For comic #1768...
1. A good ending to the pretend-date. The aftermath/epilogue with Dora and the rest of the QC cast should be interesting as well.
2. I think most of us expected something like this (platonic ending) for the end of the pretend-date, even with all the speculation. After all, it was stated already by both Hannelore and Sven they intended this pretend-date would be just a friendly experience.
3. But the person I think who benefitted the most from this pretend-date? Sven. He got a lot of things off his chest, had a date (even if only pretend) in quite a long time, and shared a special moment with Hanners. Of course Hannelore benefitted much from this experience as well, though I still not recommend her trying Taco Bell yet

4. Panel #5 was really well done, really shows the pair sharing that kind of special moment you will never forget, even with the "herp derp" gag that followed.
5. Will we see another Hanners + Sven outing? Well, every Coffee of Doom barista has eventually shed their single status, perhaps Sven can put his name on the waiting list...