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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #100 on: 05 Feb 2011, 12:57 »

So I got my kindle and uploaded all my books onto it after marveling over the beauty of the thing for a few hours.  It's totally the sexiest piece of technology I own.  I started reading quite quickly, figuring I'd sort out my insane number of books on it later. 

The next day I decided to organize all my books by author and I came to an insanely frustrating realization.  The Kindle has one of the worst UI in the entire world.  The only way to sort your books in any manageable order is to create collections, none of which can be done on the computer (which would be so much faster) but have to be made by manually typing in everything on the kindle.  After I created my collections folder in reverse alphabetical order so that all my collections would be in normal alphabetical order, I find out that you cannot keep them that way.  Any time you access a collection, it automatically puts it at the top of the list.  I have become incredibly anal about having my things in alphabetical order and this just grates on my nerves.  Why isn't there a default option to have collections created for you by author or by genre or whatever?  Why couldn't they just group everything by author and give you the option of tagging things by genre? 

I found out there is a way to keep them in alphabetical order by putting an underscore in front of every title and sorting your collections by title.  I am going to do this but it's so.....primitive and clumsy.


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #101 on: 05 Feb 2011, 13:26 »

Yes, but I have over 400 books on it right now and to have condensed by author would take it from over 40 pages to flip through, to about 17.  Doing the whole "sort by:" keeps it at over 40 pages.  There just isn't an elegant solution for condensing your library by authors and keeping it alphabetical.  I'm also angry because I spent probably around 5 hours yesterday doing all this.


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #102 on: 05 Feb 2011, 14:11 »

Yes, but I have over 400 books on it right now and to have condensed by author would take it from over 40 pages to flip through, to about 17.  Doing the whole "sort by:" keeps it at over 40 pages.  There just isn't an elegant solution for condensing your library by authors and keeping it alphabetical.  I'm also angry because I spent probably around 5 hours yesterday doing all this.

I found that extremely annoying, too.

My workaround is just putting the current books / series I plan on reading next on the Kindle and keep the books organized the way I want them on my computer.


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #103 on: 05 Feb 2011, 14:41 »

Because then you can't browse through your collection.

Half the time when I pick a book from my bookshelf I just happened to notice it while glancing over at my books.


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #104 on: 05 Feb 2011, 16:20 »

But maybe I'm not looking for something specific.  Maybe I'm just really, really anal about having my things in alphabetical order.  Maybe I want to see my list go Adams->Vonnegut all in the right order because that kind of organization makes me happy.  Maybe I hate the idea of having William Gibson at the top of my collection just because I'm currently reading one of his books. 

And if I am looking for something specific I am more likely to look for the author first.  I should use the search option but I am more likely to simply look through my pages of authors to find the one I'm looking for.  I should use search but I really don't like the fact that I should rely on this instead of neatly categorized options.


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #105 on: 05 Feb 2011, 17:30 »

I don't have a Kindle (yet) so I'm just interpreting what it seems like he said, but being able to create groupings that persist between sessions seems like a pretty standard organizational feature. Like in iTunes I can create various playlists to group my music however I want: playlists for parties, playlists for exercise, playlists for mellow background, whatever. I organize my bookshelves by grouping books according to general subjects (humor books, pop psychology books, books about programming, books about 3D animation, etc.) Would I be able to make groupings like that on the Kindle?


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #106 on: 05 Feb 2011, 17:50 »

Huh, none of that bothers me.  I have a bunch of books on mine and I mostly just add a new book to a few collections (I treat them like tags on the internet, like on blogs and shit) when I get it onto the kindle.  Of course, I only have around 30 books on mine right now.  I don't see the need to have every book I could possibly want to read on there.

I'm fine with having a bunch of things I've been meaning to read on hand.
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #107 on: 05 Feb 2011, 18:03 »

Ah, but to me this doesn't seem trivial or even convoluted at all.  I have all my DVD's arranged by title, all my books are alphabetical by author, and it would give me an incredible sense of calm if I was able to do this on this device.  The fact that I cannot arrange it in the specific way that I want is my only complaint about this wonderful device. 

I'm feeling better about this now, I spent around 4 hours reading today and I really, really love the percentage I have made it through the book.  I'm reading The Stand by King and I'm 10% through it.  Does anyone know how they sort out locations?  I try to ignore them because The Stand has 22034 locations, a number which terrifies me.


