I'm just going to hijack this thread for a brief moment because I don't really think it's worth making an entirely new thread, but Nintendo just announced a boatload of shit for the next few months.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 is out on May 23rd. The first SMG is one of my favorite games of this console generation, so this is the Wii game I've most looked forward to in a long, long time. Trailer's
here, it looks great. Apparently the hub will be a planet shaped like Mario's head, so that's awesome or horrifying depending on your perspective.
Just over a month later, Metroid: Other M is coming out: June 27th, to be exact. The gameplay is 2D sidescrolling, but apparently you can shift to first-person view at any time. As I understand it that perspective will mostly be used for exploration rather than combat. I'm most curious about this one, apparently the preview embargo lifts in a couple hours so I'll link anything I find.
Sin and Punishment 2 is being renamed Sin and Punishment: Star Successor for the West, presumably because the original was never officially released in English territories until the Virtual Console. That one will come out on June 7th, and from what I hear it's completely balls-out crazy.
Nintendo is also co-publishing a couple third party games, which is kind of weird for them. They're working with Capcom to release Monster Hunter Tri on Wii April 20th, and with Squeenix for Dragon Quest 9 on DS sometime this summer.
That's most of the important stuff. Picross 3D is finally getting a Western release, if anybody cares, and there's a bunch of WiiWare and DSWare games given dates. Mega Man 10 is coming out on March 1st, so it'll probably hit the other platforms around that time too. Cave Story is
finally coming out on March 22nd, after about 2 years of delays.