canada has those. In total, from filling out the initial forms to actually finally being insured+registered will take five business days AT LEAST, in which time we can not go anywhere, principally because as of 1330 on the 4th, our car is uninsured and as such illegal to drive.  We finally checked into the motel at just before 0300hrs.

The next day was no easier. Once again we operated under the assumption that we could just waltz into an MoT office, hand over Sam's passport and our international licenses and we would get our shiny Ontario plates. Instead we were told that we could not insure the car unless we had an Ontario driver's license. Once again, we thought this would be just fine because there is an agreement between Canada and Australia where you can get an Ontario driver's license in a straight swap for yr old Australian one, which is what Sam did when she came to Australia in the first place. This would be all well and good, except for that for some perverse reason, the province of Ontario requires that proof of the driver's experience be presented, and that it can only be mailed, not faxed or e-mailed, for it to be valid. This applies only to Western Australia. With every other state in the country, you can get it faxed, no worries. I am beginning to suspect that there are forces working specifically just to fuck with us.

So, now here is what we have to do:
- Contact the Ontario Ministry of Transport to arrange for an inspection and modifications on the car to bring it up to Canada's specs (this is what will take approximately five business days to sort out. Knowing our luck, it will actually take far longer).
- Contact the Department of Planning and Infrastructure in WA and have them express mail us Sam's driving history to the hostel we are staying at
- Take that history to the Ministry of Transport (wait in line for 2 hrs, probably), take a written driving test to get an Ontario license.
- Insure the car, at the cost of approximately one arm and one leg.
- Register the car, receive plates, pay more money to the wonderful Ontario provincial government.

We hope to do some sightseeing in there too. Maybe. Oh yeah, we have to go vote in the Australian federal election at some point as well. Yay!

We bought the car on the second day of being New York. We didn't actually go into Manhattan proper until the third day. Once there we went and visited Ground Zero (the subway from Hoboken station goes straight to the old World Trade Center site)and the WTC museum, an incredibly intense emotional experience. They are 26 stories into building the "Freedom Tower", which will stand where the South Tower of the WTC used to be. It will eventually stand 76 stories tall. It won't quite dominate the entire New York skyline like it used to, but it will still be the tallest thing in downtown. On the site of the North tower they are making a gigantic memorial fountain/waterfall, with water cascading into the foundation of the old tower.

After WTC we walked downtown to Wall St and Battery Park, which is the southmost point of the island and the location of the ferry for the Statue of Liberty. We had planned to go see the statue, but the hour and a half line as well as the near 100ºF heat (the first week we were in NYC was the hottest of the entire summer) and oppressive humidity discouraged us. Instead we walked back uptown along the east side of the island and past the Brooklyn Bridge before hanging a left into Chinatown and Greenwich Village where we stopped at Katz's Delicatessen, site of the fake orgasm scene from "When Harry Met Sally" (there's a sign hanging above the table it was shot at) as well as pastrami sandwiches the size of yr head.

The day after that we went to Midtown, Madison Square Garden (disappointingly round) Times Square (a slight letdown after Shinjuku, but pretty insane nonetheless) and walked around Central Park, where just after sunset we found ourselves caught in a torrential downpour. This was the only time it rained in New York while we were there, and we just happened to be in the middle of a park. We ended up having to run about 20 blocks down Fifth Avenue until we found some scaffolding to shelter under. Later on we found solace and shelter in a Hooters on 56th St. Hooters sucks, guys. Everybody talks about how amazing the wings at Hooters are, but I have no idea why.

The following day we spent moving our stuff across town to stay with my friend Eugene, who lives in Forest Hills, a somewhat built up suburban are in Queens that's most famous for being the home of The Ramones as well as Peter Parker/Spiderman.

The following three days were spent roving about all of the touristy stuff in the city including the Natural History Museum, Guggenheim Museum, Statue of Liberty (still had to wait an hour and a half), Empire State Building (two hours in line, you had to queue for tickets, queue for ground floor security, queue for the elevator to the 80th floor, queue for the elevator for the 86th floor, then queue for the observation deck. Then you get to queue to get out again! And this was at 10pm), Central Park Zoo, NBC Studio Tour and Rockefeller Plaza Observation Deck. All of these places were amazing, and we could've easily spent a whole day in the Natural History Museum alone. Even with the cursory visits we paid everything we still couldn't fit in everything we planned.

