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Is this "The Talk" all over again?

- 15 (5%)
No, it's not the same.
- 14 (4.7%)
No, it's even worse.
- 25 (8.4%)
No, it means Dora's history.
- 30 (10.1%)
No, because it's going to end different.
- 19 (6.4%)
No, because there's emergency bourbon.
- 17 (5.7%)
- 34 (11.4%)
Oh heck, who am I kidding?
- 4 (1.3%)
(sniff) No, I've just got (sniff) allergies...
- 31 (10.4%)
This thread is gonna hit 40 pages by tomorrow, isn't it?
- 109 (36.6%)

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Author Topic: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)  (Read 470715 times)


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #50 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:17 »

faye is not to blame, dora is the one who did the action right after marten told her not to.
You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed that's what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant... oh, fuck it. - M. Gustave


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #51 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:18 »

Also at some point we will establish that Martin can't jack off to wild fetish shit because when he looks at it he just sees his mom.

And then repeatedly re-establish it.

And then UNDER



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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #52 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:19 »

So they break up, Tai and Dora start dating, Marten finally begins dating Faye, and everyone moves to Utah.


But since I posted it here, it can't possibly happen!

... Right?


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #53 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:20 »

how do I block this thread from my computers for the next week

or forever
Deathmole Jacques' head takes up the bottom half of the panel, with his words taking up the top half. He is not concerned about the life of his friend.


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #54 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:22 »

Drama! It'll be cleared up by the end of the week, as we all know Jeph hates drama  :cry:

Also smart move on Marten's part not putting his stash on Pintsize, I mean the guy could/would blab to anybody. Not that it apparently stops him from showing him the laptop.
Time for this week's round of: "Is Dora a Bitch or Not Discussion Panel CXVII"

I'm just going to chime in and say that Dora really had to know this was coming. I mean come on, Marten obviously didn't want her to do this, it was written all over his face. Yet she left work to go check out his stash. At best this was incredibly thoughtless and at worst a blatant violation of privacy.

Is Dora a bitch? No, but she is a bit tactless.
« Last Edit: 15 Nov 2010, 00:28 by Kazukagii »
I had something witty to put down here but.....


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #55 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:22 »

how do I block this thread from my computers for the next week

or forever

By writing better.


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #56 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:24 »

Except you're wrong, it was no test.

He told her he didnt want to, and she openly went for it, so it raised his fears and he had to check.

At no point did he want to test Dora.

Well, telling me I'm wrong is one of the great tactics of debate, I suppose, but I'll respectfully disagree. I specifically disagree with your characterization of Martin's actions, there is no 'raising of fears' because he knew precisely what was going to happen as soon as she left after that discussion. By following her, he clearly was expecting to catch her in the act. What other possibility would you suggest?

When I say he was testing her, I will point out that he could have avoided all of this by saying it was perfectly vanilla, which it is, and which would have resulted in Dora ceasing to ask questions. Just before this, he was willing to talk about intensely personal, highly sexual subjects with no hangups whatsoever. Blithely dodging the question would have been perfectly fitting with everything we've seen of Martin's character- it's this latest business that is the aberration, and thus I suspect that it is artificial on Martin's part. I will not claim this process is necessarily conscious, though.

If someone ran off and said  they were going to do something that I told them I would rather they not do, and then catch them doing the thing they said they did isn't a test. And considering what his mom did, I doubt Marten was ever all that comfortable about discussing his porn options with anyone out of the chance that the name Veronica  Vance gets thrown out in the conversation.    
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #57 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:25 »

By writing better.

I hope that was a joke.

Jeph's characters are amongst the most realistically depicted "cartoons" I've seen- they're imperfect, non-caricatured, non-stereotyped, and they behave in character- which means that if they would piss someone off in said real life, that's what ends up happening- on the forum. Fiction is full of one-dimensional, poorly written cliche-people. These characters are not.


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #58 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:25 »

how do I block this thread from my computers for the next week
or forever :psyduck:
By writing better.
I'd argue that having characters debated means that he's doing his job well. If everybody had the same interpretations of each character, things would just be boring.


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #59 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:26 »

I can only imagine that they have awesome makeup sex considering how hard Dora works at screwing things up like this.


