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What do you think might cheer Marten up?

Benny Hill/Monty python/Blackadder marathon
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Author Topic: WCT 24-28 January, 2011  (Read 102910 times)

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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #150 on: 26 Jan 2011, 00:30 »

I can't put my finger on the strip where Hannelore wishes she could handle having a roommate, but definitely it happened. Can any of the Masters of the Archives tell which one it was?
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #151 on: 26 Jan 2011, 00:47 »

Well, I know it wasn't what you were asking for, but here is Hannelore explicitly stating she couldn't handle a boyfriend.
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #153 on: 26 Jan 2011, 00:54 »

Yay! Dora's gone back to the black hair! :-D  And she has an unposted drafts folder too eh? Very sensible. There's nothing wrong with a good cathartic rant. Offline. In a text-editor with no "send" or "post" button.
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #154 on: 26 Jan 2011, 01:05 »

Wooooo realistic progression and getting over things! :D I like seeing Dora smile again, and I think she looks pretty cute in that outfit. Not to mention classic black hair is kind of nice, though I personally liked the purple.

Macnut, if you do not quit busting out the tropes, you are going to become my archnemesis. :P Marten is not defined by something so narrow; sure, rolling with the demands of assertive females and falling on his face is part of him and part of the strip's humor...but he's a lot broader character than just that, and we have good evidence he's actually been pretty lucky in the love department.

I think Marty having another relationship soon in comic time is not only possible but likely--and, SHOCK AND HORROR, he and Dora might very well get back together after a while (again, comic time; it will feel like the passing of aeons to all of us). It's part of his personality; he likes having a romantic partner, or he wouldn't have spent half the time on Faye he did.
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #155 on: 26 Jan 2011, 01:23 »

if dora and marten would ever get back together it would be in a couple months, aka 5+ years real time
sometimes i wish i could tie jeph to his computer and lash more comics out of him, but that would at some point ruin it or him im afraid :(

i just hope jeph trains an apprentice, because he probably wont live to see marten turn 30 at this pace :>

it does strike me as a bit suprising that she 'moves on' this quickly, i expected at least a week or two of sven&dora in the same apartment comics   
and her moving out once she gets sick of him, alltough that does kinda have something to do with sven not picking up a girl every evening anymore i guess


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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #156 on: 26 Jan 2011, 01:45 »

Oh I assumed he'd gotten a perturbing text message from her. Or from someone. Guess you know what generation I am now  :-P
I'm chuckling at the thought of the guy getting a perturbing telegram...   :-D
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #157 on: 26 Jan 2011, 01:50 »

it does strike me as a bit suprising that she 'moves on' this quickly, i expected at least a week or two of sven&dora in the same apartment comics   
and her moving out once she gets sick of him, alltough that does kinda have something to do with sven not picking up a girl every evening anymore i guess

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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #158 on: 26 Jan 2011, 02:59 »

The dumper usually moves on faster than the dumpee, simply by virtue of the dumper tending to see the end of the relationship coming first. The dumpee is generally blindsided.

yeah but in this case you'd expect a course of emotions that i expected to take a little longer, stages of grief and all


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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #159 on: 26 Jan 2011, 03:08 »

Maybe the change in haircolor is meant to signify a time skip.

Wouldn't be the first time.
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #160 on: 26 Jan 2011, 03:09 »

I thought at first that the phrasing of Faye's question suggested that we had jumped a few days, but that's probably wrong because Faye is still dressed as when she left the flat.
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #161 on: 26 Jan 2011, 03:14 »

For comic 1848...

1. Yay for coming back around to black-hair Dora, my favorite of all Dora hair colors.  The counter-balance to that is that I also enjoy Dora periodically changing her hair now & then simply for the sake of Change (as long as she eventually goes back to black 8-) ), it is very appropriate to Dora's character.

2. Nice to see Dora moving forward as well.  Even before The Break-Up, Dora had really been having some bad times.  Hopefully this is the beginning of a shift towards better times for her.

Because I missed The Secret Bakery...

3. Really loved The Secret Bakery, Jeph did a fantastic job with that short-arc.  Hope we do return to it again sometime, it would be a shame after all that artistic time + effort on Jeph's part not to.

4. Good thing Secret Bakery "Dora" did not give Marten the Secret Menu, otherwise the CoD girls might have lost their favorite indie boy forevermore...

About Hannelore...