For the rest of the week we hung out with Eugene and his friends and explored more of New York's less obvious attractions, including going "urban spelunking" in an abandoned subway tunnel that runs the length of Manhattan's west side, which has been converted into a kind of gallery space for graffiti artists. We also visited Chelsea and SoHo's fashion districts and St. Mark's, which was the epicentre of the early punk rock scene in New York city.

That more or less brings me up to date!

TL:DR; Fuck you, Ontario provincial government!
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3810 on: 04 Aug 2010, 12:03 »

Fuck you, Ontario provincial government!

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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3811 on: 04 Aug 2010, 12:29 »


Tomorrow is the The List party which hopefully I have tickets for. Friday I'm going to Antihoot as well as celebrating a friend's birthday, and Saturday I am going clubbing yeah!

Our radio broadcast launched today and everything went well which is insane and hasn't happened in about a year. We also have a new website and everything.

Edit: wait Jens are you coming to Edinburgh as well?

Edit 2: I think I just decided to go see Villagers on Friday as well.
« Last Edit: 04 Aug 2010, 12:34 by StaedlerMars »
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3812 on: 04 Aug 2010, 12:31 »

Edit: Not the brother I am going to be living with in the fall, obviously. I cannot even remember the last time we fought.

The brother I went to school with? Yeah, he's pretty rad. Say hi! Sad thing about the other brother, though, I remember him as a pretty nice guy.

Today I fucked up one of the electricity experiments we do in one of the shows at work. Resulting in up to 10.000 volts shooting through my left index finger. There's now an entry wound between my knuckle and first joint, and an exit wound between my first and second joint. Before I managed to turn the thingy that gave me the jolt of, flames stood out of the side of it. Lesson: turn off before disassembling equipment that demonstrates lightning.

Get yourself checked out by a doctor ASAP.  I remember the safety briefing we had when I had my Physics degree.  Basically, if you've had high voltage go through you, it may do a lot of damage internally that you don't feel and are not aware of.

Nah, it wasn't that bad. 0,02 amp or something like that, I'm not really sure what the different electricity things mean. The guys at work who made the thing (jacob's ladder), and who knows this kind of stuff, told me that it was okay, no danger.

Tomorrow is the last day of work for me, and then all I'll have left to do is reading maths like a motherfucker to be able to pass the next semester. Wish me luck.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3813 on: 04 Aug 2010, 13:11 »


Edit: wait Jens are you coming to Edinburgh as well?

He is! (I'm too excited about this to let him confirm it for himself.)

Also, remember to go see my show! It opens on the 15th, 4.20pm at the Zoo Roxy Loft (don't come on the first day though...  I have no idea how it will go!).
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3814 on: 04 Aug 2010, 13:35 »

Dovey, no offence but at any point did you not think "Hey so maybe fuck Canada on this trip?"

It's an okay country but not in any way worth that kind of insane hassle when America is right there.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3815 on: 04 Aug 2010, 13:41 »

Dovey how long are you staying in Toronto? I'm going to leave for Buffalo/Rochester tomorrow, but I'm back Saturday and available for hangouts?
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3816 on: 04 Aug 2010, 13:43 »

America is like a good burger joint: you know you're gonna get what you pay for, you know it's bad for you and everyone else involved, but it's still pretty great.

Canada is the exclusive restaurant across the street: you know it'll be good if you can get in, but the wait for a table will have soured you on the experience before you even sit down. Then a moose smashes through the kitchen and you end up across the street at the burger joint anyway.

and in your know it was for the best
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3817 on: 04 Aug 2010, 18:54 »

Dovey, no offence but at any point did you not think "Hey so maybe fuck Canada on this trip?"

It's an okay country but not in any way worth that kind of insane hassle when America is right there.

Don't blame me, blame the Canuck I'm dating. She misses the place for some odd reason.

UPDATE: Toronto is maybe the most bullshit city I have ever been in, it is so fucked it makes me miss Perth. PERTH. Toronto is polluted and grey and ugly and even though the hostel we are at is in the middle of the "entertainment district" I have seen literally nothing of the slightest interest. Today we walked down to the CN Tower and I remarked that it was ridiculous that they would expect us to pay upwards of CAD$20 to go up to the top of the thing and look out at the Toronto skyline, when the only interesting thing in Toronto is the fucking CN tower which you CAN'T FUCKING SEE WHEN YOU ARE INSIDE OF IT HUGLHMB. We have to stay here for at least seven days and I have no idea how I'm gonna fill up the time. I mean, I guess there is free wi-fi at the hostel and I've been neglecting all of the blogs and webcomics I used to read?

