I wonder why that "targeting" approach tends to work so much better from the right than from the left. Somehow I don't see an inverted scenario working very well. Like maybe a concerted effort to legalize gay marriage in Alabama. um, yeah. that'll work. 
Well, philosophically, the left has never been able to attack unless provoked. The tendency is to appeal to reason, not fear. So something so coordinated is really anathema, you can't coordinate rational thought. It's the old "herding cats" scenario.
I realize some may be offended by my implication that the right bases its tactics on fear. Please remember that conservatism is,
by definition, a resistance to change. The desire to leave things alone, though not unsupported by reason, is often a decision based on fear, whether based on the rhetoric of others or bad experiences with past changes. The desire may be to stop current change, or roll back recent changes, or even to to get rid of years/decades/centuries of change in certain areas. And, while many changes have unintended results that can be a problem, these should be fixed, not undone. Throwing out the baby with the bathwater is never a good idea!