5. QC's top-most supporting character has progressed more leagues than The Nautilus under the seas from when she first stalked QC's central protagonist to watch him pee in the women's restroom sink.  But likewise, she has plenty more to go before she reaches the level of "normal" (whatever that term actually means) that she thinks she desires, and that is one of the major reasons so many adore Hanners.

6. Do I think Hannelore and Marten would an "interesting" pairing?  Sure, but then Hanners + [most QC cast names here] probably would.  Do I think such an event would happen?  .....mmmmm-Possibly, but not without a long-term period (200+ strips minimum) of build-up and a defining moment that would make the readers give a Keanu Reeves' "whoah..."  Heck, Hannelore having a romantic relationship could be Jeph's gift to the readers if the world does not break apart by continent-shattering earthquakes, Noah-level floods, & super-volcanoes in 2012, that is how far I would see such a thing happening... [for your own sakes, do not watch this movie (2012).  I did and lost the part of my brain that knew who the 40th President of the United States was :?]

[P.S Edit Add: More ranting than intended in retrospective review, damn late work fatigue, I guess... :psyduck:]


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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #162 on: 26 Jan 2011, 03:39 »

I thought at first that the phrasing of Faye's question suggested that we had jumped a few days, but that's probably wrong because Faye is still dressed as when she left the flat.

So that firmly establishes that this is happening on the day after Marty-mom left town.

I thought it might have represent a few days or weeks later.
Akronnick, I can think of no more appropriate steed for a Knight Of The Dickbroom than a foul-mouthed, perpetually shouting, lust-crazed bird with a scrotum hanging from its chin and a distinctive cry of "Gobble gobble gobble".   --Tergon


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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #163 on: 26 Jan 2011, 03:51 »

The dumper usually moves on faster than the dumpee, simply by virtue of the dumper tending to see the end of the relationship coming first. The dumpee is generally blindsided.

yeah but in this case you'd expect a course of emotions that i expected to take a little longer, stages of grief and all

Dora's probably repressing all that.  At this point, "moving on" just seems to refer to finding a place, more "moving out", but Faye saying "I'm glad to see you're moving out"   would really sound rude.  Dora's just starting  to get on with her life, she's going to have a long way to go before anyone could say she's "moved on".  In particular, that therapy she's supposed to get will be interesting...
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #164 on: 26 Jan 2011, 05:00 »

Why does Dora get to be heartbroken about all this? She broke up with Marten. As unhappy as he might have been in the relationship he never seemed to show any signs that he might be about to break up with her. If she's not happy to be single, it is entirely her own doing. I don't understand why the other characters have sympathy for Dora.

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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #165 on: 26 Jan 2011, 05:27 »

There's that whole, "This isn't working, I don't know how to fix this while inside, and staying inside the relationship is only going to make us and all our friends miserable.  Better a clean break and deal with it" idea.  Works for some.   At least one couple I know went from bad marriage to good friendship. 

She gets to be heartbroken because she realizes that she had a good thing, but wasn't ready for it, and it didn't work and she couldn't see all the implications when the wheels started in motion.  We call it being human.  I'd be more concerned if she was "Meh, it's over, let's bang."

Results of yesterday's poll.

Wings?  IR vision?  Maybe not the best superpowers, but still.  What would be the best thing about "Super Hanners"?

Hanners in her outfit  10 (12.5%)
The lack of debris after the villain fights  27 (33.8%)
Seeing her intrpid sidekick Winslow.  9 (11.3%)
The rest of the team (Pugnacious Peach, Goth Girl, Indy Boy, Pizza Girl and the Poet.  19 (23.8%)
Jeph's insanity after realizing that he's got to draw waaaay more backgrounds  15 (18.8%)

Total Voters: 80

Mental note, Hanners should never sign up to be part of Twisted Kaiju Theatre - or any Godzilla movie as I don't think she'd be able to handle the rubble.
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #166 on: 26 Jan 2011, 05:39 »

As for the polls - I love blues music, but damn there can be waay too many "My woman done left me" songs
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #167 on: 26 Jan 2011, 05:45 »

Back in black! I hit the sack! I've been too long I'm glad to be back! :psyduck:

.... Yeah i like much more the black-haired Dora.

The only thing to do now, is to wait for Marten to choose between CoD or tSB.... I pretty much would go for the Secret Bakery, but only for the pastries....

Now that i think about it, it's been so long since we last saw Marigold, i wonder what is she up to... Maybe getting owned by Dale?

