warning: there is alot of bullshit in this post and my browser is really hating the forum right now so I can't spell check the whole thing or even make sure my sentences make sense. Maybe it's finally time to stop using Internet Explorer 
yeah, sidewalks are for walking, fine. i think that's bullshit but if that's what the law says fine, it's still fuckin dumb.*
but roads are for cars. bikes are not even close to cars and should not be driving down the middle of the road.
my point is that most cyclists (at least around here) are idiots with an absurd sense of entitlement and a sort of "i deserve to be treated just like a car even though I am on a fragile little frame going 25 under the speedlimit on a narrow road with no passing!" attitude which I find really obnoxious and borderline offensive.
and before anyone says it as if it's some kind of counter-argument (it's not): most people in cars are just as big of idiots, if not bigger idiots, than cyclists. that's mostly irrelevent.
it's even worse for me because I live right off a pretty narrow highway that sees alot of semi-truck traffic as well as joggers/cyclists. joggers are legit, they stay as far to the right asthey possibly can and are very careful and considerate. cyclists are neither of those things and they are usually really rude to boot. i regularly have cyclists make rude hand gestures at me for tailgating them briefly when unable to pass and then quickly moving left and passing by, with plenty of space between us. they're just dicks for no reason, straight up.
semi-related funny anecdote: one time, i was driving down my road out in the middle of nowhere at like 11:00 in the morning, noon maybe. Up ahead there was a motorcycle stopped in the road with his turn signal on. I pulled up behind him and stopped and waited. he pulled into the left lane (oncoming, empty) and stopped again and turned to look over at me (i had my window down), I assumed he was lost and was going to ask directions so I stopped next to him and he's like "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!" so I say "um...what?" and this genius says "you're drunk" which was definitely false since it was the fucking morning. So i raised one eyebrow at him, said "thanks," and drove off. Fucking moron.
*it occurs to me that this probably sounds insane to anyone from even a reasonablely sized town/city where there are people everywhere but my town's sidewalks are literally empty 98% of the time. There is no reason not to drive your bike on the sidewalk. And that line about getting hit while crossing the street? idiotic strawman. how about taking a little responsiblility and just NOT dash out into the road without looking first? You think cars need to be more aware of whats going on around them? (for the record: i agree completely) but what about the bikes? the laws of phsyics are such that you can stop a bike if you need to, even if it is for, to borrow your phrase, a "laughably short amount of time" to check for cars. it's really simple
fake edit: Alex, that website you linked has alot of good advice and I totally agree with the parts that I jut read, but the entire thing is superceded by this quote from the sidebar:
It's often helpful to ride in such a way that motorists won't hit you even if they don't see you. You're not trying to be invisible, you're trying to make it irrelevant whether cars see you or not. If you ride in such a way that a car has to see you to take action to avoid hitting you (e.g., by their slowing down or changing lanes), then that means they will definitely hit you if they don't see you. But if you stay out of their way, then you won't get hit even if they didn't notice you were there.
which is basically my entire point. cyclists are the ones who stand to die or be hurt so they should look the fuck out out of self-interest. But instead they'd much rather make a stink about motorists and other crap when they are the ones delibrately defying common sense to make some kind of point
againk, this is all from my limited, small-town experiences so for a city or something, I imagine that it would be very different. I don't know anything about cities so just realize that I'm not specifically talking about them here