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #60 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:30 »

Can't believe this needs to be said, but he's not going to dump Dora.

What she did was stupid and immature, to be sure, and they're going to fight about it. But then Dora will apologize for not respecting his privacy and they'll get past it. I know there's a lot of Dora hate waiting to be unleashed on this forum, but these two are in a committed relationship. They live together, they love each other, and this is hardly a breakup level offense.

Regular, normal makeup sex is the most likely outcome.


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #61 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:31 »

I can only imagine that they have awesome makeup sex considering how hard Dora works at screwing things up like this.
maybe thats why she screws things up...
You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed that's what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant... oh, fuck it. - M. Gustave


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #62 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:31 »

The fact that the QC cast seems more real and fleshed out then some people I know speaks volumes to Jeph's writing ability.

Or it speaks volumes about me and the people I know.

Or both....probably both.
There are some basic rules to remember when cosplaying.
   1. If you're a hot Asian chick you can wear whatever you want and say it's whatever you want. Lingerie and some Pikachu ears are totally a legitimate costume.
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #63 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:40 »

Can't believe this needs to be said, but he's not going to dump Dora.

That all depends on her, does it not?

She was certainly giving that display of the "Angry Dora" face in this strip. You know, the one where her chin seems to get bigger and... oh hell, I'll just post the last time I saw it. Final Panel .

Small domestic disputes- little things, really... they are the ones apt to explode into big things if not dealt with properly. I'm not jumping on the hate Dora bandwagon, but I'm saying if she gets all uppity and doesn't handle this right, it could go farther south than it already is.


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #64 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:42 »

Yeah, I'm going to jump into the "Dora was just looking to start something" side of the ring here. You could basically tell thats what was happening by her facial expressions through the entire strip.

Especially the second panel of the last strip, she looked more upset than 'aw, c'mon it's just porn!'  I think the whole 'there are things I don't want you to know/see' set off her insecurity alarm, wholly believable, especially considering her past relationships - things her boyfriends don't want her to see/know about probably automatically equals 'bad things' in her mind. I can see her being a person who thinks that they can't/shouldn't keep -anything- from one another, and in this comic seems annoyed that it's really just nothing.

I can see her sitting there thinking 'Why -was- this such a big deal?? What does that mean, that there's things he won't share with me?' - turning this into a thing about the very fact he wouldn't tell her, the porn standing for Something Else.

They're not going to break up, Dora's just going to have to see that yes, Virgina, you can be in a great relationship and totally in love and still not share -every little detail- of yourself with your S.O. Me, I love my bf to death and back but there ain't no way in hell he's gonna be allowed to rifle through my personal porn folder. In the words of Martin - That's private!

Still love ya Dora!
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #65 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:49 »

how do I block this thread from my computers for the next week

or forever

You can have someone change your password and not tell you what it is...

But if he's worried, does that mean there's more Scary Drama Terror Times coming?

13 pages by Sunday *slaps five on table*
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #66 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:51 »

When I say he was testing her, I will point out that he could have avoided all of this by saying it was perfectly vanilla, which it is, and which would have resulted in Dora ceasing to ask questions.
So, in your opinion, the right way to prevent your SO to pry into your personal space is to give it up entirely?
“Oh yes, it hurts at times to be alone among the stars. But it hurts a lot more to be alone at a party. A lot more.” - George R. R. Martin


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #67 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:53 »

how do I block this thread from my computers for the next week

or forever

Delete the thread.
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #68 on: 15 Nov 2010, 00:59 »

13 pages by Sunday *slaps five on table*
10 tops. *antes up*


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #69 on: 15 Nov 2010, 01:06 »

 I really hate seeing characters I love angry, especially when one actually done goofed.


I'm REALLY eager for a full on Dorahistory. I want to hear about her exes from HER mouth.

After all the hubbub and ALMOST breakup, (even with trials, they're one of my favorite couples in fiction) Dora and Marten need to go on a vacation. WITHOUT the gang.
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #70 on: 15 Nov 2010, 01:31 »

Yeah, I'm going to jump into the "Dora was just looking to start something" side of the ring here. You could basically tell thats what was happening by her facial expressions through the entire strip.