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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #168 on: 26 Jan 2011, 06:21 »

Not that I play WoW or anything, but back overseas, most of my platoon did--and they were quite adamant that:

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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #169 on: 26 Jan 2011, 06:24 »

I totally want to see a shrink session with Dora


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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #170 on: 26 Jan 2011, 06:27 »

Yay! Dora's gone back to the black hair! :-D  And she has an unposted drafts folder too eh? Very sensible. There's nothing wrong with a good cathartic rant. Offline. In a text-editor with no "send" or "post" button.

She just needs to pray Pintsize never got the password to her laptop that has those unposted drafts in them.
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #171 on: 26 Jan 2011, 06:28 »

Maybe the change in haircolor is meant to signify a time skip.

Wouldn't be the first time.

I was wondering if someone was going to suggest that. I'm thinking - what, a week? Two?

EDIT: Oh, I didn't see that it was the same shirt... hmm. Too bad, it could have been a legit time skip.
« Last Edit: 26 Jan 2011, 06:37 by jwhouk »
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #172 on: 26 Jan 2011, 06:29 »

I thought at first that the phrasing of Faye's question suggested that we had jumped a few days, but that's probably wrong because Faye is still dressed as when she left the apartment.
Nothing personal, Mr. Moderator sir, but FTFY (Americans call them that; "flats" are a type of women's shoes). 
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #173 on: 26 Jan 2011, 06:34 »

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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #174 on: 26 Jan 2011, 06:38 »

Jeph? A BEATLES fan? I don't think so, Tim.
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #175 on: 26 Jan 2011, 07:14 »

The dumper usually moves on faster than the dumpee, simply by virtue of the dumper tending to see the end of the relationship coming first. The dumpee is generally blindsided.

If it's been less than a day since Ms. Reed left town, then what I said above does not apply to Dora right now-she could not have "moved on" yet unless she had decided to dump Marten weeks or months before-and it doesn't look like that's what happened from the past few months of comics. So, I agree with Carl-E that she's most likely repressing-or may be "all cried out" for the time being.
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #176 on: 26 Jan 2011, 07:22 »

I thought at first that the phrasing of Faye's question suggested that we had jumped a few days, but that's probably wrong because Faye is still dressed as when she left the flat.

People never wear an outfit more than once, nor do they sometimes wear them again within a few days of each other if laundry day falls between wearings.


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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #177 on: 26 Jan 2011, 07:27 »

You know, I was recently re-reading "Queen of Wands" with the commmentary by Aeire, and at one point she stated, and I paraphrase, -let my main protagonist be happy?  That would be boring and where would the humor be?-  That was the jist of the comment anyway.  I read that, and immediately flashed on this whole storyline that Jeph is/has been doing.  I am not a writer, or that may have occurred to me earlier in the arc.

I would have really hated to have read "Queen of Wands while it was running because watching everything happening in slo-mo would have been agonizing.  Oh gee.  Look at what is happening in QC!?  I'll survive.  I MUST know what happens next!! :wink:
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #178 on: 26 Jan 2011, 07:29 »

Jeph? A BEATLES fan? I don't think so, Tim.

Why not?  (I have no idea if he is, but his taste seems pretty catholic from what I know of it.)

People never wear an outfit more than once, nor do they sometimes wear them again within a few days of each other if laundry day falls between wearings.

Of course, she could - but I'm sure we can agree that it would be natural for the artist to make a change for successive appearances that are not the same day, precisely to signal that.
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #179 on: 26 Jan 2011, 07:36 »

Just pointing out that if it makes more sense for time to have passed since we last saw the coffee shop, in terms of character development, using "Jeph used the same clothing instead of a different outfit!" is a pretty weak basis for saying it is still the same day.


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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #180 on: 26 Jan 2011, 08:46 »

Not that I play WoW or anything, but back overseas, most of my platoon did--and they were quite adamant that:

Horde never falls to Alliance Scum!

