As for comic, Faye once again reminds me why she's my least favorite QC regular.
...and yes, Dolphins are the assholes of the sea. Anyone who watched Flipper could tell you that. 
Why? Because she whaps people for using tired memes and pops their little bubbles of uninformed bliss?
Anyone who knows the story of how Flipper nearly singlehandedly led to the popularity of dolphins and their commercial use for shows and such, with attendant high stress/suicide rates, and how those dolphins are supplied... well, dolphins may be the assholes of the sea, but we are definitely the assholes of the planet.
On a lighter note, Barista Week: The Fuck Sex issue and a t-shirt that I keep thinking says sMILF college. This has been a sex filled week for the strip, hasn't it? Interesting that the singularity wasn't a one off between the robots, it's an actual event in QC-verse. Will we start getting robot girl barista's soon with spines that glow red? Please say yes!
Dolphins do it deliberately.
Another chunk of the English language forever ruined for me by
TVTropes (don't worry, the entire page is hyperlinked so none stand out to pique curiosity, just keep your cursor off the text and you'll be fine.)