Jumping on the "oblivious to advances by ladyfolk" band wagon. Though there is of course the possibility that they've never actually happened to me, there have been a few instances where I realized days or weeks later that someone may have been hitting on me at a particular event. The one girlfriend I've had, had to ask me out, and when she did I at first thought she was joking (other people were involved and it wasn't a direct question, sue me). When I realized she wasn't I said yes and we got along fine. Why yes, the relationship was ended by her 2 months later, and no I don't really know why (though she's still friendly), why do you ask? Sometimes Asperger's pretty much sucks.
Ok figure two bean grinders, two big coffee-makers and an espresso machine... Just a quick look on Craigslist shows I can have all of those for about $2,000.
Then you spend another $1,000javascript:void(0); on tables and chairs... and about $500 on basic cups and spoons and saucers.
Another thousand to put down rent and deposit... and $500 for the permits/inspections.
Then you spend $250 on supplies: coffee, milk, creamer, whatnot.
Roughly $5,000. Her parents could have fronted her part of it, bank-loans cover the rest... hard work at a previous job saving every penny...
Once you are open and have a market share you start reinvesting in the business... buying better machines, custom cups and saucers, remodeling... hiring extra workers, advertising blitz...
I'm basing this partly on my experiences starting my business. I started off with a yellow Chicom lathe and mill for $1,500 and at this point I'm working for myself, I reached my goal of becoming a full-service machine-shop/molding company.
It ain't easy, coffee shop or machine-shop. Not everyone has the drive or the moxie to pull it off... but it's not as expensive as you think.
More like 15 K by my estimates. Didn't research enough to give a cost breakdown, but I live in California and it costs about 80 grand to start a restaurant here, minimum, even in a previously occupied space. She has a cafe devoted to one product, but it's still not going to be cheap even in a state with lower overall costs ( I seriously doubt that she found a place that had a bathroom and a basement large enough to be considered for business expansion with rent AND a deposit for
only $1000, no matter what the local economics, and especially not a (guessing) a thriving 2002 Massachusetts town), and it's going to be way more than $5,000. Also, you forgot a few things. Assuming that the place was bare when she moved in but in good condition (clean windows, no holes in the walls, bathroom facilities already there) there's still painting (and the prep work), decorations, the board, the sink and counter, and whatever else I forgot too that she still has to buy. And a fridge, and a- stopping now.
Is it weird that the main thing I want to know from today's strip is whether Wil's mustache is real?
Nope, not weird, just nerdy. And now I'm asking myself the same question. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
B-but, but I commented on its veracity first...
I was thinking it was a paste on.