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #108 on: 05 Feb 2011, 19:24 »

When my daughter was in library school, she went to parties at the apartment of a guy who arranged his books alphabetically by publisher.  He claims he did this just to mess with student librarians. 
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #109 on: 06 Feb 2011, 11:43 »

I never bother with alphabetical organisation but I'm glad to hear that you can create collections, because I do that with physical books too (I've been having to restrain myself from reorganising my employers' bookshelves according to my own opinions of their books). One more point in the Kindle's favour!
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #110 on: 06 Feb 2011, 12:54 »

Barmymoo, a key fact is that you can put a book in more than one collection.  I really like that!
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #111 on: 08 Feb 2011, 14:30 »

I am now twenty euros away from being able to afford the non-3G version from my savings. Another two weeks and I'll be able to afford internet and also shipping! Then it is crunch time.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #112 on: 10 Feb 2011, 14:15 »

That will be handy for those of us not living in countries other than the UK, such as France.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #113 on: 10 Feb 2011, 19:21 »

Are you going to be grabbing the power-adapter as well?  Or perhaps a shiny case?  What about Gelaskins? Which are absolutely gorgeous and amazing, plus they protect it from scratches. 

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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #114 on: 11 Feb 2011, 10:03 »

speaking of accessories, i could use some recommendations for cases for my Kindle 3G. I want to get a sweet leather one but most of the stuff on Amazon looks pretty shitty and they all have some really negative reviews, even if they're pretty highly rated in general. It's hard to discern the wheat from the chaff, if you know what i mean.

There's a couple leather ones that look decent enough I just don't wanna spend $30 on something that's gonna end up being really cheap and shitty, so I was hoping someone around here might have some experience with it.
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #115 on: 11 Feb 2011, 10:15 »

There are Oberon covers as well. Expensive but seriously worth it. Real leather, thick and protective, and beautiful. I have one for my Nook and I love it.
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #116 on: 11 Feb 2011, 11:58 »

those do look nice, but they're definitely too middle earth for me.

i don't need people thinking i'm nerdier than i already am, what with all the reading in public that i'm already doing :wink:

after looking at etsy though, i think i might actually just try to make my own. i mean, i've never really made anything like this before but i think i could probably do it. i'd be cool to make a case out of an old book or something.

i dunno i'm gonna have to think about it and keep looking around
Quote from: KvP
Also I would like to point out that the combination of Sailor Moon and faux-Kerouac / Sonic Youth spelling is perhaps the purest distillation of what this forum is that we have yet been presented with.


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #117 on: 11 Feb 2011, 12:33 »

Then I have another link for you!
How to Hollow a Book in 80 Steps
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #118 on: 11 Feb 2011, 15:17 »

wow thanks that's exactly what i need

i've always wanted to hollow out a book for something
Quote from: KvP
Also I would like to point out that the combination of Sailor Moon and faux-Kerouac / Sonic Youth spelling is perhaps the purest distillation of what this forum is that we have yet been presented with.


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #119 on: 11 Feb 2011, 16:24 »

My problem with almost all the armor and stuff is that they totally cover the kindle up.  My mother has a leather case and for her "it's like reading a book."  which is not what I want at all.  Gelaskins were the easiest choice, even if all they offer is scratch protection but they have the advantage that they're gorgeous.  I also picked up one for my PS3, mostly because I could not resist at all.  I almost want to get more technological doodads just so that I can deck them out with gelaskins. 


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #120 on: 11 Feb 2011, 16:37 »

Here's mine right now - green Oberon cover, DecalGirl skin called Radiosity, and some light with a brand name that I don't remember. Oh and a Borsa Bella bag thingy. Click to zoom.

I just fold back the cover and read it that way. I love it.
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #121 on: 12 Feb 2011, 10:02 »

I just bought a Kindle. Stay tuned for the next exciting installment of May Is Behind The Times, Jumping Bandwagons.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #122 on: 12 Feb 2011, 10:39 »

Here's mine right now - green Oberon cover, DecalGirl skin called Radiosity, and some light with a brand name that I don't remember. Oh and a Borsa Bella bag thingy. Click to zoom.

I just fold back the cover and read it that way. I love it.

You are just WAY too crafty for the rest of us. Ever consider going into the custom eBook Reader cover market?
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #123 on: 12 Feb 2011, 14:25 »

I just bought a Kindle. Stay tuned for the next exciting installment of May Is Behind The Times, Jumping Bandwagons.

This is not the autobiography title thread.
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #124 on: 12 Feb 2011, 14:57 »

That is not my autobiography, merely a single chapter.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #125 on: 12 Feb 2011, 14:58 »

Also I was excited to load books onto it before it had even arrived, like Kris told me I could, but it didn't work and Jens pointed out it's probably because I got it sent gift-wrapped. Oh well. Gift wrapped is cool.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #126 on: 12 Feb 2011, 15:09 »

You are just WAY too crafty for the rest of us. Ever consider going into the custom eBook Reader cover market?