(And before anyone gets butthurt about Tronno allow me to point out that all of this is probably a combination of how insanely frustrated and pissed off I am right now and the fact that we came here straight from New York City which probably makes every city seem like dildos.

Also I am still kind of excited about going to the Royal Ontario Museum and The Hockey Hall of Fame and the Toronto Zoo etc.

Also also Metric played a free show at Union Station tonight and that was pretty sweet!)

Allison I'm in Tronno for at least seven days, the trip is basically open ended up until we can get this car shit sorted out. I'm hoping it won't take any longer than that.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3818 on: 04 Aug 2010, 19:18 »

well, i will hit you up when i am on my way home! i would love to hang out with you guys. jon (cernunnos) will also be here at the end of next week, so if you're here we could make that a thing. anyway! i will call you i guess on saturday. yes? yes.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3819 on: 04 Aug 2010, 19:20 »

honestly, yeah. everyone i have spoken too has said "you'll come back to toronto right??" regarding my move and i am always like "yeah totally i'll visit i promise" but in my head i am always going "yeah uh no offense dogg but i hope you figure out on your own that there is absolutely no way i am ever going to like anything at all about toronto ever again after going to bc.".
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3821 on: 04 Aug 2010, 19:24 »

before anyone gets butthurt about Tronno allow me to point out that all of this is probably a combination of how insanely frustrated and pissed off I am right now and the fact that we came here straight from New York City which probably makes every city seem like dildos.

i was almost butthurt (not really, toronto is not great) but then you made me laugh right at the very end and i forgive you. bffs forever!
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3822 on: 04 Aug 2010, 20:53 »

Places I like (and expect you will like) in Toronto:
Future Bakery, a hipster watering hole/bakery. It has tasty food and isn't bad on price, and wednesdays are all you can eat perogies or something. I never could find a reason to go into town on a wednesday, but always wanted to go.
This shady pizzeria on College & Borden, I think. It is for sure on college and I think on borden. It looks like nothing from the outside but there is rock-solid pizza on the inside.
Disgraceland, where I had bacon pie, sausage w/kraut, and blueberry buttermilk pancakes for brunch one day. Pretty good.
BMV, a massive late-night used book store.
Sonic Boom, a gigantic-ass used record store. It features in a scene of the scott pilgrim comics.
Also, check out kensington market on a saturday or sunday, I think? One of those days.

I realize Toronto is not the best city and you are not there under the best circumstances but I was always visiting for a good reason and usually had a pretty good time there. That is a list of places I miss there. Clearly, all I do is eat, read, and listen to music.

this place has some bitchin' tacos.

before anyone gets butthurt about Tronno allow me to point out that all of this is probably a combination of how insanely frustrated and pissed off I am right now and the fact that we came here straight from New York City which probably makes every city seem like dildos.

Dildo is a place, and I have been there
« Last Edit: 04 Aug 2010, 21:04 by Slick »
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3823 on: 04 Aug 2010, 21:08 »

if you like beer we can go to the distillery district
we can see a cheap show at a theatre
there is totally stuff to do!
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3824 on: 04 Aug 2010, 22:05 »

I don't know if I'm just oblivious, but my trip to Toronto was one of the best trips I've ever taken. I would chose Toronto over New York any day. Just as much to see, no crowds, lots of nice people.

Montreal on the other hand was probably the worst trip I ever took.

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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3825 on: 04 Aug 2010, 22:31 »

I really didn't like Toronto. Montreal would have been my top favourite if I didn't have to do live saving stuff. Chicago was nice.
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3826 on: 05 Aug 2010, 02:23 »

Edit: Not the brother I am going to be living with in the fall, obviously. I cannot even remember the last time we fought.

The brother I went to school with? Yeah, he's pretty rad. Say hi! Sad thing about the other brother, though, I remember him as a pretty nice guy.

Yeah, he's the one I'll be living "with", aka sharing a kitchen, but having our own bathrooms and stuff. I'm sure he'll say hi back! The other one is pretty nice to everyone else, just not his family :p But I guess he's been making an effort to be nicer to his family lately as well, but he definitely has moments where he relapses. The next day he didn't even mention the argument and his demands, so I guess he had thought about it or something, who knows.

We had nice weather yesterday! I'm still pale as fuck and it was only 15 degrees out of the sun, but just being able to lie on the terrace in the sun and relax without being cold is amazing after this summer.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3827 on: 05 Aug 2010, 04:20 »

Look what I did tonight! I'm so clever!