Especially the second panel of the last strip, she looked more upset than 'aw, c'mon it's just porn!'  I think the whole 'there are things I don't want you to know/see' set off her insecurity alarm, wholly believable, especially considering her past relationships - things her boyfriends don't want her to see/know about probably automatically equals 'bad things' in her mind. I can see her being a person who thinks that they can't/shouldn't keep -anything- from one another, and in this comic seems annoyed that it's really just nothing.

I can see her sitting there thinking 'Why -was- this such a big deal?? What does that mean, that there's things he won't share with me?' - turning this into a thing about the very fact he wouldn't tell her, the porn standing for Something Else.

They're not going to break up, Dora's just going to have to see that yes, Virgina, you can be in a great relationship and totally in love and still not share -every little detail- of yourself with your S.O. Me, I love my bf to death and back but there ain't no way in hell he's gonna be allowed to rifle through my personal porn folder. In the words of Martin - That's private!

Still love ya Dora!

Ninja'd.  I have to agree with this, I think it's stemming more from Dora's past relationships than anything going on now beytween her and Marten. 

She's afraid.  Afraid that, because he says he loves her, he's really like the others who've said it in the past.  Afraid that there's really some twisted side to him.  Afraid that, because of his protestations, there must be something there. 

So she goes and looks, and is disappointed when there's no "there" there. 

But it's the confusion over Marten's reaction that really shows what's going on.  Dora's always been a lot more open sexually than the people around her, and it confuses her that Marten, who's open to her, would have this sticking point.  She stepped over a boundary that she didn't see, and doesn't understand the alarms that just went off. 

She will, soon enough. 
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #71 on: 15 Nov 2010, 01:50 »

how do I block this thread from my computers for the next week

or forever

I'm amazed you read these threads.

I am pretty sure standard forum software doesnt offer the option of blocking a specific thread. Its just an option nobody ever thought of before.
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #72 on: 15 Nov 2010, 02:06 »

They won't break up.  Even if Jeph felt like taking THAT big a risk in the comic (not impossible:  see strip 500!), it won't be right after he's just started Fangus going.  More emo drama about whether Faye and Marten are MEANT TO BE and whether it will break an existing relationship is about the last thing anyone wants to see.

Doing this drama so very soon after the last Marten-Dora drama moment is weird, though.  Maybe Jeph felt there was some unfinished business from that storyline.

Personally I'm hoping to a callback to the "f*** her in the ear" joke as part of the make-up sex after Dora finally Learns Her Lesson and Marten temporarily go power-drunk on this new Assertiveness feeling.  Feeeells gooooood doesn't it Marty?


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #73 on: 15 Nov 2010, 02:19 »

But it's the confusion over Marten's reaction that really shows what's going on.  Dora's always been a lot more open sexually than the people around her, and it confuses her that Marten, who's open to her, would have this sticking point.  She stepped over a boundary that she didn't see, and doesn't understand the alarms that just went off. 

She will, soon enough. 

(added some boldface to Carl-E's post)

I was raking my brain for an explanation as to why would Dora do this? It felt like totally out of character. Your theory makes quite a bit of sense. Dora being clueless is just something that is difficult for me to realize :-)

May be Marten now learns the value of keeping his PC password protected? With a password other than 'Dora'.
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #74 on: 15 Nov 2010, 02:29 »

They won't break up.  Even if Jeph felt like taking THAT big a risk in the comic (not impossible:  see strip 500!), it won't be right after he's just started Fangus going.  More emo drama about whether Faye and Marten are MEANT TO BE and whether it will break an existing relationship is about the last thing anyone wants to see.

See, I agree with you. Thus I ask a simple question: Why is Jeph introducing conflict after conflict into the Dora/Marten relationship? Is he setting up precedents to culminate into a falling out? Is he trying to build up to some huge revelation, like Marten realizes he's getting into all this conflict because he doesn't want to lose Dora, and he wants to propose/some other serious relationship thing, or is he simply trying to compare/contrast the new (Faye/Angus) with the old (Marten/Dora) as a new, mostly drama free relationship with an older, more drama-filled one? I guess Jeph could just be bored, and deep down he enjoys watching people bitch over Dora so he just does this to satisfy his inner sadist.
I had something witty to put down here but.....


