all TV sucks, just most of it. There are a few (very few) things that TV does well, but I can't see QC being one of them.
Some comics can make the transition to movies or TV (though not without a lot of changes in most cases), but Jeph has become such a master of the medium that divorcing the content from its comic format
would could cause it to lose a great deal of timing and humor, not to mention its realism. When we can associate the actions of the characters with those of real people we know in real life, we provide the timing ourselves, making it that much more real to our way of thinking. Having someone act it out or animate it may work for many of us, but it would also be wrong or 'just off" enough that a lot of people would complain that it wasn't as good as the comic. Not to mention the voice actor issues - I mean, if the timbre of Marten's voice wasn't as you imagined, it would throw you every time you heard it. Eventually you'd get used to it, and then you'd hear it that way when you read the comic, and I think that's even more disturbing.
Sure, it's a neat idea, and the fact that you thought of it marks your enthusiam fo the comic as high. But I (and it seems, a lot of others) don't see it being feasable.
Either that, or it would make it too mainstream for us. You know,
we were reading it back when it was a
webcomic, before it got
all popular!