is university challenge show just in British??
It's a British programme, if that's what you mean. I don't know if it's done in Europe, but I don't think they have it in the US; the students wouldn't be cultured enough to answer the music, literature and art questions

For those interested, here's a video of the previous episode (before the one that people are talking about in this thread): would seem that this guy uploads all the episodes to YouTube, so I daresay today's will be on soon.
If you're in the UK (or have access to a UK proxy that isn't blocked by BBC), the actual programme is here: onwards.
For the rest, the transcript is:
"Jeph Jacques says that QC, his webcomic, is obstensibly about romance, indie rock, little robots and the problems people have. But what do the letters QC stand for?"
EDIT - as tweeted by Jeph himself
The students get it right, of course, along with the question about Ctrl Alt Delete (which is made easier by the fact that Paxman says at the start that it's named after a computer command. But they don't know what the PhD in PhD Comics stands for.