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #75 on: 15 Nov 2010, 02:32 »

By writing better.

I hope that was a joke.

If you're new-ish, please be aware that fifthfiend is a gnome.  

It's like a troll, but smaller.  
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #76 on: 15 Nov 2010, 02:42 »

how do I block this thread from my computers for the next week

or forever

Apparently, blocking a whole page makes the request time out.

My prediction is that Sven magically turns up, Dora will be like "Hell, I don't even understand what the big deal is", he will explain it to her (this will take at least two comics), then on Thursday Dora apologizes to Marten, and says she appreciates Sven explaining the stuff to her. Friday: They watch his porn together. Then Dora start singing a song about love and little birdies and squirrels appear out of nowhere and sing along.
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #77 on: 15 Nov 2010, 03:23 »

how do I block this thread from my computers for the next week

or forever

*offers the somewhat useful wall of penguins*
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #78 on: 15 Nov 2010, 03:25 »

Well, telling me I'm wrong is one of the great tactics of debate, I suppose, but I'll respectfully disagree. I specifically disagree with your characterization of Martin's actions, there is no 'raising of fears' because he knew precisely what was going to happen as soon as she left after that discussion. By following her, he clearly was expecting to catch her in the act. What other possibility would you suggest?

When I say he was testing her, I will point out that he could have avoided all of this by saying it was perfectly vanilla, which it is, and which would have resulted in Dora ceasing to ask questions. Just before this, he was willing to talk about intensely personal, highly sexual subjects with no hangups whatsoever. Blithely dodging the question would have been perfectly fitting with everything we've seen of Martin's character- it's this latest business that is the aberration, and thus I suspect that it is artificial on Martin's part. I will not claim this process is necessarily conscious, though.

I disagree that he was testing her.  Testing would indicate that he specifically told her not to in order to see if she would.  Martin's almost anti-manipulative, a value that's emphasized here where there's no indication that he has any idea she'll instantly go and check his pr0n cache the moment in time after he espouses the virtue of privacy, given that she's working and they're just joking.  Going to check on her to see if she was then doing what she said she would do--given that he doesn't want her to do it--is perfectly reasonable.  Since there is a possibility she's just messing with him and will not actually do it?  She could even go so far as luring him upstairs for ulterior motives?  Such as smoochy-time or a more private talk about it?

I understand the extrapolation that Martin is being artificial based on his lack of darning porn (as in porn that sends you to Heck, not this), but I think it's more likely that he's not incredibly simple, and may honestly be uncomfortable with the subject of his porn viewing around Dora.  Might have something to do with his mother, that could be incredibly complex or simple in a myriad of possible ways.  Maybe he's finding more satisfaction with porn than Dora lately; maybe Dora's inability to learn and understand him after all this time is getting to him.  His insecurity about their relationship might be boiling underneath his happy, stony exterior.

His anger upon confirming that Dora is not taking his interests as an equal partner seriously* was probably not something he was coldly calculating and building up to on his way to find her.  He honestly doesn't seem to have self-control so much as just mellowness (as a personality trait that might be a defensive mechanism) most of the time.  And in their healthy relationship supposed-paradigm, he doesn't have an obligation to keep from displaying his emotions in a non-violent way, while she does have the obligation to try to communicate openly instead of not.  Or at least notice that he's upset and apologize instead of being defensive and scowly.  So she definitely loses points for that reaction.

On the other hand, he could definitely deal with her better, as a partner, so he doesn't gain any points.
And points don't really matter for functioning relationships anyway....
But they should still probably break up, even if they probably won't (permanently).  I don't see it, and I never really have.  Dora might grow up to the level where they can both grow, up 'til now and until then Martin will just play nursemaid learning the sort of patience that kills the mind.  Currently, it's too one-sided for mutual growth.  In my oh-so-humble opinion?

* - As a caveat to my gut reaction, it should be noted that Martin made a joke regarding the potential horrific nature of his collection which can be interpreted as the actual reason Dora went to check on it; given how they all joke around and it's almost always comraderie-building, Martin's joke could almost be seen as tacit permission for her to go look.  In which case, Martin definitely was setting her up, probably subconsciously.