Now i want to be North-American and join the Army.
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #181 on: 26 Jan 2011, 10:05 »

Maybe it's just me, but I like Hanners being single. I enjoy asexual characters, even though she's just a "practicing" asexual, instead of aromantic or truly asexual.
I think Dora's got a grip on herself. Yes, breakups are hard, regardless of who initiated it. And she is certainly allowed to be sad. But moping about Won't fix a thing, especially if you have a business to keep afloat and a sibling to abuse. And if she is "going" goth(I have my ow issues with that, but I will not harp on them lest I derail the thread), it doesn't mean she has to be mopey and "dark". I think she's trying to deal with a bad situation constructively and maturely, that doesn't involve copious amounts of alcohol.
Also, country is awesome. Most of it is not, in fact, about losing the dog/wife/truck and getting trashed because of it.
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #182 on: 26 Jan 2011, 10:21 »

Maybe it's just me, but I like Hanners being single. I enjoy asexual characters, even though she's just a "practicing" asexual, instead of aromantic or truly asexual.
I think Dora's got a grip on herself. Yes, breakups are hard, regardless of who initiated it. And she is certainly allowed to be sad. But moping about Won't fix a thing, especially if you have a business to keep afloat and a sibling to abuse. And if she is "going" goth(I have my ow issues with that, but I will not harp on them lest I derail the thread), it doesn't mean she has to be mopey and "dark". I think she's trying to deal with a bad situation constructively and maturely, that doesn't involve copious amounts of alcohol.
Also, country is awesome. Most of it is not, in fact, about losing the dog/wife/truck and getting trashed because of it.
Pardon my ignorance-what does  FTFY stand for?

FTFY - Fixed that for you.

I'm just wondering if Dora is moving on a little too quickly, in that she isn't actually confronting things and is thinking that if she jumps into work she can avoid exactly why she broke up with Marten. I mean, was it yesterday or the day before (comic time) that Dora was bricking it about Veronica being in town, now its a case of "Meh, I can sit around moping or I can do something".

In my mind, what she's doing now is another form of avoidance, something the Dora has done quite a few times, both in the comic and what little background we've come across. I wouldn't be surprised if Dora does skip the session with the psychiatrist (whenever that appointment).


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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #183 on: 26 Jan 2011, 10:31 »

Guys Faye said "gettin' on with your life," that doesn't have to be the same as "moving on completely," it just means Dora's still managing to live her life through the pain, which is good considering she has a business to run and a new apartment to find. Dora's still probably feeling pretty bad, but she's got shit to do, so she's sucking it up and doing it.
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #184 on: 26 Jan 2011, 11:55 »

Yeah, no, "getting on with your life" is pretty much always meant to be "moving on (completely)" when you're talking about breakups. People that don't move on completely and see that as normal have issues.


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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #186 on: 26 Jan 2011, 12:00 »

Yay! Dora's gone back to the black hair! :-D  And she has an unposted drafts folder too eh? Very sensible. There's nothing wrong with a good cathartic rant. Offline. In a text-editor with no "send" or "post" button.

She just needs to pray Pintsize never got the password to her laptop that has those unposted drafts in them.

Well, if nothing else that might be an interesting bit of growth. Pintsize on Martens birthday offers him those posts being sent all over in the effort to help Marten with his pain/get revenge. Marten looks at the jump drive, then runs a magnet over it and tells pintsize to delete the files he has on the subject.

Then due to a 3 laws glitch pintsize deletes all his porn passwords and cries.
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #187 on: 26 Jan 2011, 12:55 »

Jeph? A BEATLES fan? I don't think so, Tim.

She thinks of him, and so she dresses in black, and though he'll never come back, she's dressed in black. That was the joke. You killed my joke, man. Why.
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #188 on: 26 Jan 2011, 13:07 »

I could see Dora and Hanners being roommates, provided that Sven's willing to take in Mieville.

He's already got one cat...Sven can morph into Crazy Cat Dude.

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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #189 on: 26 Jan 2011, 14:29 »

I could see Dora and Hanners being roommates, provided that Sven's willing to take in Mieville.

He's already got one cat...Sven can morph into Crazy Cat Dude.

i recall one comic regarding interchanging clothes and the infrequent occurance of laundry day with dora and hanners that begs to differ


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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #190 on: 26 Jan 2011, 14:33 »

Fae still hits people I see :)

Dora is all messed up about the breakup too.  I seem to remember she promised to seek help.  I wonder if there is a moment in her past like the moment in Fae's past that caused her to be like she is.

Dora's brother is a sex addict of some kind and Dora seems to gravitate toward abusive relationships.  Perhaps they have a shared trauma?


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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #191 on: 26 Jan 2011, 14:35 »

I could see Dora and Hanners being roommates, provided that Sven's willing to take in Mieville.

He's already got one cat...Sven can morph into Crazy Cat Dude.