I didn't actually make any of that, aside from putting the little bit of extra DecalGirl skin on my light. But, I have been getting into sewing and could certainly make the bag.. the leather cover, not so much!

Congrats Barmymoo :D I had to go buy my Nook in person - I just couldn't wait for shipping.
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #127 on: 13 Feb 2011, 11:20 »

I just bought a Kindle a few weeks ago. Aside from being in that honeymoon stage of new gadgetry, wherein I still believe my new shiny toy can do no wrong, it's really nice to be able to buy books without having to wonder where I'm ever going to put all of them. Also it's slightly more protected from my moments of idiocy than a book would be--if I break the thing, or leave it some place, I've still got all my books on my computer.

Now. If only I could get the books I already own in ebook form without having to rebuy them. But that more falls under "hopelessly illogical dreams I have."
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #128 on: 13 Feb 2011, 14:44 »

Yeah, that would be nice. I'd feel a little strange carrying around a regular book now that I have my Nook.. so if I could just get the whole Song of Ice and Fire series on there then I'd be set.
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #129 on: 13 Feb 2011, 19:11 »

I have no qualms whatsoever about procuring e-books for free if I have already bought the paper version.

But then, I have no qualms about doing this with books I have NOT bought.

I'm not really a qualm kind of gal.


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #130 on: 14 Feb 2011, 00:35 »



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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #131 on: 14 Feb 2011, 05:13 »

Or pirate bay.. or you know, other things. I've only gotten one series like that but kind of want to get more once I run out of stuff to read. Which will take some time 'cause I have something like 500 books right now.
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #132 on: 14 Feb 2011, 09:59 »

There was a download with 1000 fantasy books that I 'obtained'. 

It has everything I could ever possibly think of reading in the genre (with one or two newer exceptions).

Still waiting on my Dance of Dragons . . .


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #133 on: 14 Feb 2011, 10:26 »

Considering the amount of time I've spent downloading music, you'd think it would have occurred to do this with books. A bit slow on the uptake I am.

Speaking of being slow, another reason I like my Kindle: Internet. Internet. Internet. Because I'm one of those woefully behind the times people who still don't have a smart phone, and therefore being able to access the internet from anywhere is still a novel idea to me.
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #134 on: 15 Feb 2011, 23:01 »

Yeah, I haven't pirated any books... (well, yet) but I wouldn't have any qualms with downloading a book I already have a paper version of.  Not that I probably will, since I generally don't get bothered by carrying a few paper books around.

On the 'books and music are the same so go forth and pirate' angle - I don't quite agree.  I'll try to explain that.  I have (and will continue to) go to shows of bands whose music I download. There aren't so many events along those lines for book authors, and I don't think I would enjoy most of them - so I'm unlikely to become an alternate source of income other than from pure royalties/sales.

What does everyone else think?
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #135 on: 15 Feb 2011, 23:12 »

I have the same philosophy when it comes to movies, books, and music.  If I download something and really enjoy it, I will go out and buy it.  The fact that  I can download movies has not prevented me from buying DVD's, what it has done is given me the opportunity to make my DVD collection much more refined and awesome.  I am treating books the same way.  If I download a book, read it and love it, then I will go and buy it.  If I download music from a band and I really enjoy them, if they come to my town I will buy a ticket and see them. 



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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #136 on: 16 Feb 2011, 06:18 »

If I know I will read a book again and again, I generally go buy it, especially with classics or favorite authors. My relatives like giving me gift cards so that helps.

Cheap thrillers though? I'm so freaking sick of buying them for $10. I don't get that much enjoyment out of them, they're just "something to read". Our library doesn't have a very big selection, so that's kind of not a viable option.

If I bought every book I ever read, I'd be broke. Flat broke. I've already spent several thousand dollars on the books I do have, and I don't make enough to even justify that.


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #137 on: 16 Feb 2011, 06:29 »

What does everyone else think?

I don't know how anyone could honestly justify not downloading one while downloading another.

"I do pirate a lot of music, but I don't pirate books! No sir, I think there's something wrong with that."

Ah, a very solid and thoughtful counterpoint to my general rule that I follow personally. Well said! ;)
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #138 on: 16 Feb 2011, 06:34 »

I pirate the fuck out of books and music but like, it's not that hard to imagine a hypothetical argument on how the two are different? Publishers and record labels are very different creatures, and artists and authors are in vastly different situations - for instance, like Nick pointed out, touring/band merch is a thing a band can cash in a lot more on that they can records whereas an author doesn't really have anything similar.

oh come on you know those fuckers are making billions off of book signings, they're just rolling in it
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #139 on: 16 Feb 2011, 06:41 »

I usually only get older books anyway.. books that, if I were buying the physical version, would be free (from the book thing) or insanely cheap at some yard sale.

