Good end-comic for this week, to prelude the Hannelore+Sven date coming soon to many readers' anticipation.
1. First off, as it has been said before, Hannelore is NOT actually immune to Sven's "Come Hither" look. From comic: #1078: Mr. Face. Sven's aim was off and 'missed' Hanners, 'hitting' Faye, thus sparking off the whole Faye+Sven story-line.
That may be accurate, and it was certainly Sven's assessment at the time, but I actually like it better if Hanners is immune to The Look. It doesn't mean she doesn't like him or would be immune to any kind of seduction (as Faye's recounting of a hypothetical date indicates), but it makes things a little more interesting.
2. Love the Hanners' skeptical look in panel 2 and blushings in panels 4-5.
Yes! I mean, Faye's expressions are good too, but Hanners' are great in this strip.
3. Hannelore: "Yes. He's too tall. I could only kiss a boy who was the same height as me." Is not...Marten...Hanner's height? [dun Dun DUN!]
It's possible that he might be an inch taller (something Hanners would notice), but they are close in height -- party pic: On the other hand, it would be very adorable to see Hannelore standing on tip-toes to be kissing Sven... .
D'aww. Yet Hanners attacking her face with bleach immediately afterwards would be somewhat less adorable.
BTW, the folks saying that Hannelore is Sven's type are only partly right. Sven prefers blondes (natural ones at that, given how scandalized he was by the revelation that one of his exes dyed her hair), and he does like them skinny, but he also likes them to have big boobies and be wildcats in the sack. Granted, many (most?) guys might want those last two things, but it means that, like Faye, Hanners doesn't have all the elements. Now if you took some parts of Hanners and squished them together with some parts of Faye . . .