Taking a roommate could be very therapeutic for Hanners.  Living to learn with someone who might leave the butter dish out and all.

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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #192 on: 26 Jan 2011, 14:43 »

Hurray for the black hair and for all the rock and roll videos!

That's all.
You know, they tell you, "Never hit a man with a closed fist," but it is, on occasion, hilarious.


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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #193 on: 26 Jan 2011, 15:09 »

Jeph? A BEATLES fan? I don't think so, Tim.

She thinks of him, and so she dresses in black, and though he'll never come back, she's dressed in black. That was the joke. You killed my joke, man. Why.

I'm a loser, and I've lost someone who's near to me. I'm a loser, and I'm not what I appear to be...
« Last Edit: 26 Jan 2011, 15:12 by jwhouk »
"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #194 on: 26 Jan 2011, 15:21 »

Well, if nothing else that might be an interesting bit of growth. Pintsize on Martens birthday offers him those posts being sent all over in the effort to help Marten with his pain/get revenge. Marten looks at the jump drive, then runs a magnet over it and tells pintsize to delete the files he has on the subject.

Except that magnets don't usually work on jump drives, so Pintsize will recover the jump drive after Marten puts it down, cackle maniacally, and then in a misplaced fit of revenge post it on the internetz.

No, I don't advocate this at all.


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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #195 on: 26 Jan 2011, 15:50 »

Nothing personal, Mr. Moderator sir, but FTFY (Americans call them that; "flats" are a type of women's shoes). 
So? Mr. Hodges is English (or at least lives in Oxford), and was not putting the word "flat" in the mouth of an American person or character, so why should he use anything but his native dialect of our mostly shared language? Are you going to start nitpicking my Australian English next*? Should I start using USAnian spelling conventions, for example, to avoid pricking your precious bubble of cultural uniformity? :-D

*In Australia we refer to "flats" as "units", and either is way shorter than "apartments". Short words have been preferred to polysyllables by users of English far more skilled than I, such as Abraham Lincoln, George Orwell, and Winston Churchill.  :angel:
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #196 on: 26 Jan 2011, 15:53 »

I could see Dora and Hanners being roommates, provided that Sven's willing to take in Mieville.

He's already got one cat...Sven can morph into Crazy Cat Dude.
Taking a roommate could be very therapeutic for Hanners.  Living to learn with someone who might leave the butter dish out and all.
Well, no. OCD doesn't work like that. Perhaps if she was just a bit anal about things, then perhaps, but since she has an actual disorder it would probably make it worse. If she later learns to handle her disorder even more effectively than she already does, then perhaps. But as of right now, I doubt it'd be a good plan.
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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #197 on: 26 Jan 2011, 16:08 »

Mr. Hodges is English (or at least lives in Oxford)

Yes, I am as English as they come.  Went to Oxford University, and now (after many other things) work there.  Have also worked at the BBC.  When I used to travel more on business, I was several times asked by Americans on planes to talk for them so that they could relish my accent - which is best RP (here are some examples recorded for another part of the forum a while ago: Kafka on the Shore*; John Betjeman).

* In this URL, change M/F to something similar to mediafyre

As for language - so long as we understand one another, that's cool.  And if we don't we can ask.  No more need be said on that.
« Last Edit: 26 Jan 2011, 16:12 by pwhodges »
"Being human, having your health; that's what's important."  (from: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi )
"As long as we're all living, and as long as we're all having fun, that should do it, right?"  (from: The Eccentric Family )


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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #198 on: 26 Jan 2011, 16:26 »

Mr. Hodges is English (or at least lives in Oxford)

Yes, I am as English as they come.  Went to Oxford University, and now (after many other things) work there.  Have also worked at the BBC.  When I used to travel more on business, I was several times asked by Americans on planes to talk for them so that they could relish my accent - which is best RP (here are some examples recorded for another part of the forum a while ago: Kafka on the Shore*; John Betjeman).

* In this URL, change M/F to something similar to mediafyre

As for language - so long as we understand one another, that's cool.  And if we don't we can ask.  No more need be said on that.

Are you a Doctor Who Fan?


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Re: WCT 24-28 January, 2011
« Reply #199 on: 26 Jan 2011, 16:30 »

Are you a Doctor Who Fan?

Doctor Who rocks! Sometimes there's nothing more smashing than, after a long day at work, taking the lift up to my flat and enjoying some Who on the telly while munching on a spot of chips. :)
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