Witness the loss of my sewing machine virginity here.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3828 on: 05 Aug 2010, 05:04 »

All I noticed at first was that you'd brushed your hair... but that skirt looks great! You have nice legs, Miss Lunchy.

Guys, I have a tight knot of tension in my stomach because of these stupid plays. I'm massively excited about both productions and they're going to be fantastic but I have far too many props and my budget just won't stretch to cover them. I have about forty items left to buy or make for the the Edinburgh show and less than £30 left - that is not remotely enough. I'm going to have to go over and take the risk that we don't make the excess back from ticket sales, but it is not a nice feeling.

Then the other show, the problem is time. I don't want to spend my whole time in Edinburgh in internet cafes trying to sort out the props but I have only got a week more at home and they haven't even finalised the props list for the Penzance show yet, let alone authorised my pricings. No other show has ever worked like this - usually they give you a budget, tell you what to buy, and you go and buy them. With the exception of the Edinburgh show, which is unusual in itself, this has never worked badly before. But no, I have to liase with three different people about the actual items, then email a fourth person with a pricings list, and then he will tell me whether or not I can get those things. If I can't, I have to go back to the beginning and liase with the three people again and try to find a cheaper version (bear in mind that I will have looked for the cheapest option in the first place...).

Basically after the two shows this summer and three next term that I've already committed to, I am taking a break from theatre. I can't take the stress for one thing! And I want to focus on dance and ice hockey.

Bah. Holiday? I cannot remember the last summer holiday I had where I got to just chill out and relax... my own fault, but I am fairly sure that if I carry on like this I'll end up with ulcers when I'm older.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3829 on: 05 Aug 2010, 05:14 »

man blog thread, i started watching weeds on netflix yesterday and i can't stop, i'm almost done with season 3 and i have to be at work in 8 hours but i can't stoppppppppppp

Weeds season 1 was great, then it went downhill fast, and now it's fun to watch again because they just started going over the top with the craziness. In one scene my fiancee wondered why the characters weren't just doing some other thing that would have made more sense, and I started coming up with a justification when I realized "they're acting that way because nobody on this show ever does what a normal person would do."

Also, I've started watching Breaking Bad and this may be my new favorite "upstanding person turns to a life of crime" show. Who knew chemistry was so badass?


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3830 on: 05 Aug 2010, 05:27 »

Look what I did tonight! I'm so clever!



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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3831 on: 05 Aug 2010, 09:47 »

BLARGH thread,

So my girlfriend moved out of her apartment and into mine. It's cool. She bought out her lease and we thought things were cool. She has been out since the end of May.

Today, my girlfriend gets a call from her old landlord saying that her apartment was infested with fleas and that she owes 625 dollars for cleaning.

There were no fleas there. We have a cat, but it never went outside and we never noticed anything. Plus, it was at least 3 weeks before anyone came in to check the carpets. Don't fleas not live that long without a host?

The landlord already had an exterminator in. We've demanded proof that the infestation originated with us, but we're probably screwed, right?



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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3832 on: 05 Aug 2010, 11:32 »

Man check his receipt.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3833 on: 05 Aug 2010, 11:42 »

I just did some quick googling and it seems that whilst fleas can live without an animal host, it is only when there are people living there and providing human blood, warmth and so forth. I find it hard to believe it could still be infested after three weeks of being empty. If you have any friends who are lawyers specialising in property law, chat to them about it to see what you can do if he keeps insisting, because I'm pretty sure there'll be something.

Blog thread, I have learned a song on the guitar! OK I've learned one riff of a two-riff song so I can sing half the song, but I'm still pleased with it. It is Space by Martha Tilston (I am not singing the silly bridge bit, because I do not sound like Damien Rice).
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3834 on: 05 Aug 2010, 13:21 »

And the San Francisco Bay Area trumps all.

Dear blag,

I've lost 3 friends and nearly lost another this week. Not due to tragedy, due to them being cunts.

I really have no faith in people at all, and I'm doubting my ability to judge human character.

My long-dead band Troubador! licks your gentlemen's legumes on the cheap


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3835 on: 05 Aug 2010, 13:36 »

3 A's y'all

and accepted by cambridge today!


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3836 on: 05 Aug 2010, 13:48 »


Where are you going? What are you doing? When are you arriving? Etc etc etc.