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #79 on: 15 Nov 2010, 03:30 »

Friday: They watch his porn together. Then Dora start singing a song about love and little birdies and squirrels appear out of nowhere and sing along.

While porn plays loudly in the background. If Disney movies were more like this I'd totally watch them more.

You know I first thought that Dora had a right to know what kind of porn Marten likes, and on some level I still think that (if you hope to have a healthy sexual relationship with someone you should be willing to be open about what excites you), but I do agree that since Marten told her he didn't want her knowing, she was wrong to just go snooping around in his shit. I mean I freak out if a friend goes poking around in my computer without my permission.

Yeah man, this is a bit of unexpected Doradrama after the underpants fiasco; kinda looking forward to seeing where it's going. Also, what the hell is Pintsize talking about in the last panel? Is couples arguing with each other some kind of fetish I'm unaware of?
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #80 on: 15 Nov 2010, 03:51 »

I'm with Loki here, Jeph :) Adblock's really awesome.

Anyway, about the whole Dora/Marten/Pornfight: YES! Marten's got some spine :) Maybe this will lead to them finally talkin' about things! And have a better and healthier relationship afterwards! Because Marten FINALLY says that something bugs him! :) Love it.

Oh, wait, I forgot something. This is another Dora's a bitch thread, right? Of course she is wrong to do what she did, but Marten, not securing your laptop with a reasonably difficult password (or no password at all) is just careless! (Pintsize may or may not have told Dora the password. He was surprisingly helpful ;) I mean, what the hell? Do you WANT anyone to stick her nose into your private matters?

And, for the "testing" part, I agree with you, muffin_of_chaos. Marten is not manipulative, and his anger seems genuine (when he's had time to think, he's not angry any more, as we have seen in The Underpants Drama)


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #81 on: 15 Nov 2010, 03:52 »

Is couples arguing with each other some kind of fetish I'm unaware of?

I didn't think I'd have to say this again but...

Rule 34, iduguphergrave, rule 34.

There are NO exceptions!

There are NO exceptions!

And no, I'm not going to Google it...
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #82 on: 15 Nov 2010, 03:55 »

Also, what the hell is Pintsize talking about in the last panel? Is couples arguing with each other some kind of fetish I'm unaware of?

I think it was more of a "while Dora and Marten have their DRAMATM", Pintsize has been busily rifling through Marten's porn directory.  He's found something he doesn't have, and is asking Dora (why, I have no idea) for permission to copy it.

Edit - *grumble*  Can't seem to manage the size on that superscript.
« Last Edit: 15 Nov 2010, 03:59 by Olymander »


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #83 on: 15 Nov 2010, 04:32 »

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Akronnick, I can think of no more appropriate steed for a Knight Of The Dickbroom than a foul-mouthed, perpetually shouting, lust-crazed bird with a scrotum hanging from its chin and a distinctive cry of "Gobble gobble gobble".   --Tergon


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #84 on: 15 Nov 2010, 04:46 »

Why is it that people manage to self sabotage themselves so effectivly?
Oddly enough the "oh no boobs!" box in the background of todays comic is my usual reaction.


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #85 on: 15 Nov 2010, 05:03 »

Well, who else is going to self-sabotage them?   :lol:
When people try to speak a gut reaction, they end up talking out their ass.


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #86 on: 15 Nov 2010, 05:20 »

Well, who else is going to self-sabotage them?   :lol:
Nobody .. for it would then be just sabotage, not self-sabotage ! :-D

But its true, unless someone has a crush on one of the two, nobody would have a motive.

P.s.: Wait a moment, Tai has a motive to do so.
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #87 on: 15 Nov 2010, 05:23 »

Next Time On Questionable Consent:
Dora overreacts!
Faye is fired!
Everyone else (except Cosette) quits!
Marten throws Dora out!
CoD burns down (Cossete, remember?)!
Angus moves in with Faye!
Dora learns the art of web-design from Marigold!
Angus/Faye/Marten become a threesome!

