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Author Topic: Illustrator wanted for a book project  (Read 4673 times)


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Illustrator wanted for a book project
« on: 23 Sep 2010, 02:03 »

Hi there guys, long time mod first time poster to this sub-forum.

Anyway, straight to it: for the last two years-ish I've been doing tiny text-message stories every Sunday. (See also: my sig.) Each one fits into a single text-message, so 160 characters - which is about three sentences. I've written almost 100 of these stories now.

Well, for a while now I've been thinking of trying to get a book published of some of these stories. Thing is, I'd like this book to be illustrated: my conception of the book is that it would have a story on one page, and an illustration on the facing page. Problem is, I'm no illustrator - so I need someone to do the illustrations for me. So does anyone want to give it a go? This is an open call for submissions, because I know there are some good artists on this forum.

Below is a sample of the stories, to give you an idea of what you'd be working with. To match the simplicity and sparseness of the stories, I was imagining pretty simple black-and-white line-drawing illustrations. Other than that I don't have many guidelines, except to say that I'm not really looking for cartoon/comic style pictures. Sorry.

If you're interested, send me a P.M. or email me at harry_up_north(at)yahoo-dot-com-dot-au (translate that into a real email address for best results). I should say that I don't have anything like a guarantee that this book will actually happen; once I get three or four illustrations I'm going to start trying to get publishers and literary agents here in Australia interested.

Anyway, some stories:

Our daughter came to cut some flowers & found 7 Easter eggs: years of childhood, like rings in a tree. She put them in a bowl in our kitchen before going home.

I watch for movement. Rain soon: I must hurry. I am always watching. A shape! Grey fur, body warmth. I turn to the wind; I shake my feathers & dive to my prey.

I was very drunk and got talking about beekeeping, of which I know nothing. I inspired a group of radical apiarists to try republicanising bees. No luck so far.

An unopened letter is quickly forgotten. I found a white envelope under a CD I'd meant to copy for my ex; opened it: colour samples. The house we never bought.

Jon Sharkey added it up: BC to Montana once a month, 400 miles in a 2-ton truck. 5th generation farmer, 100k in debt, no 2nd chances. 14lbs of dope each trip.

Last night was DVD night; now the kids are in the garden being elves & orcs, using sticks for swords. We're in the study, trying to imagine ways to cut our tax.

I hope I'll hear from some of you soon!


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Re: Illustrator wanted for a book project
« Reply #1 on: 23 Sep 2010, 02:19 »

i think i can do this. will try the samples to see if i actually can.
When I am with you, we stay up all night.
When you're not here, I can't go to sleep.


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Re: Illustrator wanted for a book project
« Reply #2 on: 23 Sep 2010, 08:10 »

Cool! I'm kind of surprised by how popular the stories are, actually, seeing as how it was an idea that pretty much came out of a whim and nowhere 22 months ago. The official contact list is up to 45 people now but I did a little census a while ago and literally everybody was sharing the stories with other people - usually with multiple people. Which starts me wondering how many people those people are sharing them with, and then it gets a little freaky.
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