I am going to stop being a little bit scary now, but that's awesome and Cambridge is so much fun, well done!
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3837 on: 05 Aug 2010, 13:50 »

Churchill, Computer Science, not sure yet

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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3838 on: 05 Aug 2010, 14:49 »

I lost a few friends in my late teens to douchebaggery.  I got a few back after they chilled out and grew up a bit.  I feel like it's around this age people I know change pretty drastically.  Of course if I've learned anything from the workforce and the night life scene it is that a majority of people I encounter never mature out of even high school douchyness.

My cousin went to Cambridge.  She's a freaking genius too, speaks seven languages.  Seems to be more common in Europe than the US, but still impresses the hell out of me.  I'm hoping to go to UBC Vancouver to finish up a biochemistry undergrad and go on to med or grad school after I get my poly sci degree from Boise State.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3839 on: 05 Aug 2010, 15:46 »

Hmm Churchill. Don't know much about it, it's one of the few I haven't visited, but it's a hill college so buy a bike with a good strong lock! And I know almost no compscis as they don't tend to surface to face the light of day...

Blog thread, the genius of googlemaps knows no bounds.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3840 on: 05 Aug 2010, 19:07 »

Conversely, Google Maps has fucked me about as many times as it has helped me on this trip. Finally gave in and bought a proper GPS thingamajig the other day, it is my new best friend. It's name is Winston Jr. (Because our car's name is Winston)
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3841 on: 05 Aug 2010, 19:28 »

I really have no faith in people at all, and I'm doubting my ability to judge human character.

I'm your friend, Pat! Which I guess just proves you really do have a terrible judge of character.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3842 on: 05 Aug 2010, 20:13 »

honestly, yeah. everyone i have spoken too has said "you'll come back to toronto right??" regarding my move and i am always like "yeah totally i'll visit i promise" but in my head i am always going "yeah uh no offense dogg but i hope you figure out on your own that there is absolutely no way i am ever going to like anything at all about toronto ever again after going to bc.".
Welcome to Beautiful British Columbia.
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Hey JD, I really like your penis, man.

Mein Tumblr

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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3843 on: 06 Aug 2010, 09:03 »

Holy shit I am hungover.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3844 on: 06 Aug 2010, 11:57 »

So some friends of mine had a kid way too early (way too early. 15.) and he also just happens to have some cerebral palsy. Sucky stuff but they're married and happy and pretty cool in the light of it all.
So I am just so in love with this picture of their son, rocking his bib/bandanna in true LATFH fashion;)
Denn Du Bist, Was Du Isst   (you are what you eat)
also, related to burning stuff: a friend threw up on a hot water heater once, the vomit steam burned her face. awesome!


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3845 on: 06 Aug 2010, 15:56 »

so tired. long work week in the heat + school + lack of sleep = woooo
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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3846 on: 06 Aug 2010, 16:48 »

Eels and Teenage Fanclub are playing the same venue in Boston on a Friday/Saturday in September and I really want to go but there's no way I could afford that right now arrrrgh.
Wait so you're letting something that happened 10 years ago ruin your quality of life? What are you, America? :psyduck:


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3847 on: 06 Aug 2010, 18:36 »

[16:27] Ozy:  has joined the room
[16:27] Quietus: porn necklace!
[16:27] Quietus: Shove it up yer vag!
[16:27] Ozy: has left the room


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3848 on: 06 Aug 2010, 18:46 »

Reasons my job blows:
I thought I was making $10.50. Apparently I am making $10.25. I am going to have to look into that right away.
I thought I got health benefits after three months. Apparently, taking two and a half weeks on bereavement resets that counter, so I do not get benefits until October (I am quitting before September). I will owe physio $200 or so on Monday.
I thought I was working eight hour days. We are instead working nine hour days and will continue to do so until a) we hire more people (unlikely) b) the iOS4/iPhone 4 surge dies down (unlikely before I quit).
And that is just in addition to me being good and sick of being yelled and cussed at because Apple continues to make terrible decisions that make people angry and leave me accountable.
It's a roasted cocoa bean, commonly found in vaginas.


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Re: Blog Thread III : Look Who's Blogging Now
« Reply #3849 on: 06 Aug 2010, 18:50 »

I am in Des Moines! Tomorrow I am going to Antiques Roadshow! I am not in the hotel my mom and I originally booked because the hotel "didn't get our reservation" (read: overbooked and didn't want to fess up), BUT the good thing is that hotel is comping us rooms at the hotel that is next door. So hooray free hotel!
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:
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