And all in only four panels!
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #88 on: 15 Nov 2010, 05:45 »

And for many people I know porn is something very personal, as well. It has to do with your most intimate fantasies--and sometimes fantasies that are very different from what you want to have in your actual sexlife, which may be hard for other people to understand. Having sex with someone, once or multiple times, doesn't mean you are comfortable sharing THAT information about you... because you'd have to not just utterly trust them, but also trust them not to ever mock or belittle or in any way scoff at your preferences, and the thing is, that's often the go-to reaction of people seeing someone else's porn.
So what's the point in having fantasies, if you don't want to make them true? I agree with you about the privacy between couples, but i don't believe that if you have a fantasy, then you want your sex-life to be completly different to it.
Well except if you are tycho from penny arcade:

[1950's educational film]
You see kids, when two grown-ups are in a relationship that's even half-way serious, they, from time to time, do things that piss the other one off.
Then they fight. As they fight, they get to know each other better. Sometimes they find things out about each other that they just can't live with, like the other one is a communist or is secretly a mafia informant or enjoys giving anonymous blow jobs to strangers hiding in the bushes of the down-town park every Thursday night. But most of the time, it's stupid shit like stop forgetting to put the toothpaste cap back on or forgetting to put the toilet lid down or leaving her bras hanging from the shower curtain.

When that happens they yell at each other for a time and then they get over it.

And then they get to have make-up sex...
 [/1950's educational film] that's quite enough of that...
This. This thirty four millions times.
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #89 on: 15 Nov 2010, 06:11 »

<snippage of a very insightful post>
I don't think this is a hanging offense, as it were. He's gonna be mad, she's gonna say she's sorry, and then they'll talk about why what she did bothers him.

And then there will be cookies...

It's what the grown-ups do.

And when you mentioned that, I immediately thought of this strip.

(Boy, whose mind is in the gutter today?)
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #90 on: 15 Nov 2010, 06:14 »

I would imagine that now that the comic is out, the poll will be changed. :roll:

:P :P :P

So what WILL we find out about Marten's Porn Stash?

Fat-bottomed Southern girls    - 6 (9.5%)
Skinny Goth Chicks    - 2 (3.2%)
Indie girls    - 6 (9.5%)
Red-headed Country Music singers    - 4 (6.3%)
Scatalogical Anime    - 0 (0%)
Anthro-PC Snuff    - 0 (0%)
Whatever it is, Pintsize is scared of it    - 12 (19%)
HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY.    - 12 (19%)
Okay, it's weak stuff, but it's HIS, DANGIT!    - 21 (33.3%)

Total Voters: 63
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #91 on: 15 Nov 2010, 06:28 »

And when you mentioned that, I immediately thought of this strip.

(Boy, whose mind is in the gutter today?)

No, that's what I was thinking too.
Akronnick, I can think of no more appropriate steed for a Knight Of The Dickbroom than a foul-mouthed, perpetually shouting, lust-crazed bird with a scrotum hanging from its chin and a distinctive cry of "Gobble gobble gobble".   --Tergon


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #92 on: 15 Nov 2010, 06:28 »

So what's the point in having fantasies, if you don't want to make them true? I agree with you about the privacy between couples, but i don't believe that if you have a fantasy, then you want your sex-life to be completly different to it.
Have you never fantasized about making out with "that hot girl that lives just down the street and has double D"™ or with the girl that made you go "whoa, nice butt"™ in high-school or just imagined yourself being the dude in the porn you were watching? (Insert appropriate fantasies here if you are female). But if presented the oppotunity, would you really do it? I hardly think so because you know that in reality, that one girl kicks her dog, the highschool-girl, is, in fact, The Libby, and admit it, you are nowhere bendy enough to perform THAT position the guy in the movie just did. Fantasizing is one thing, but it doesn't at all mean you would want to make it true.
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #93 on: 15 Nov 2010, 06:30 »

But Dora is not all to blame for this. Faye is at fault as well. I don't think she's reminded Dora of the potential consequences of her actions

You know, of course, that Jeph could pull a "Deus Ex Dominatrix" out here. I mean, here in MKE we have a lawyer who has as his advertising slogan, "One Call, That's All!"

