It should also be pointed out that Faye has poked fun at Dora's diminutive frame a time or two herself. To say that the comments have a "sinister edge" is assuming more than a lot and if I was to play Devil's Advocate I could point out that by implying that a thin woman making fun of a slightly larger woman is automatically "sinister" and not playful ribbing with no real judgment behind it, the author is almost implying that women can't playfully joke about each other's size, as an obsession with thinness apparently dominates their psyche too much to wave a comment like that off. Also, if Dora's uncontrollable jealousy is anything to go by, she doesn't seem to believe much in "thin privilege" at all. One could easily make a very strong case that Dora's always seen Faye as more attractive than herself.
However, I don't think this is so much a case of someone's agenda dominating their blog, it's more that the author seems to stumble when they actually have an agenda. I don't think it qualifies as having an agenda to say that portraying women in positions of power is a good thing, or that portraying women as not being man-obsessed is a good thing. This and the comment about the service industry were the only things that irked me. The service industry currently makes up 75% of the work force. Having any group of people, particularly twentysomethings, not portrayed as primarily confined to the service industry would be unrealistic.