The only thing I miss about getting books from yard sales is the interesting things left in them. My boyfriend was reading Stephen King's The Dark Tower the other day and found an old (1992) Amtrak ticket from NY to MD and a dentist's business card.

That and the musty smell are lost with e-books. Though I do love the plastic-y smell of new gadgets.
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #140 on: 16 Feb 2011, 06:41 »

Publishers and record labels are very different creatures

I'll be darned if I can remember where I read it, but I distinctly remember reading an article written by a professional author which explained that, actually, publishers and record labels operate in practically identical ways.
Come to think of it, I probably found the article on these forums somewhere. Anyone know where it might be?

Your overall point is pretty spot on, though.


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #141 on: 16 Feb 2011, 08:21 »

Cheap thrillers though? I'm so freaking sick of buying them for $10. I don't get that much enjoyment out of them, they're just "something to read". Our library doesn't have a very big selection, so that's kind of not a viable option.

Not that you want to, but if you did want to buy them, trade paperbacks are your friends. I don't spend more than $8 or $9 on those things, often less. Granted, it's been a while since I've spent money on them.
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #142 on: 16 Feb 2011, 09:43 »

I'm not sure I know what the difference is between the paperbacks I get and trade paperbacks? Are they different somehow? Even at that price, though, with the way I devour books it's still not worth it to me. If I were to buy them as fast as I read them, at $5 a pop I'd be spending $15 a week.

I do love a good book sale at the library, or finding a bunch of books at a yard sale. I picked up about a dozen books for $3 at a yard sale once, and even though maybe 4 of the books were actually worth reading a second time... hey, it was only $3. It's so hit-or-miss though.


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #143 on: 16 Feb 2011, 09:56 »

Sorry, I just double-checked, and I got the term wrong. I meant Mass-market paperbacks. Though, from what you're saying, it doesn't really matter with the number of books you'd be buying.

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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #144 on: 16 Feb 2011, 10:07 »

I think either way, they're basically the same thing as what I'm already getting - the stuff you find in the "current best-sellers" section of Walmart. Like, every once in a while I'll pick up the latest Michael Connelly book or whatever, but the cheapest they seem to sell them for anymore is maybe $8, and usually it's $10. I remember maybe a decade ago they were only $4.99 apiece.

I just need a good fluff piece every once in a while, but I think the fluff is overpriced. I hate to say it, but... I'd rather download it for free. I don't want shelves and shelves of the things, I'd run out of shelves fast haha.


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #145 on: 16 Feb 2011, 12:13 »

Okay, I'm either misremembering, or have got wishful thinking about the price. Actually, now I'm thinking about it, and I'm pretty sure I was full of it when I wrote that post, so nevermind.

I always wish that book prices were based on quality. I'll happily shell out extra money to get a fancy copy of some book that I love, or for a hardcover by one of my favorite authors. But... those fluffy books made up most of what I read for years. And now that I'm trying to scale down my book collection, those take up 80% of the books that'll be going to charity. Big waste of money on books that really aren't worth it.
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #146 on: 16 Feb 2011, 16:16 »

Pretty sure that argument was against pirating books.
Hopefully it goes without saying but you should always ask before sticking things in people's butts


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #147 on: 16 Feb 2011, 17:22 »

Not Gaiman's argument, Toba's.
Hopefully it goes without saying but you should always ask before sticking things in people's butts


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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #148 on: 16 Feb 2011, 17:31 »


Interesting aside:

Soon after getting my Kindle I downloaded a massive pile of books off of a less than legitimate source.

The first book I ever read on my Kindle?

American Gods.

The reason it was the first one?

American Gods was the last physical book I had bought to read for my own enjoyment and just hadn't gotten around to it.

No, that doesn't make a lot of sense. But I really enjoyed it.

ALso, I'm glad every day that I did that because I keep finding books in that pile that I enjoy.
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Re: e-readers are amazing!
« Reply #149 on: 16 Feb 2011, 21:48 »

Now. If only I could get the books I already own in ebook form without having to rebuy them. But that more falls under "hopelessly illogical dreams I have."

This.  My wife just got a kindle recently.  She has about 15 titles on it so far.  We have about 2000 books in our house apartment (both librarians - occupational hazard).  I like being surrounded by them; it makes me feel cozy, but if we could magically zap most of them into the kindle, our next move would be soooo much easier.  Last move: 47 boxes of books :mrgreen:

*EDIT* "just...recently?"  I need to report myself to the department of redundancy department.
Also, I'd really only wish for that if I could magically zap them back on to the shelf after the move.  Actually just zap the whole move.  And zap some new shelves from IKEA without having to drive to Atlanta. 
« Last Edit: 16 Feb 2011, 21:53 by horsefish »
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