The fecal matter will strike the oscillating ventilation device if the last panel of the next comic ends with Marten on the phone saying, "Hi, Mom?..."
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #94 on: 15 Nov 2010, 06:30 »

I didn't think I'd have to say this again but...

Rule 34, iduguphergrave, rule 34.

There are NO exceptions!

There are NO exceptions!

Someday I'll learn...
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #95 on: 15 Nov 2010, 06:32 »

Am I the only one who is totally lost as to why Marten doesn't want his committed girlfriend, whom he has already had sex with countless times, from seeing his porn collection?
Hell, I'm engaged and I don't like discussing porn with my fiance. To me it's something that is really private, and I don't like discussing it with anyone.  I'm totally with Marten on this.  Even if he had an unreasonable request, the fact that Dora knew he had a problem with it and went and did it anyways without discussing it with him is a problem.

For that matter, are we assuming this is the first time this porn has seen the light of day in quite some time? Because, to my mind, it's kinda bad form to date a real person and keep seeing Rosie Palms on the side (exeptions made for touching yourself to porn of your significant other, or memories of them, or whatever).

I disagree.


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #96 on: 15 Nov 2010, 06:32 »

how do I block this thread from my computers for the next week

or forever

This, my friends, is the post of the CENTURY.
"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #97 on: 15 Nov 2010, 06:36 »

how do I block this thread from my computers for the next week

or forever

You can have someone change your password and not tell you what it is...

But if he's worried, does that mean there's more Scary Drama Terror Times coming?

13 pages by Sunday *slaps five on table*

Vegas just called. The over/under is actually 15.
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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #98 on: 15 Nov 2010, 06:37 »

[1950's educational film]
You see kids, when two grown-ups are in a relationship that's even half-way serious, they, from time to time, do things that piss the other one off.
Then they fight. As they fight, they get to know each other better. Sometimes they find things out about each other that they just can't live with, like the other one is a communist or is secretly a mafia informant or enjoys giving anonymous blow jobs to strangers hiding in the bushes of the down-town park every Thursday night. But most of the time, it's stupid shit like stop forgetting to put the toothpaste cap back on or forgetting to put the toilet lid down or leaving her bras hanging from the shower curtain.

When that happens they yell at each other for a time and then they get over it.

And then they get to have make-up sex...
 [/1950's educational film] that's quite enough of that...
This. This thirty four millions times.

Meh, small things are small things.  Shirking work specifically to invade a privacy issue explicitly forbidden, right after a huge trust argument, is not a small thing.  If she was just using the laptop with permission and came upon the browser history or something it would be different.

I don't think they would break up from this, but Dora isn't really coming off as a good partner lately.  There are only so many times you can apologize for your "trust issues" before it starts ringing hollow.


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Re: WCDT 15-19 November 2010 (1796-1800)
« Reply #99 on: 15 Nov 2010, 06:38 »

Yay! Is it time for some more Dora-Marten drama already?!

Normally, I side with Marten during these fights since Dora is almost always the one to fly off the handle about something insignificant, but on this round, I do not think I can understand Marten's position here. Even if she did "invade his privacy," why not just roll one's eyes and leave? This time Marten is the one who is completely overreacting.

I am a little concerned about this round of the Dora-Marten drama, however. We usually see this once or twice a year, but this is the second one in just a few months. Something feels off balanced about it.

Even though this comic has been around for years, I am beginning to think that Dora and Marten moved in together a little too soon. I imagine the whole span of the comic has been just shy of two years, with Dora and Marten's relationship lasting somewhere around 12-14 months. Adding another year to make the comic span three years with Dora and Marten together for two years still does not strike me as long enough for them to be living together, especially given Marten's original reservations about it (1578). To save the relationship, it may be better if Dora moves out until they are really ready to live together.

I'm with Loki here, Jeph :) Adblock's really awesome.
Hmm...Discussing Adblock on a site where the creator makes a good part of his living off of ad space feels a little distasteful. Lots of people use it, but when it comes to someone's bread and butter, it may just come off nicer to say, "Adblock is great, but I also own almost all the QC shirts and prints and the mug and the book." Just sayin...
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