Something Positive doesn't always do it for me, but every now and then Mr. Milholland hits one out of the park ... generally with a guest strip. And generally by taking whatever subtle character cues the original creator uses, spray painting them International Orange and hanging them from the flagpole. I admired the changes he rung on Candy the Carnivore in the crossover with Girls with Slingshots. Subtle as an 18-wheeler in a Wendy's drive-thru, but effective.
Hey, it occurs to me: Jeph, Mr. Milholland and Ms. Corsetto seem to be pretty tight, and riff well off one another, at least when comicking. A Questionably Positive Slingshot might make even me, uh, squee. (that *is* the right word, isn't it?) And I'm the type who wouldn't care to be caught dead squee-ing.