While in the series, the first to go Super Saiyan was Goku, Goku's sons accomplished the feat at a far earlier age than either Vegeta or Goku: Gohan did it around the age of twelve (Hyperbolic Time Chamber ftw!) - during the Cell Saga. Goten did it even younger, while sparring with Chi Chi. Gohan didn't even know about it until a while afterwards, and I believe he would have been around the age of seven? But yeah, Goku was the first of the group to reach that plateau, and the first to reach each level afterwards.
Vegeta was Prince of All Saiyans, even though the home planet was destroyed by Frieza when both Goku and Vegeta were very young.
I think Sven would go first, 'cause he never tries, and he gets what he wants, just like Goku. Then Faye, from sheer jealousy and the fact that she has all that intensity. Then Dora, and then Mar would hop in, because HEY, her life is now an anime, ftw!!
But Faye would be the first to go to Super Saiyan x 2 because she is too intense NOT to!
Uhm, yes. xD I have been a bit of a DB/DBZ/DBGT nerd. ... *whistles*