I have to say, I'm liking these past few strips. Granted, I think everyone can see this thing with Angus turning out poorly for Marigold sooner rather than later, but who knows? Jeph could surprise us, and she's getting some friends out of the deal, which is a damn sight better than where she was before all this.
Looking at Angus's behavior, though, I'm surprised more people haven't pinned it down specifically. Bit of an ass at times, trying to incorporate her into his circle of friends (however new they may be to him) playful behavior, showing some interest in her hobbies, despite trying to play it cool... to me, he's taken rather quickly to the role of Marigold's big brother. It's plausible that once she gets past the crush phase, Marigold will pick up on that and kind of fall into a brother-sister type of relationship with Angus... but then again, that's for Jeph to know, and us to find out.