不好意思! 我忘了農曆新年! 我以前的老師會殺死我! 
没关系! 你的中文很好。
I apologise to those who are unable to display Chinese characters. I know it's a hassle to set up (under Windows at least), and unless you have some need to read and write Chinese, it is not worth it. Next year, perhaps I'll display an image instead. 
美國人, 但是我在台灣住了三年, 差不多, 所以我會寫一點中文. 那是為什麼我總是用正體字: 我老師總是告訴我們應該說'正體字',不應該說'繁體字'! 她是一位比較傳統的人, 不太喜歡大陸的字. 我對簡體字還不夠熟, 但是我可以看懂一點.
我認識很多字, 但是我感覺我的文法還不好. 我也不認識很多成語. 很麻煩!
Sorry, everyone. I know, this is an English language board and not everyone can even display the above, much less read it. Suffice to say I just got back from a long stint overseas in Taiwan in which I picked up some Mandarin language skills, so even though I don't frequent Chinese language boards that much anymore, I'm still terribly prone to respond to Chinese with Chinese when I see it.